Counseling Chpt 3 Test Questions Test Questions For Criminal Justice Organizations The Department Homeland Security Was

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subject Pages 4
subject Words 816
subject Authors David Kalinich, John Klofas, Stan Stojkovic

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Test Questions for Criminal Justice Organizations:
Chapter 3
1. The Department of Homeland Security was created to supervise and control a number of
federal law enforcement and security agencies to coordinate their efforts. True or False
2. The Patriot Act gave agencies leeway in obtaining search warrants, searching without a
3. _________ forces are the final determinants of the effectiveness and efficiency of that
A. Demands for goods and services.
B. Legal and resource limitations.
C. Support for both public and private organizations.
D. None of the above
E. All of the above
6. The ability to collect and organize data used by law enforcement in order to analyze
A. POP-Problem Oriented Policing
B. CPTED-Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
C. Crime Analysis
D. None of the above
7. Computer crimes are a big concern since the creation of innovative technological
A. Cyber Bullying
B. Cyber Stalking
C. Stalking by Sexual Predators
D. Industrial Espionage
E. All of the above
A. Policies
B. Laws
C. Sanctions
D. None of the above
A. Patriot Act
B. Three-Strikes
C. Civil Rights Act
D. None of the above
10. Which criminal justice law was created after the attack of the twin towers in New York?
A. Patriot Act
B. Three-Strikes
C. Civil Rights Act
D. None of the above
A. State courts
B. Federal courts
C. Both A,B
D. None of the above
12. The business cycle affects the criminal justice system because it competes with both
13. Which prison demographic poses a great financial cost for the criminal justice system?
A. Elders
B. Juveniles
C. Mentally Incapacitated
D. None of the above
14. It has been indicated that prison populations and sentencing rates increase as employment
15. A community with a high proportion of individuals under the age of 25 will have higher
A. Criminal Background
B. Ethnicities
C. Health
D. None of the above
17. This group of people, are also known as the “guest workers” because they play a
A. Prisoners
B. Immigrants
C. Law enforcement personnel
D. None of the above
18. __________ can be defined briefly as the collective norms, values, symbols, behaviors,
19. ________ __________ are components of the environment, such as climate,
geographical location, size of a community, and its economic base-industrial, service,
20. ____________ conditions also have an impact on both the services demanded in a
21. The formal political system includes legislative bodies at the ________________ and
A. Federal
B. State
C. Both A,B
D. None of the above
A. Criminal Justice System
B. Formal Political System
C. Checks and Balances System
D. Both A,B
E. Both A,C
23. The informal political system comprises those pressures and demands that are placed
24. The _________ political system is pressured by the agency to respond to demands from
the _________ political system.
A. Informal, Formal
B. Formal, Informal
C. Open, Closed
D. Closed, Open
A. Simple, Complex
B. External, Internal
C. Restrictive, Non-Restrictive
D. None of the above
27. When large organizations face multiple environments and interact with each environment
A. Dynamic Environment
B. Static Environment
C. Decoupled
D. None of the above
28. The ___________ coalition is the small group of employees who oversee the
29. The process of evoking symbols is a significant aspect of the criminal justice system is
A. Dynamic, Static
B. Symbols, Myths
C. Complex, Simple
D. Dominant, Political
30. Which alert system announces through broadcast media the event of a missing or
A. Sandy
B. Amber
C. Silver
D. None of the above
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