Counseling Chpt 15 Test Questions Test Questions For Criminal Justice Organizations Basic Research Criminal Justice Organizations

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 3
subject Words 837
subject Authors David Kalinich, John Klofas, Stan Stojkovic

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Test Questions for Criminal Justice Organizations:
Chapter 15
1. Basic research of criminal justice organizations seeks to understand fundamental issues
of process and structure in ways that may not immediately be useful to practitioners. True
2. The primary purpose of Post Research is to develop knowledge that is directly useful to
3. The utilization of research finding in public policy has significantly high influences on
4. ___________ use of research by managers refers to the reality that they were enlightened
by research but cited no specific use of findings in decision making. (Answer:
5. The most important source of information for managers appeared to be the word of
6. The reason why practitioners have a difficult time working with academics; is because
7. ______-________ research refers to the development of the capacity within
8. ________________ founded total quality management which states that organizations
A. Howard Carlson
B. W. Edwards Deming
C. Robert Lynd
D. None of the above
9. Total Quality Management emphasizes knowledge building process; the heart of that
process has been the reliance on data-based analysis and teamwork that brings managers,
workers, and researchers together to define and solve problems. True or False (Answer:
10. In many agencies, a primary function of research may be to justify program budgets. True
11. Chin and Benne (1969) described power-coercive strategies suggests that research is a
source of coercive power used to contribute to rational processes within an organization.
12. ______-_______ strategies emphasize that understanding is a transactional process in
which information is taken in, interpreted, and acted upon according to the consumer’s
13. Change in a criminal justice agency exists when the power of self-generated knowledge
14. Organic research is when you incorporate the expertise of people, increase their
competence and avoid dependency or resistance that may result from noninvolvement.
15. _________ _________ is the approach that applies techniques of social science to
determine demographic pattern and behavioral patterns of victims and perpetrators of
A. Police initiatives that engender ambiguous results
B. Sentencing reforms that do not alleviate injustices
C. Courts that operate under conditions of scarce resources
D. Correctional organizations that do not rehabilitate offenders
E. All of the above
17. Berman and Fox (2010) suggest that all reformers, including administrators who seek
change in criminal organizations become cognizant of what we have learned from our
18. The following all suggestions of past lessons for improvement of the efficacy of criminal
A. Criminal justice administrators need to be self-reflective and introspective regarding
their practices and activities
B. Success should be defined more broadly
C. Seeking out evidence-based solutions to crime problems
D. Planning in isolation is the best method for improvement
19. __________ describes a broad movement that incorporates the use of data in problem
A. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design
B. Problem Oriented Policing
C. Community Policing
D. Foot Patrol
A. Meta Analysis
B. Quasi-experimental
C. Intelligence Analysis
D. All of the above
21. Project Impact includes crime analysis, intelligence analysis, and data-based strategic
22. In-house research departments have been seen as focusing on counting, accounting, or
other organizational maintenance functions rather than on research. True or False
23. The major purpose of this book has been to provide an examination of the major
dimensions that affect and influence criminal justice administration. True or False
A. Instrumentally
B. Symbolically
C. Conceptually
D. All of the above
A. Uniform Crime reports
B. Federal Bureau of Investigation Reports
C. Police Reports
D. None of the above
26. There are various ways of conceptualizing and applying research such as knowledge is
power, knowledge is truth, and knowledge is understanding. True or False (Answer:
27. Criminal justice administration has evolved as society evolved. True or False (Answer:
28. For researchers the collaboration with criminal justice organizations provides rich data to
A. Integration of knowledge
B. Information into conceptualization
C. Response
D. All of the above
30. The hybrid research model involves university-affiliated or research center-affiliated
researchers who work with their local criminal justice agencies that has formed long term

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