Counseling Chapter 6 Gestalt Therapy Practiced With Theoretical Foundation

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subject Pages 2
subject Words 354
subject Authors Gerald Corey

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Chapter 6- Case Approach to Gestalt Therapy
42. Gestalt therapy is practiced with a theoretical foundation grounded in:
a. field theory.
b. phenomenology.
c. dialogue.
d. all of the above.
e. none of the above.
43. The main goal of Gestalt therapy is:
a. teaching clients how to replace dysfunctional thinking with constructive thinking.
b. the restoration of awareness.
c. teaching clients how to make specific behavioral action plans.
d. the elimination of disabling symptoms.
e. both (c) and (d).
44. In Gestalt therapy, assessment is best conceived of as:
a. something that is completed at the intake session.
b. a behavioral description of what the client is doing.
c. an ongoing process embedded in the dialogue between client and therapist.
d. something that gets in the way of understanding the client’s subjective world.
e. a process that results in a traditional diagnosis that can be used for insurance purposes.
45. A Gestalt therapist would be interested in Ruth’s:
a. awareness of her moment-to-moment experiencing.
b. contact with her therapist.
c. ability to attribute meaning to what she is thinking, doing, and feeling.
d. reactions to what is happening during the therapeutic hour.
e. all of the above.
46. In Gestalt therapy there is an emphasis on drawing heavily on:
a. cognitive techniques aimed at eliminating critical judgments of self.
b. understanding and exploring ego states.
c. behavioral strategies that are aimed at acquiring new interpersonal skills.
d. experiential techniques aimed at intensifying here-and-now experiencing.
e. both (a) and (b).
47. In Gestalt therapy, techniques are best considered as:
a. experiments.
b. strategies created by the therapist.
c. planned exercises to elicit feelings.
d. interventions designed to remove symptoms.
e. ways to get the client past layers of resistance.
48. Which of the following would a Gestalt therapist be least likely to bring into a counseling session with Ruth?
a. exploring polarities within Ruth.
b. encouraging Ruth to create a dialogue in therapy as a way to work through unfinished business.
c. asking Ruth to "become a conflict" rather than talk about the conflict.
d. asking Ruth to pay attention to what she is experiencing in her body.
e. asking Ruth to engage in free-association.
Chapter 6

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