Counseling Chapter 4 Who Developed The Object relations View That Focuses

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Chapter 4- Psychoanalytic Therapy
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1. Evidence suggesting the concept of the unconscious includes:
a. dreams.
b. post-hypnotic suggestions.
c. free-association.
d. all of these.
e. direct observation based on experimental research.
2. A person who unconsciously exhibits overly nice behavior to conceal hostile feelings is probably using
which ego defense?
a. displacement
b. reaction formation
c. introjection
d. projection
e. regression
3. One of the most important Freudian concepts, which consists of pushing unacceptable life events and
painful feelings into the unconscious, is:
a. repression.
b. regression.
c. displacement.
d. rationalization.
e. projection.
4. The ego defense mechanism in which a person exhibits behavior that clearly shows signs of reverting
to less mature stages is ________?
a. fixation
b. rationalization
c. regression
d. introjection
e. reaction formation
5. Attributing to others the qualities or traits that are unacceptable to our own ego is best described as:
a. displacement.
b. introjection.
c. reaction formation.
d. projection.
e. none of these.
6. Resolution of sexual conflicts and sex-role identity is a critical function of the:
a. oral stage.
b. anal stage.
c. phallic stage.
d. genital stage.
7. Feelings of hostility, destructiveness, anger, rage, and hatred are associated with the:
a. oral stage.
b. anal stage.
c. phallic stage.
d. genital stage.
8. The basic aim of psychoanalytic therapy is:
a. to treat specific learning disorders.
b. to change overt behavior.
c. to correct irrational thinking.
d. to make the unconscious material conscious.
9. A major characteristic of the classical psychoanalytic therapist is:
a. openness and self-disclosure.
b. a deeply personal and sharing relationship.
c. a sense of being anonymous.
d. a focus on specific behavior and an objective appraisal of learned patterns of behavior.
10. The “fundamental rule” for the client in psychoanalysis is:
a. forming a contract with the therapist.
b. willingness to do “homework assignments.”
c. participating in free association.
d. writing down dreams.
11. A more flexible variant of psychoanalysis is:
a. psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy
b. psychoanalytically oriented reality therapy
c. superego-oriented psychotherapy
d. psychoanalytic behavior analysis
12. The technique whereby the analyst explains the meaning of certain behavior is known as:
a. transference.
b. rationalization.
c. countertransference.
d. interpretation.
e. free association.
13. The concept of resistance can best be described as:
a. everything that prevents a client from producing unconscious material.
b. that which needs to be analyzed and interpreted.
c. an inevitable part of psychoanalytic therapy.
d. an unwillingness to freely share with the analyst certain thoughts and feelings.
e. all of these
14. A person who manages their anxiety by distorting reality and failing to acknowledge painful events is
most likely using:
a. introjection.
b. sublimation.
c. denial.
d. compensation.
e. undoing.
15. Directing energy toward another object or a person (when anxiety is reduced by focusing on a “safer
target”) is known as:
a. sublimation.
b. repression.
c. introjection.
d. displacement.
e. compensation.
16. Manufacturing “good” reasons to explain away a bruised ego, or to explain away failures or losses, is
known as:
a. rationalization.
b. projection.
c. displacement.
d. introjection.
e. reaction formation.
17. The young adult who adopts his parent’s outdated political beliefs to avoid unpleasant feelings of
anxiety is an example of:
a. displacement.
b. reaction formation.
c. sublimation.
d. introjection.
e. projection.
18. The ego defense mechanism that consists of masking perceived weaknesses or developing certain
positive traits to make up for limitations is known as:
a. sublimation.
b. compensation.
c. introjection.
d. reaction formation.
e. regression.
19. The process of redirecting sexual energy into some form of socially acceptable behavior is known as:
a. displacement.
b. denial.
c. compensation.
d. sublimation.
e. repression.
20. The Electra complex and the Oedipus complex are associated with what psychosexual stage of
a. anal stage
b. genital stage
c. oral stage
d. phallic stage
e. latency stage
21. In Freud’s view, an individual experiencing neurotic anxiety feels:
a. he has behaved in a manner that is inconsistent with his moral code.
b. a realistic threat is present in the environment.
c. he will not be able to control his instincts and will behave inappropriately.
d. guilt associated with past actions.
22. Freud used the term libido in which of the following ways?
a. To refer to the death instincts
b. to refer to the energy of all the life instincts
c. To refer to sexual abuse
d. To account for the aggressive drive
23. What is the correct sequence of the psychosexual stages?
a. anal/phallic/latency/genital/oral
b. oral/anal/phallic/latency/genital
c. oral/anal/latency/genital/phallic
d. latency/oral/anal/phallic/genital
e. latency/anal/oral/phallic/genital
24. In Erikson’s view, the major developmental task in adolescence is:
a. intimacy vs. isolation.
b. integrity vs. despair.
c. identity vs. role confusion.
d. initiative vs. guilt.
e. identity vs. shame and doubt.
25. A person experiencing persistent feelings of inadequacy has probably had difficulty attaining a sense of
_________ during the_________ stage.
a. intimacy; young adulthood
b. identity; adolescent
c. integrity; later life
d. initiative; preschool age
e. industry; school age
26. Jacqueline feels guilty whenever she considers taking a day off from work for personal
reasons. Which of the psychic structures postulated by Freud is fueling her guilt feelings?
a. The id
b. The ego
c. The superego
27. Self psychology and object relations theory emphasize:
a. the influence of critical factors in early development on later development.
b. the origins, transformations and organizational functions of the self.
c. the differentiation between self and others.
d. all of these.
28. Which of the following statements is not true with regard to the relational approach to psychoanalysis?
a. The approach is based on an egalitarian model.
b. There is an exploration of the subjectivities of both client and therapist.
c. Countertransference provides rich information about the client’s dynamics.
d. Therapist anonymity is used to foster the transference relationship.
29. The primary aim of time limited dynamic psychotherapy is to:
a. explore sources of childhood trauma.
b. deal exclusively with a single presenting problem.
c. change the client’s repetitive patterns of relating to others.
d. bring about catharsis.
30. The main function of the ego is:
a. to inhibit id impulses.
b. to seek pleasure in life.
c. to mediate between the instincts and the surrounding environment.
d. to strive for perfection.
31. All of the following are true about the superego except:
a. It is the judicial branch of personality.
b. It is the internalization of the standards of parents and society.
c. It represents the ideal.
d. It inhibits id impulses.
e. It governs, controls and regulates the personality.
32. Henry has the impulse to gamble excessively whenever he goes to Las Vegas. Aware of
this, he has decided to turn down a job offer in Las Vegas to avoid the temptation to gamble.
What part of Henry’s personality helped him to reach this decision?
a. The id
b. The ego
c. The superego
33. If a person becomes fixated in the oral stage of development, later personality problems may include:
a. rejecting others’ love.
b. fear of intimate relationships.
c. mistrust of others.
d. all of these.
e. none of these.
34. According to Erickson, the basic struggle of early childhood involves:
a. autonomy vs. shame and doubt.
b. initiative vs. guilt.
c. identity vs. role confusion.
d. trust vs. mistrust.
e. intimacy vs. isolation.
35. The developmental crisis involving initiative vs. guilt occurs during the:
a. school age.
b. early childhood stage.
c. preschool age.
d. adolescence.
e. later life.
36. A person who is suffering from feelings of alienation and isolation has probably failed to achieve a
sense of ___________ during the ___________stage of development.
a. identity; adolescence
b. trust; infancy
c. generativity; middle age
d. intimacy; young adulthood
e. integrity; later life
37. Developmentally, Freud’s latency stage corresponds to Erickson’s stage of:
a. trust versus mistrust.
b. intimacy versus isolation.
c. initiative versus guilt.
d. identity versus role confusion.
e. industry versus inferiority.
38. From a multicultural perspective, classical analysis may:
a. discourage clients who do not hold upper-middle-class values.
b. be problematic for clients from cultures that prefer a directive approach.
c. underscore the role of important cultural and political factors in the client’s world.
d. all of the above
39. All of the following are a part of Jung’s view of development except:
a. individuation
b. the shadow.
c. symbiosis.
d. collective unconscious.
e. archetypes.
40. Who developed the object-relations view that focuses on separation and individuation?
a. Perls
b. Satir
c. Rogers
d. Mahler
e. Erikson
41.Because ego and consciousness are not the same, the slogan for psychoanalysis has shifted
from “making the unconscious conscious” to
a. “making the ego conscious.”
b. “where there was id, let there be ego.”
c. “get rid of the id kid!”
d. “may the force be within you.”
e. “stop blaming your mother!”
42.In order to meet the goals of psychoanalytic treatment, Rhonda must help her eating disordered
clients to:
a. reduce their symptoms and resolve their internal conflicts.
b. replace negative self-talk with positive self-talk.
c. make use of programs such as Weight Watchers or the Atkins diet plan.
d. increase their support networks and develop social interest.
43. Which of the following is not a component of the brief psychodynamic approaches?
a. use of interpretation early in the therapeutic relationship
b. targeting a specific interpersonal problem during the first session
c. the therapist functioning as a blank slate
d. developing a strong working alliance
e. none of these
44. All of the following are true about a therapist’s countertransference reactions except:
a. they should be avoided.
b. they have the potential to interfere with effective treatment.
c. they can provide rich understanding of the client’s experience.
d. they should be carefully monitored by the therapist.
45.Which of the following statements is true about the relationship a client has with his or her
a. The client is free to express any idea or feeling as long as it is not scandalous.
b. The analyst is free to engage in spontaneous self-expression if a client makes an erroneous
c. The client is free to express any idea or feeling, no matter how irresponsible, scandalous,
politically incorrect, selfish, or infantile.
d. The client is encouraged to use “solution talk” and avoid talking about problems.
46. In object-relations theory, later relationships build upon:
a. the child’s search for approval from the father.
b. one’s birth order.
c. one’s striving to overcome felt inferiority.
d. the child’s search for a reconnection with the mother.
e. the quality of relationships with one’s siblings.
47.Which statement below is not accurate with regard to the phenomenon of countertransference?
a. Countertransference reactions are the weakest source of data for understanding the world of the
client since they are so biased.
b. Countertransference reactions are inevitable because all therapists have unresolved conflicts and
personal vulnerabilities that are activated through their professional work.
c. Most research on countertransference has dealt with its deleterious effects and how to manage
these reactions.
d. It is critical that therapists monitor their own feelings during therapy sessions and use their
responses as a source for increased self-awareness and understanding of their clients.
48. Individuals who display exhibitionistic traits, seek attention and admiration from others, and are
extremely self-absorbed might have which of the following personality disorders?
a. narcissistic
b. dependent
c. borderline
d. obsessive-compulsive
49. A person with a __________ personality disorder is characterized by instability, irritability, self-
destructive acts, impulsive anger, and extreme mood shifts. This person is lacking a clear sense of
identity, has poor impulse control, and an inability to tolerate anxiety.
a. narcissistic
b. dependent
c. borderline
d. obsessive-compulsive
50.It is of paramount importance that therapists develop some level of objectivity and not react
defensively and subjectively in the face of:
a. anger.
b. love.
c. adulation.
d. criticism.
e. all of these.
51. Analytic therapy is oriented toward:
a. achieving insight.
b. identifying and experiencing feelings and memories.
c. developing an in-depth self-understanding.
d. reconstructing childhood experiences.
e. all of these
52. As a result of the client/therapist relationship in psychoanalytic therapy:
a. clients acquire insights into their own unconscious psychodynamics.
b. clients are better able to understand the association between their past experiences and their current
c. awareness is increased on the client’s part.
d. all of these
53. The techniques of psychoanalytic therapy are aimed at:
a. gaining insights into the client's behavior.
b. helping clients to resolve their competitive strivings with their siblings.
c. teaching people social skills such as assertive behavior.
d. helping clients see how their thinking leads to certain emotional and behavioral patterns.
54. In psychoanalytic therapy, how do clients work with their dreams?
a. They report their dreams and are encouraged to free associate to the elements of the dream.
b. They look for mystical meanings underlying the dream.
c. They “become” each part of their dream and act out these parts in fantasy.
d. They look to their dreams as signs of prediction of the future.
55. Which of the following is not typically a standard psychoanalytic technique?
a. free association
b. interpretation
c. exploration of one’s position in the family
d. exploration of patterns of resistance
e. analysis of transference
Decide if the following statements are “more true” or “more false” as they apply to psychoanalytic therapy.
1. The ego is the original structure of personality.
2. The Freudian view of human nature is deterministic.
3. The id is related to the concept of libido.
4. Traditional analytic therapists make more frequent interpretations of transferences and engage
in fewer supportive interventions than is the case with psychodynamic therapists.
5. Freud postulated the concepts of both life instincts and death instincts.
6. According to Freud, consciousness constitutes the largest part of one’s psychological functioning.
7. Ego-defense mechanisms, by their very nature, imply psychopathology.
8. Freud postulated the theory of infantile sexuality.
9. The major developmental task of the anal stage is acquiring a sense of trust.
10. During the anal stage, children typically experience a range of negative feelings, including rage, hate,
and hostility.
11. According to Freudians, greediness and hoarding may develop as a result of not getting
oral needs properly met.
12. The phallic stage typically occurs during the ages of 1 to 3.
13. The latency stage occurs between the ages of 5 to 12.
14. The Oedipal complex and the Electra complex are associated with the genital stage of development.
15. Analytic therapists view transference as a factor that results from ineffective
intervention on the therapist’s part.
16. All analytically oriented therapists subscribe to the model of the “anonymous therapist” or the “blank
screen” as a necessary way to foster transference.
17. Free association is one of the basic tools used to gain access to the unconscious.
18. Analytically oriented therapists typically interpret free associations, dreams, resistances, and
19. Clients in analytic therapy typically free associate to various symbols in their dreams.
20. Resistance, in the analytic view, results from either a conscious unwillingness on the part of the client
to cooperate, or from the ineptness of the therapist in developing a sound therapeutic program.
21. The analysis of transference is a central technique in psychoanalysis.
22. Psychoanalysis provides therapists with a conceptual framework for looking at behavior and
understanding the origins and functions of present symptoms.
23. The relational model of psychoanalysis regards transference as an interactive process between the
client and therapist.
24. The relational model of psychoanalysis downplays the role of countertransference.
25. Brief psychodynamic therapies target specific interpersonal problems during the initial session.
26. Brief psychodynamic therapists tend to assume an active role in the therapy process.
27. Psychodynamic group leaders do not interpret their client’s transferences.
28. The working-through process consists of repetitive and elaborate explorations of unconscious
material and defenses, most of which originated in early childhood.
29. In psychodynamic group work, symbolic figures from a client’s past may emerge.
30. The psychoanalytic approach provides practitioners with a framework for understanding the origins
and functions of symptoms.

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