Counseling Chapter 3 Important For You Familiar With Your Family 

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 831
subject Authors Gerald Corey, Marianne Schneider Corey

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Chapter 3: Helper Know Thyself Key
1. The following is true concerning rules in dysfunctional family systems:
2. It is important for you to be familiar with your family-of-origin issues if you plan to work with
3. While growing up, Patrick was told to be appropriate, be perfect, and always do his best. Now as an adult,
Patrick is rigid socially and devotes most of his energy to his work. Consequently, his wife has threatened to
leave him. Patrick is seeking counseling in order to save his marriage. As a counselor, you recognize that his
early childhood rules
4. When students are learning about the history of their families, it is important to remember that
5. What kind of therapist might want clients to challenge words like must and always and never as
6. As an abused child, Robin made the early decision that anger was a useless emotion and that she would never
allow herself to feel angry. Robin is presently going into the counseling field and realizes that her denial of
anger will
7. Family rules include which of the following?
8. The rationale for self-exploration and personal therapy for helpers is that
9. By studying their own families of origin, helpers are able to
10. Which of the statements below is not an example of a family rule?
11. Being an integrated person
12. A major problem of the generativity versus stagnation stage can be
13. From Eriksons stage of development perspective, each developmental transition stage:
14. Nancy, a high school senior, feels pressured by her parents to pursue a nursing degree right after graduation;
however, she is uncertain about her future direction. She recently started dating, has developed new friendships,
and would like to postpone college to see what its like to have a life. Nancy is working on which of Eriksons
developmental tasks?
15. According to Erikson, during the late adulthood stage, in which the task to be accomplished is integrity
versus despair, the older adults who have succeeded in achieving ego integrity would not:
16. After questioning Joe, the counselor discovers that he has had learning problems all of his life and that
school was a painful place since he was constantly taunted by his peers. Joes fear of new challenges and lack of
initiative is a result of failing to achieve mastery over the following task:
17. Phyllis, a 35-year old housewife and mother, has returned to college. Her educational experiences have led
her to broaden her view of sex roles, although she still feels unsure of herself. Her counselor might conclude
that her sex-role foundation is confused and she may have not formed a healthy picture of appropriate feminine
behavior during her
18. As helpers begin to practice counseling, it is likely that many of them will become aware that they are
taking on a professional role that resembles the role they played in their family.
19. Boundaries is a term used in family therapy to refer to emotional barriers that protect and enhance the
integrity of members of a system.
20. Identifying and resolving unfinished business related to your family of origin is essential if you hope to
establish relationships that do not repeat negative patterns of interaction.
21. Transference generally has it roots in a clients unresolved personal conflicts with significant others.
22. Transference makes it extremely difficult for a client to gain insight into how he or she operates in a variety
of relationships.
23. Bowen was the family therapist and theorist who preferred to engage clients in a rules transformation
24. Unless you have identified your own sources of vulnerability and to some extent worked through
experiences that may have left you psychologically wounded, you may be constantly triggered by the stories of
your clients.
25. Family therapists generally assume that it is inevitable that they will meet parts of their family in every other
family with whom they have a professional relationship.
26. Individuation is a state of psychological separateness from ones family.
27. 39. The notions of individuation, independence, autonomy, and self-determination are values that are for the
most part shared by all cultures.
28. The concept of individuation and separation from ones family can easily lead to conflicts in ones family
relationships in some cultures.
29. Dysfunctional families are characterized by each member having a separate life.
30. 42. In The Human Odyssey: Navigating the Twelve Stages of Life, Thomas Armstrong (2007) maintains
that every stage of life is equally significant and necessary for the welfare of humanity.
31. Family rules generally prevent growth of individuals within a family.
32. The self-in-context perspective is limited because it does not take into account race, socioeconomic class,
gender, ethnicity, and culture as central factors that influence development throughout the individuals life
33. Erikson was the theorist who stated that imagination is a key gift during the first half of middle childhood.
34. Eriksons model of the stages of human growth and development contends that there is a crisis to be
35. To a large extent, an individuals current life is the result of earlier choices.
36. According to Erikson, crisis implies the unsuccessful resolution of earlier personality conflicts.
37. Eriksons model is holistic and is based on a psychosocial perspective.
38. How people look and feel during late adulthood is more than a matter of physical age, it is largely a matter
of attitude.

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