Counseling Chapter 3 Explain The Difference Extended Families Today Versus Extended Families Years Ago And

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 8
subject Words 1442
subject Authors Benedict T. McWhirter, Ellen Hawley McWhirter, J. Jeffries McWhirter

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Part 2 contains three chapters. In Chapters 3 and 4 we deal with two important
microsystems that serve to reduce or enhance risky behavior in young people: the family
and the school. To extend our metaphor, they are two “roots” of the risk “tree.” Peer
influences are another root, but because the impact of peers occurs somewhat later, we
Family Problems of At-Risk Children and Youth
This chapter focuses on the family microsystem. The life cycle of a family is described,
along with an exploration of the family system itself with consideration of cultural
variations. Next, family problems are explored, including a close look at families under
stress due to structural and environmental issues (such as racism) and families who are
experiencing dysfunction (such as substance abuse). Finally, this chapter takes a close
look at domestic violence and the impact on the family.
Societal Changes Affecting the Family: A Cultural Shift?
The Family Life Cycle
o Unattached Young Adult Stage
o Establishment Stage (Married, No Children)
o New Parent Stage (Infant to 3 Years)
o Preschool Stage (Oldest Child 3 to 6 Years)
Case Study: The Carter Family
Families With Stress and Dysfunction
Family Problems
o Divorce and Single-Parent Families
o Blended Families
Domestic Violence
Family Violence Correlates
Child Abuse
Intimate Partner Violence
PowerPoint: Chapter 3 Summary Slides
1) Split the class into groups, with each group choosing one of the five “Stressed
Family” groups. Using the ecological model as a guide, list the risk and
1. In what way is a closed-family system different from an open-family? Be sure to
2. Explain the difference of extended families of today versus extended families
years ago, and how has that difference affected a child’s problem related
3. Explain the concepts of “detachment” and “enmeshment.” How might these
features vary across cultures that can be found within the United States? Provide
4. What is the distinction between a “problem family” and a “family problem”? How
5. What are the main correlates of domestic violence? Is domestic violence only an
issue for families? What approaches might be taken to curb domestic violence and
to prevent its occurrence?
The following questions conform to the standards required by CACREP, EPAS, and other
accrediting agencies.
1. A closed family system is considered dysfunctional because it:
A. interacts chaotically with the environment.
B. is considered neglectful.
C. permits family members to develop separate identities.
D. is less receptive to external stimuli and is unresponsive to change.
2. Extended families:
A. support the child’s parents.
B. replace the parental role.
C. give a unwanted separation within the family.
D. give unwanted involvement with social services.
3. Blended families with children are also known as:
A. multiethnic families.
B. multicultural families.
C. reconstituted families.
D. revitalized families.
4. Newlyweds in blended families must negotiate the:
A. establishment stage.
B. unattached young adult stage.
C. the two final stages.
D. launching stage.
5. A family that fails to develop a secure sense of individuality, separateness, and
autonomy is called:
A. enmeshed.
B. detached.
C. blended family.
D. single parent family.
6. Blended families are:
A. when remarried partner bring children into the relationship.
B. when children are home alone before or after school.
C. children of parents using substances.
D. children being raised by grandparents.
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A-head: Issues Within the Family
7. The term for a family in which one or more of the children are home alone before
or after school and on school holidays is:
A. latchkey family.
B. blended family.
C. single parent family.
D. foster family.
8. One of the major developmental tasks of homosexual youth is:
A. navigating the process of “coming out.”
B. feeling that family life is not very safe.
C. graduating from high school.
D. joining community social clubs.
9. LGBT youth have a higher risk of running away from home due to:
A. lack of healthy communication skills.
B. inability to obtain employment.
C. inability to feel safe.
D. lack of acceptance within their schools.
10. Most incarcerated adults were once:
A. at-risk youth.
B. victims of domestic abuse.
C. victims of domestic assault.
D. drug abusers.
11. The influences of homophobia which subject families with LGBT members to
stress are:
A. exosystem only.
B. macrosystem only.
C. microsystem only.
D. exosystem and macrosystem.
12. Low income, single mothers are not likely to be:
A. young.
B. never married.
C. employed.
D. less educated.
13. Second marriages are:
A. more fragile than first marriages.
B. more robust than first marriages.
C. most likely to be multiracial.
D. most likely to be multicultural.
14. What type of pairing contributes to future criminal behavior in young adults?
A. Pair bonding
B. Associative pairing
C. Assortative pairing
D. Romantic pairing
15. What features often characterize a family with depressed parents?
A. Poor marital adjustment
B. Marital warmth
C. Parent solidarity
D. Familial support
16. What is not an example of physical abuse?
A. Hair pulling
B. Slapping
C. Beating
D. Ridicule
17. What is not an example of sexual violence?
A. Rape
B. Incest
C. Molestation
D. Slapping
18. What type of behavior does not constitute IPV?
A. Threatening a spouse
B. Emotional abuse of a dating partner
C. Physical abuse against a child
D. Sexual abuse of a dating partner
19. An essential focus of ACCESS is to contribute to survivors’:
A. critical consciousness and empowerment.
B. self-criticism and empowerment.
C. abusive power dynamics and empowerment.
D. critical consciousness and self-criticism.
20. Which group of youths experience the highest rates of victimization?
A. Females
B. Gay youth
C. Black youth
D. Transgender youth
21. A bully’s use of aggression to exert dominance is likely to lead to dating violence.
A. True
B. False
22. Single parent families experience unique stressors.
A. True
B. False
23. Many latchkey kids cannot reach a parent by phone.
A. True
B. False
24. What is called enmeshment in the dominant culture in the United States might be
called collective sharing in families of color.
A. True
B. False
25. In Latino families cousins might not be related.
A. True
B. False

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