Counseling Chapter 2 Which The Following Not Value Which Helping

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 8
subject Words 1336
subject Authors Gerald Corey, Marianne Schneider Corey

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Chapter 2: Knowing Your Values Key
1. Which of the following is not a value on which helping relationships are based?
2. Lucinda is seeking help to determine whether she should remain in a stagnant relationship. Her counselor
3. Before revealing your values to a client, you should ask yourself which of the following questions?
4. When you find yourself struggling with an ethical dilemma over value differences, the best course to follow
is to
5. Working with lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) individuals often presents a challenge to helpers who
hold_____ values.
6. The helpers value system has a crucial influence on
7. Helpers who work with lesbian, gay, and bisexual clients
8. Rita, a private practitioner, often meets with couples who are dealing with the fallout of extramarital affairs.
As an ethical practitioner, Rita should
9. As a couples therapist, it is unethical for the therapist to determine the goals of the individuals involved, with
the exception of cases involving
10. Gender-role stereotypes
11. Assuming that remaining married would be the best choice for a female client in an unsatisfying marriage is
an example of
12. Michael is hesitant to seek counseling for his work-related problems because he believes that he should find
the inner strength to resolve his issues due to his strong religious values. If he decides to see a counselor, it will
be important for the counselor to
13. Including questions in the assessment process pertaining to a clients spirituality and religion serves which
of the following purposes:
14. In cases in which clients are considering abortion, counselors can be charged with negligence when they
15. What is the function of a counselor in cases pertaining to end-of-life decisions?
16. Based on studies of attitudes toward suicide, the decision to end ones life is viewed as
17. Which of the following is not mentioned in the text as a guideline for dealing with end-of-life issues?
18. Stacey and Jim have been struggling as a couple ever since Stacey was promoted at work and given a
substantial salary increase. They come to therapy with the goal of deciding whether to remain a couple or break
up. As their couples therapist, it would be best if you
19. Which of the options below are unhealthy possible outcomes when therapists impose their own values?
20. The Association for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues in Counseling (ALGBTIC) has
developed a set of specific competencies. The main purpose of these competencies is
21. _____ dictate(s) that helpers seriously consider the impact of their values on their clients and the conflicts
that might arise if values are sharply different.
22. Joe, age 13, has been acting out since his mother moved her boyfriend into the house a few months ago.
Marge is angry with his reaction since she has been divorced for five years and thinks that she has a right to a
life of her own. Joe has indicated that he feels misplaced by her boyfriend and wants to live with his father.
Marge and Joe came to the counseling center to deal with her frustration and guilt regarding the situation. It
would be best to start with the following:
23. There should be _____instances where you would have to tell clients that you could not work with them
because you do not agree with their value system.
24. Justin and Nadia have been in couples counseling for over a year, yet never seem to carry out the homework
assignments they are given. The counselor should
25. _____ would not look at the husband when talking about making decisions and look at the wife when
talking about home matters and rearing children.
26. Researchers have found evidence that clients tend to change in ways that are consistent with the values of
their counselors, and clients often adopt the values of their counselors.
27. Counselors should not be too quick to refer their clients and should consider a referral only as the last
28. No one is exempt from the influence of negative societal stereotyping, prejudice, and even hatefulness
toward LGB people.
29. Today the major American mental health professional associations, except for the American Psychological
Association, have affirmed that homosexuality is not a mental illness.
30. It is useful for female clients to explore and evaluate cultural messages they received about gender-role
expectations; however, it is less useful for male clients since it is unlikely that they were oppressed growing up
on the basis of their gender.
31. Spirituality is being addressed more often now in both assessment and treatment.
32. If religion does not occupy a key place in a clients life, counselors can assume that personal spirituality is
not a central force either.
33. Holding a definite system of religious values is almost always a problem for counselors since they tend to
want their clients to adopt their values.
34. From a legal perspective, mental health professionals are expected to exercise reasonable care, and if they
fail to do so, clients can take legal action against them for negligence.
35. The matter of parental consent in working with minors varies from state to state.
36. At times, it is useful for helpers to expose their values to clients.
37. All of the codes of ethics of the various mental health professions now have very specific guidelines that
will enable helping professionals to deal with confidence with clients who are grappling with end-of-life
38. Merely having a conflict of values does not necessarily imply the need for a referral.
39. Seeking supervision is especially important in cases of value conflicts between a helper and a client.
40. It is neither possible nor desirable for helpers to remain neutral or to keep their values separate from their
professional relationships.

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