Counseling Chapter 17 Jonessmith Culturally Diverse Counseling Sage Publishing Culturally Responsive Strengthsbased Therapy For

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subject Words 1354
subject Authors Elsie Jones-Smith

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Jones-Smith, Culturally Diverse Counseling, 1e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
Chapter 17: Culturally Responsive Strengths-Based Therapy
for Older Adults
Test Bank
Multiple Choice
1. All of the following is true regarding the labor force and socioeconomic conditions of
older adults except ______.
A. the majority of income for older persons is Social Security
B. the poverty rate for older adults has increased
C. the median income for older persons is higher for men than women
D. older adults are working longer
2. Robert Neil Butler (1969) described three connected elements related to the
discrimination against seniors. These include all of the following except ______.
A. federal practices and policies that perpetuate discrimination
B. institutional practices and policies that perpetuate stereotypes
C. discriminatory practices
D. prejudicial attitudes toward older people, old age, and aging process
3. Samantha is visiting her grandmother and when she sees her medication on the
table, she says to her “Grandma, you need to be a good girl and take your medication
now. You know it’s good for you. I don’t want to have to call mom and tell her that you
aren’t cooperating again.” This is an example of ______.
A. prejudice
B. agism
C. elderspeak
D. insensitivity
4. Which of the following is one of the most major mental health challenges for older
adults in the United States?
A. grief
B. generalized anxiety disorder
C. post-traumatic stress disorder
D. depression
5. What treatment approaches are most appropriate for older adults with depression?
A. psychotherapy
B. medication
C. psychotherapy and medication
D. building and maintaining family and social relationships
6. Elder abuse is ______.
A. abuse (physical, emotional, sexual), neglect, abandonment, and financial exploitation
toward older people
B. most likely to occur by employees in senior housing facilities
C. engaging in elderspeak and microaggressions toward older people
D. severe neglect of older people
7. In 2016, approximately how many Americans were living with Alzheimer’s disease?
A. 550,000
B. 1 million
C. 5 million
Jones-Smith, Culturally Diverse Counseling, 1e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
D. 15 million
8. Therapy for older adults is usually offered under the structure of ______.
A. community mental health
B. private hospitalization
C. senior living facility
D. case management
9. Compared to working with young clients, what is the main challenge for a counselor
treating an older adult client’s mental health problems?
A. comorbidity with other mental health challenges and difficulty to parse apart from
medical difficulties
B. significant resistance from the client
C. limited insurance or financial means to cover the cost of treatment
D. lack of family support
10. What is the goal of strengths-based therapy?
A. to improve independent functioning
B. reduction of depression symptoms
C. reflecting and appreciating one’s accomplishments in their life
D. to help a client live a long and productive life
Jones-Smith, Culturally Diverse Counseling, 1e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
1. Between the year 2012 and 2050, it is projected that the world will experience an
increase in its older population but the United States will experience a decrease.
2. Agism is described as the discrimination against young people.
3. The increasing number of older Americans poses significant challenges for the United
States’ public health system.
4. Older individuals are disproportionately likely to die by suicide.
5. The strengths-based therapy model is appropriate for all older adults, regardless of
their cognitive functioning.
Jones-Smith, Culturally Diverse Counseling, 1e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
Short Answer
1. Compare and contrast Western and Eastern views of aging and older adults.
2. Why is depression underdiagnosed and undertreated for older adults?
3. Describe the phases of strengths-based therapy for older adults.

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