Counseling Chapter 14 Be familiar with the mortgage fraud scandal

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 1640
subject Authors John L. Worrall, Larry J. Siegel

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True / False
1. Bernie Madoff, the mastermind behind the largest criminal conspiracy in history has been sentenced to death and
is currently awaiting execution in a NY prison.
a. True
b. False
2. Law enforcement and the courts have traditionally been reluctant to throw corporate executives in jail
a. True
b. False
3. In illegal dumping, illegal wastes have to be hazardous waste materials
a. True
b. False
4. One of the largest and fastest growing problems is the disposal of tons upon tons of obsolete high-tech electronics
a. True
b. False
5. In the case of the massive BP oil spill, to prove a felony, the government has to show that company officials knew
in advance that their actions would lead to the explosion/oil spill and chose to ignore the danger
a. True
b. False
Chapter 14 : Crime and Justice in the New Millennium
6. Management Fraud is a recent phenomenon..
a. True
b. False
7. Cyber terrorism may result in a battered economy in which the government is forced to spend more on the military
and cut back on social programs and education.
a. True
b. False
8. Salami Slice fraud is where the perpetrator carefully skims small sums from the balances of a large number of
accounts in order to bypass internal controls and escape detection
a. True
b. False
9. According to the United States Criminal Code, a first-time illegal copyright offender will be fined $250,000. A
second-time offender will receive 5 years incarceration.
a. True
b. False
10. Market Manipulation is one of three major types of Internet Securities Fraud that is common today.
a. True
b. False
11. A Trojan horse is a benign application that contains illicit codes that can damage system operations.
a. True
b. False
12. Cyber stalking usually pertains to threatening or harassing email messages, instant messages or blog entries
dedicated solely to tormenting an individual.
a. True
b. False
13. Carding and spoofing are concepts associated with Mortgage fraud.
a. True
b. False
14. The Earth Liberation Front is considered by most to be a revolutionary terrorist group.
a. True
b. False
15. The USAPA expands the use of racial and ethnic profiling in transportation hubs such as airports and train stations.
a. True
b. False
Chapter 14 : Crime and Justice in the New Millennium
Multiple Choice
16. Bernard Madoff, Bear Stearn, and Lehman Brothers all have committed this type of crime
a. Globalization b. Transnational
c. Green d. Corporate Enterprise
17. One new crime trend facing the justice system is?
a. Green Crime b. Illegal Polluting
c. Corporate enterprise crime d. Bank Securities Fraud
18. According to your text a _______ is an investment fraud that involves the payment of purported returns to existing
investors from funds contributed by new investors
a. Ponzi Scheme b. Rico Act
c. Phishing Scheme d. Denial of Service attack
19. One major issue with the Subprime Mortgage Scandal was that;
a. Banks were unaware of the lending that was occurring
b. Victims caught up in the scandal would not normally qualify for bank loans
c. Banks falsified the information for their own benefit
d. None of the above
Chapter 14 : Crime and Justice in the New Millennium
20. Subprime lenders made risky loans;
a. Assuming that real estate values would always be increasing
b. Resulting in mortgage companies experiencing financial distress and bankruptcy
c. Had to stave off regulators and fraudulently inflated assets and revenues
d. All of these
21. The detection and enforcement of large scale corporate crime is primarily in the hands of?
a. SEC b. USM
c. DEA d. USSS
22. _______are violations of existing criminal laws designed to protect people, the environment or both
a. Denial of Service attacks b. Habitat violations
c. Green Crime d. Mortgage fraud schemes
23. Worldwide, estimates for illegal logging activities account for products worth at least ______ per year?
a. $1 billion b. $5 billion
c. $10 billion d. $15 billion
24. Illegal fishing is criminalized because fishermen are
a. Catching the fish before they have a chance to reproduce
b. Not paying the appropriate processing fees for the amount they catch
c. Discharging toxic materials back into the waterways after catching the fish
d. Destroying the chances for other fisherman to share in the profits
25. Enforcing environmental laws including the Clean Water Act of 1972 is done by?
a. EWO b. EPA
c. CFC d. PWA
26. Transnational Crime groups are often involved in;
a. Human trafficking b. Gambling
c. Prostitution d. All of these
27. One reason it has proven difficult for law enforcement to combat drug cartels is:
a. They work in conjunction with transnational crime groups like the Russian Mob
b. The property where drugs are grown are disguised as migrant farms
c. They employ gangs to protect them and intimidate enemies
d. The Rico act has backfired on the U.S. government
28. Federal legislation that enables prosecutors to bring additional criminal or civil charges against people engaged in 2
or more acts prohibited by 24 existing federal and 8 state laws
c. Travel Act d. The Federation
29. Underground criminal societies based on Hong Kong control secret markets, bus routes, and are often involved in
money laundering and drug trafficking
a. Asian Gangs b. Yakuza
c. Red Dragons d. Triads
30. Which United Nations agency is charged with addressing labor standards, employment and social protection
issues and often finds themselves dealing with human trafficking issues?
a. International Labor Organization b. Global Trafficking Committee
c. Asian Gangs task force d. None of the above
31. Afghanistannowsupplies___oftheworld’sopiumleavingthepotentialforeradicatingglobalcrimedifficult.
a. 60% b. 70%
c. 80% d. 90%
32. Cyber crime is challenging because:
a. it is difficult to detect through traditional law enforcement channels.
b. it is rapidly evolving.
c. its control demands that agents of the justice system develop technical skills.
d. All of these
33. ____ is the use of computer networks for undermining the social, economic, and political system of an enemy
through the destruction of infrastructure.
a. Cyber theft b. Cyber vandalism
c. Cyber terrorism d. Cyber movement
34. Which of the following is not a type of internet securities fraud?
a. Identity theft b. Market manipulation
c. Fraudulent offerings of securities d. Illegal touting
35. ____is the illegal acquisition of personal information such as bank passwords and credit card numbers, by
masquerading as a trustworthy person/business in what appears to be an official electronic communication.
a. Etailing fraud b. Phishing
c. Cyber theft d. Touting
36. A ____ is one type of malicious software program that disrupts or destroys existing programs and networks.
a. Computer worm b. Computer virus
c. Trojan horse d. Cyber bully
37. Which of the following types of cyber crime was not discussed in the text?
a. Cyber terrorism b. Phishing
c. Etailing d. Chiseling
38. Which type of cyber vandalism appears as a benign application which actually contains codes that can damage the
system operations?
a. Mydoom b. Trojan horse
c. Malware d. Dhiseling
39. In what type of cyber crime are small amounts of money subtracted from customers' accounts and added to the
account of the thief?
a. Phishing b. Chiseling
c. Salami slice fraud d. Trojan Horse
40. ____ involves hacking secure computer networks at the enemy's most sensitive military bases, defense
contractors, and aerospace companies in order to steal important data or to access their defenses.
a. Cyber terrorism b. Cyber espionage
c. Cyber bullying d. Cyber stalking
41. Since 1995, the New York Electronic Crimes Task Force has charged over 1000 individuals with electronic
crime losses exceeding ____.
a. $1 million b. $10 million
c. $1 billion d. $10 billion
42. ____ is the term used to describe efforts of organized groups to download and sell copyrighted software in
violation of its license.
a. Warez b. Denial of service attack
c. Market manipulation d. Cyber theft
43. ____ is the term used to describe the illegal use of the internet to buy or sell merchandise online.
a. Cyber theft b. Etailing fraud
c. Market manipulation d. Denial of service attack
44. The United States Criminal Code provides penalties for a first time illegal copyright offender of ____ years
incarceration and a fine of $250,000.
a. 3b. 5
c. 7d. 10
45. It is difficult to detect and control internet pornography. Congress has struggled to create legislation that will
restrict usage without violating ____ Amendment rights.
a. First b. Fourth
c. Sixth d. Eighth
Abraham is an American citizen born to Saudi Arabian parents. His father used to know people that had ties to Al
the computer and telephone at night but his uncle has just arrived for a visit so they are probably just catching up
with old friends. One day as Abraham is driving to school, he notices two men in a non-descript car that seem to be
following him. The next week, he notices some kind of tracking device hanging from the underside of the car
46. IfAbraham’sfatherisbackintouchwiththepeoplethathavetiestoAlQaeda,andmayevenbeworkingwith
them, which goal of terrorism do they most likely align with?
a. retributive terrorism
b. nationalist terrorism
c. state sponsored terrorism
d. revolutionary terrorism
47. Before Abraham was born his father came to the United States for a job with Microsoft. He remembers when he
was a youth the death squads and the terror that was felt by all where he grew up. What type of terrorism did
a. state sponsored terrorism
b. evolutionary terrorism
c. nationalist terrorism
d. political terrorism
Chapter 14 : Crime and Justice in the New Millennium
48. AbrahamknowstheFBIistailinghim,buthedoesn’tknowwhyandbelievesitisillegal.Whatrecoursedoeshe
have as an American citizen?
a. He can file a petition that his 4th amendment rights have been violated.
b. None.Conductingsurveillanceof“lonewolves”islegalundertheUSAPA.
c. Confront the FBI; USAPA is only allowed to monitor computers and phones.
d. File a complaint with the police and get a restraining order.
Chaz is an environmentalist to the core. He believes in reducing his carbon footprint, recycling, and being good to the
works for the Environmental Protection Agency.
49. Chaz has become involved with a group that protests animal testing by setting fire to the land surrounding the testing
facilities. What category of crime is Chaz involved in?
a. green crime
b. illegal logging
c. political terrorism
d. securitization
50. Chaz joined the group that protests animal testing because he truly believes that animals should be protected from
a. the endangered species act of 1993.
b. clean water act of 1972.
c. emergency Planning and Community act of 1986.
d. oil pollution act of 1990.
Laura picked up her phone one evening to find that the Microsoft help desk was calling. She had been having trouble
pleased to hear that they saw her IP address online and found Malware on her computer and they were calling all of
their clients to assist them in removing it. Laura had previously been a victim of a phishing scheme so she was
credit card information or social security number. She figured they were really going to help.
51. The Microsoft Help desk has asked Laura to go to a website and verify her information she they can help fix her
What type of crime has Laura become a victim of?
a. etailing fraud
b. e-piracy
c. phishing
d. warez
52. Aboutamonthago,Lauraorderedanautographedstarwarsposterfromamemorabiliawebsitebutshehasn’t
gotten it yet despite checking with the company and inquiring with UPS. The company says they shipped the poster.
What type of crime might Laura be a victim of?
a. phishing
b. etailing fraud
c. e-piracy
d. cyber war
53. Laurajustgotanewlaptopbutwasunawarethatitdidn’tcomeloadedwithAdobereader.Herboyfriendgivesher
access to his employee homepage and suggests that she use one of the licenses from his office because sometimes
he does work at home. What crime has Laura committed?
a. identity theft
b. software piracy
c. copyright infringement
d. internet fraud
Chapter 14 : Crime and Justice in the New Millennium
In 2006, QXQ opened their doors to finance home mortgages. One of the easiest loans for potential homeowners to
obtain was called a stated income loan. These loans were money in the bank to QXQ because people just had to fill
in the forms with their current salary, there was little documentation required, and everybody won. The buyers got
their house and QXQ got paid.
54. Steve and Jennie got a stated income loan in 2008 from QXQ. As it turns out, they lied on their application and said
and defaulted on their mortgage. Who or what is at fault?
a. Steve and Jennie
b. securitization
c. management fraud
d. QXQ, the mortgage company
55. Andrew works for QXQ as an investor; he only takes clients that have at least $500,000 to invest. He has been
touting this new hedge fund that he himself has invested in. It is promising 20% returns every year. He just signed up
the Jones. If this scenario is too good to be true, what will likely happen to the Jones' money?
a. It will be invested.
b. It will be used to pay previous investors.
c. It will be used for securitization.
d. It has just provided QXQ a big kickback.
56. ____________________ is illegal behavior that targets the security of computer systems and/or the data
accessed and processed by computer networks.
57. ____________________ is cyber crime with malicious intent
Chapter 14 : Crime and Justice in the New Millennium
58. ______________isatypeofcybervandalismthatoccurswhenacomputerhackerintrudesonanotherperson’s
website by inserting or substituting codes that expose visitors to the site to misleading or provocative information
59. Once subprime loans have been issued, the vendors typically bundle them into large pools and sell them as
securities in a process known as _____________
60. Punishing corporate criminals with prison time has become ___________
61. If the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) seeks to bar or remove someone from acting as a corporate
officer they must take the case ____________
62. Florida’smortgagefraudtaskforceisanexampleof_________
63. The ____________________ is a computer program that appears benign but actually contains something
64. ____________________ occurs when individuals make securities recommendations and fail to disclose that they
are being paid to disseminate their favorable opinions.
65. ____________________ is slang for the processes used to acquire personal information used for identity theft
and other fraudulent activities.
66. As the trade of human organs appears to be growing, desperate victims in developing countries are exploited as
their ____________ are purchased for low prices .
67. One of the most successful federal efforts at enforcing cyber laws is the ______________________________.
68. ____________________ kiddie porn was outlawed as part of the PROTECT act of 2003.
69. Illegal _________________ occurs when individuals make securities recommendations and fail to disclose that
they are being paid to disseminate their favorable opinions.
70. The_______________hasbeengiventheresponsibilityforoverseeingthenation’scapitalmarkets.
71. Discuss fraud on Wall Street
72. Discuss the meaning of a Ponzi Scheme
73. Discuss state level enforcement in responding to the threat of large scale corporate fraud.
74. Elaborate three types of green crime.
75. Discuss the enforcement of Environmental Laws by using examples
76. Discuss globalization and how it has increased transnational crime.
77. Discuss cybercrime as a challenge in the contemporary justice system
78. Define and give an example of each type of cybercrime.
79. Discuss computer fraud and some of the crimes that fall under it.
80. Discuss some of the problems with enforcing cyber laws and recent initiatives to attempt to combat cyber crime.

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