Counseling Chapter 12 Jonessmith Culturally Diverse Counseling Sage Publishing Culturally Responsive Strengthsbased Therapy For

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subject Words 1414
subject Authors Elsie Jones-Smith

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Jones-Smith, Culturally Diverse Counseling, 1e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
Chapter 12: Culturally Responsive Strengths-Based Therapy
for Arab and Muslim Americans
Test Bank
Multiple Choice
1. The words Arab and Muslim have almost become synonymous with the word
“potential terrorist,” resulting in ______.
A. islamophobia
B. racism
C. prejudice
D. reduction in mental health services provided to these groups because of fear
experienced by counselors
2. How many waves of Arab migration occurred in the United States?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
3. What does it mean when an Arab or Muslim American “passes?”
A. They are viewed positively by the mainstream.
B. They are mistaken for the minority group and are given less privilege.
C. They are mistaken for the dominant group and are given more privilege.
D. They are considered “Americanized” because they have assimilated into U.S.
4. According to the textbook, all of the following values are accepted by Muslims except
A. focus and emphasis on children
B. duty to care and love the elderly
C. giving to charity
D. Five Pillars of Islam
5. In the Five Pillars of Islam, ______ is a tax designed to give financial help to the poor.
A. Shahada
B. Salat
C. Sawm
D. Zakat
6. In the Five Pillars of Islam, ______ is the profession of faith, or “there is no God but
Allah, and Mohammad is His Prophet.”
A. Shahada
B. Salat
C. Sawm
D. Zakat
7. Arabs and Muslims cope with cultural marginalization in the United States by
engaging in all of the following except ______.
A. withdrawing into an ethnic/religious enclave
Jones-Smith, Culturally Diverse Counseling, 1e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
B. experiencing feelings of hopelessness and helplessness
C. denying their ethnic identity
D. engaging in mainstream American society through information campaigns directed
toward news media, books, publishers, politicians, and schools
8. Who is an Arab integrationist?
A. someone who assimilates quickly into U.S. culture
B. someone who experiences a healthy balance of U.S. culture and Arab culture
C. someone who focuses on the commonalities of Christianity and Islam
D. someone who completely withdraws from Arab culture
9. According to the textbook, what is one of Arab and Muslim Americans’ greatest
A. family values
B. community support
C. ability to “pass”
D. religion
1. The terms Arab Americans and Muslims are synonymous.
2. Muslims constitute the fastest-growing religious group in the world.
3. An important value of Arab and Muslim cultures is an individualistic approach to life.
4. Punctuality is not emphasized as a cultural value for Arabs and Muslims.
5. A person who identifies as Arab or Muslim is less likely to seek counseling from
mental health professionals, compared to Caucasians.
Short Answer
1. List the six categories of religious microaggressions that Muslims may experience.
2. Describe the ways Arabs and Muslims view mental health differently than those in the
United States.
3. There are several recommendations for providing counseling to Arab and Muslim
clients. List and describe at least four recommendations.
Ans: Address and reduce barriers for mental health service utilization (e.g., mistrust of
the professional, religious beliefs about the causes of mental issues, fear of racism and
discrimination, language barriers, differences in communication, other issues of culture
and religion); to reduce Arab/Muslim clients’ apprehension about counseling/therapy,

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