Counseling Chapter 11 Jonessmith Culturally Diverse Counseling Sage Publishing Culturally Responsive Strengthsbased Therapy For

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 1662
subject Authors Elsie Jones-Smith

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Jones-Smith, Culturally Diverse Counseling, 1e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
Chapter 11: Culturally Responsive Strengths-Based Therapy
for Hispanic and Latino/a Americans
Test Bank
Multiple Choice
1. Which of the following is not a racial category?
A. African American
B. Caucasian
C. Asian
D. Hispanic
2. It is suggested that therapists explore which of the following physical features with a
Hispanic client, given the importance it plays?
A. height
B. hair color
C. skin color
D. eye color
3. ______ are defined as “brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, and
environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile,
derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults to the target person or group.”
A. Prejudice
B. Racism
C. Macroaggressions
D. Microaggressions
4. What is a major challenge for clinicians working with individuals from Hispanic and
Latino backgrounds?
A. stereotyping the client
B. language barrier
C. microaggressions experienced by the client
D. differences in worldviews
5. What is familismo?
A. the value of the nuclear family over the extended family
B. the value of children
C. the value of elders
D. the value of family over individual or community needs
6. ______ is the ultimate symbol of power within the family.
A. The mother
B. The father
C. The children
D. Religion and faith
7. If a Latino child is said to be well-educated, it means that the child ______.
A. understands their worldview and cultural values
B. has obtained a college degree
Jones-Smith, Culturally Diverse Counseling, 1e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
C. does show proper respect for authority
D. does not show proper respect for authority
8. Dr. Thompson is working with Mr. Martinez, a middle-aged Latino client. At the
beginning of the fifth session, Mr. Martinez gave Dr. Thompson a small souvenir that he
brought back from his recent travels to visit family. What should Dr. Thompson do?
A. thank Mr. Martinez and accept the gift
B. thank Mr. Martinez but give it back because it made Dr. Thompson uncomfortable
C. thank Mr. Martinez but give it back because of the guidelines set forth by the
American Psychological Association
D. transfer Mr. Martinez to another counselor
9. Dr. Sully is working with a Latino husband and Latina wife who are experiencing
conflict about the wife working outside the home now that their children are grown, to
bring in more income. This conflict may be a result of ______ and violating the
Hispanic/Latino cultural belief of ______.
A. acculturation; marianismo
B. acculturation; machismo
C. assimilation; marianismo
D. assimilation; machismo
10. According to the text, the greatest strength of Hispanic/Latinos is ______.
A. religion/faith
B. community
Jones-Smith, Culturally Diverse Counseling, 1e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
C. family
D. resilience
1. By the year 2060, it is projected that almost 30% of the United States will comprise of
individuals who identify as Hispanic.
2. An important aspect of the Hispanic worldview is that one needs to be proficient in
speaking Spanish.
3. Latina adolescents have the highest rate of attempted suicide in comparison to other
adolescent groups.
4. Latino adults who are immigrants have a higher prevalence rate of mental disorders
than those born in the United States.
Short Answer
1. Who are the four major Hispanic groups?
2. Compare and contrast qualities of machismo and marianismo.
Ans: Qualities of machismo include physical strength, sexual attractiveness,
masculinity, aggressiveness, the ability to drink alcohol without getting drunk, pride,
honor, responsibility to be a good provider, and assertive behavior. This is a positive
3. What are the five stages of Ruiz’s (1990) Chicano/Latino model of ethnic identity?
4. According to Paniagua, there are several important points clinicians should consider
when working with Hispanic/Latino clients. Describe at least five of them.
Jones-Smith, Culturally Diverse Counseling, 1e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
presenting problem; listen for culture in the client’s story; use more personalismo and
less formalism--during the first session, clinician should initially emphasize formality;
however for the ensuing sessions, the clinician should use personalismo. Including

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