Counseling Chapter 11 Individual Personal Sources Stress Include The Attitudes

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 643
subject Authors Gerald Corey, Marianne Schneider Corey

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Chapter 11: Stress, Burnout and Self-Care Key
1. The following is true concerning burnout:
2. Definitions of burnout have the common core of
3. Individual, or personal sources of stress include
4. Joe is employed at an organization in which there is poor management and little supervision. He seldom
receives positive feedback for his work and is expected to meet unreasonable demands. Joe is a high risk for
burnout due to
5. Steve feels relief when a client cancels. His attendance at staff meetings is irregular and he tends to
psychologically withdraw when he is there. His wife and children are also feeling the effects of his work
situation since he feels overwhelmed by the demands of family life and has become indifferent to their needs.
Steve is suffering from the following type of burnout:
6. Most helpers enter their profession with a high degree of
7. Impaired practitioners
8. According to rational emotive behavior therapy, an irrational belief that could lead to burnout in the helping
field would be the idea that
9. Recognizing the signs toward a path of impairment and striving to lessen the consequences to both the
professional and the client involves
10. A way of taking control over the possibility of professional burnout is to
11. Gary works in an agency that is short-staffed and is continuously being asked to work an overload schedule.
He feels overwhelmed by the job and is exhausted by the time he leaves work. Recently, Gary sought help
through a counselor for managing his stress. The first step he needs to take to develop an effective stress-
management program is
12. According to rational emotive behavior therapy, the stress suffered by the helping professional would be the
result of
13. One who practices rational emotive behavior therapy would be considered a _____ therapist.
14. There has been a great deal of friction among staff members at a local community mental health agency due
to policies and procedures that are widely regarded as unfair. At weekly staff meetings, an inordinate amount of
time is spent discussing superficial matters, yet no time is allotted to discuss the staffs real concerns. This is
referred to as
15. Compassion fatigue, secondary traumatic stress, vicarious traumatization, and burnout are all
16. Which of the following actions could an agency take to help its staff members stave off burnout?
17. According to the text, organizations that offer practitioners _____ will decrease and prevent the risk of
organizational burnout.
18. To retain your vitality as a person and as a professional, you must first realize that
19. Self-care is not a(n)
20. From an Adlerian perspective, there are five major life tasks that are a basic part of healthy functioning.
They are:
21. Typically, helpers are good at asking for help for themselves when they need it.
22. The process of working with clients may open helpers up to some of their deepest personal struggles and
unfinished business.
23. Agencies often make demands that are unrealistic, especially an insistence that problems be solved quickly.
24. It is unrealistic to think that most helping professionals can manage their stress effectively; therefore, efforts
should be made to avoid stressors altogether.
25. The founder of REBT was Aaron Beck.
26. In the A-B-C Theory, the A stands for the aggravating event.
27. It is rare that a practitioners professional work affects the quality of his or her personal life.
28. The vast majority of helpers can expect to experience chronic burnout after a few years into their work.
29. Burnout is the result of prolonged and mismanaged stress.
30. Burnout is something that tends to happen to helpers suddenly, with very little warning.
31. Generally, burnout is the result of a single cause.
32. Professionals who limit their work to one type of activity are particularly susceptible to burnout.
33. The final element of the A-B-C Theory is D, which stands for disputing.
34. Helpers who have continuous contact with clients who are unappreciative, upset, and depressed often
experience stress that leads to burnout.
35. Aaron Beck contends that people with emotional difficulties tend to commit characteristic logical errors
36. Avoiding or reducing stressors is a realistic and an effective way to cope with stress.
37. It is very unrealistic to expect helpers to be able to modify stress-inducing behaviors.
38. Self-monitoring is a prerequisite to using other methods of stress management.
39. Using problem-solving methods is an example of an effective approach in coping with stressful situations.
40. By creating a positive work environment, organizations can enhance worker productivity.
41. Awareness is both a necessary and sufficient condition for self-change to occur.
42. Our beliefs largely determine how we interpret events.
43. According to the A-B-C theory, events cause dysfunctional thinking, feeling, and behaving.
44. Personalization is the tendency people have to relate external events to themselves, even when there is no
basis for making this connection.
45. According to Ellis, it is largely our own repetition of early-indoctrinated beliefs, rather than a parents
repetition that keeps dysfunctional thinking alive within us.

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