Counseling Chapter 10 Feminism Holds That Gender Inequity Exists

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subject Words 259
subject Authors Gerald Corey

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Chapter 10- Case Approach to Feminist Therapy
72. Feminism holds that gender inequity exists and that this is a source of oppression. This inequality is based on:
a. the natural differences between women and men.
b. cultural factors.
c. an imbalance of power in favor of men.
d. the manner in which men are socialized.
e. a matriarchal society.
73. Feminist therapy:
a. was the first approach to take into consideration the social and political milieu in which people live as a
cause of distress.
b. challenged the assumption that distress was due to individual pathology.
c. is based on the premise that lasting psychological change must address contextual issues as well as
individual issues.
d. is based on the principle of the “personal as political.”
e. all of the above
74. Which of the following is not a technique generally used by feminist therapists?
a. gender-role analysis
b. gathering early recollections
c. bibliotherapy
d. taking social and political action
e. reframing a client’s concerns
75. Which of the following is considered to be a basic tenet of feminist therapy?
a. Gender-role socialization is healthy for women and men.
b. Therapy needs to be based on a diagnostic framework.
c. The main goal of therapy is to teach clients how to dispute faulty thinking.
d. The personal is political.
e. Patriarchy is good for human relationships.
76. Regarding the use of traditional diagnosis from a feminist perspective, which of the following statements is false?
a. Without an accurate formal diagnosis, there is no basis for effective therapy.
b. The DSM-IV-TR reflects the dominant culture’s definition of pathology and health.
c. Sexism, racism, and classism are embodied in traditional diagnosis.
d. Diagnostic labels generally locate the source of a client’s problems in the person, rather than in the
e. Many feminist therapists avoid using traditional diagnostic practices.
77. When the feminist therapist intervenes to increase Ruth’s insight about how societal gender-role expectations
adversely affect women, the therapist is using:
a. reframing.
b. cognitive restructuring.
c. gender-role and power analysis.
d. social action strategies.
e. exploration of injunctions and early decisions.
78. Ruth makes it clear that she wants to work on her weight problem and her body image in her therapy. A feminist
therapist is likely to:
a. begin with developing a specific contract and behavioral plan aimed at helping her to lose weight.
b. teach Ruth the value of dieting and exercises.
c. explore with Ruth the unconscious dynamics of why she has a weight problem.
d. explore societal standards that impose unrealistic views of body image and ideal weight.
e. encourage Ruth to examine other issues that may be more pressing.
Chapter 10

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