COSC 37724

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 24
subject Words 1167
subject Authors Craig Van Slyke, John Day, Raymond Frost

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As the table columns are checked off, they appear in the query grid with New Value
cells associated with them.
The advantages of saving connection to Web.cong le include easier
deployment and portability.
Information systems include people, policies, computers, and application software.
In Microsoft Access Edit Relationships window, if Cascade Delete Related Fields is
checked, deleting an employee from primary table would result in removal of all jobs
performed by that employee in Job table.
In Microsoft Access, the best way to start creating a new table is by entering data in
datasheet view.
In Microsoft SQL Server, in order to remove the table from the database, any
relationships with other tables have to be deleted first.
There is one-to-many relationship between employees and jobs.
Phone number date type is NUMBER.
Configuring the data source to edit all the fields (except ssn) for a particular record in
employee table would use Update employee Set name = ?, bdate = ? Where ssn = ?
SQL statement.
The only required elements of an SQL statement are: (1) the Select statement (followed
by a list of tables), and (2) the From keyword (followed by a list of columns).
Major components of Web Developer are an ASP page, Solution
Explorer, and Properties window.
Normalized design would place client's work, home, and cell phone numbers in a
separate table together with the ClientID.
Count(*) function returns a count of records including those with nulls.
Foreign keys link the related records between parent and child tables.
Having a client's tax return without a specialized portion is an example of partial
To perform a join, a Where clause specifies that the value of the primary key in a parent
table equals to the value of the foreign key in a child table.
Entity with a single attribute should be kept in a separate table.
Optimistic concurrency checks the database prior to saving changes to make sure
somebody else has not made a change since we retrieved the record.
Active Server Page (ASP) is a Web page that displays static content
like text and graphics.
Web Form sent back to the Web server contains both user supplied
and other relevant information associated with the ASP Web page.
An instance of an entity may be related to another instance of the same entity.
In Microsoft SQL Server, the data type for Zip Code field would be Numeric.
In Oracle, the reserved word for defining a foreign key is references.
The result of two conditions with And operator in between will be true only if both of
the conditions are true.
In JobClient table, JobID-ClientID is a determinant.
In Microsoft Access query design view, the top pane shows all the tables available for a
Symbols such as =, >, <, >= and <= are all examples of arithmetic operators.
Generalization/specialization hierarchies are also called supertype/subtype hierarchies.
In Microsoft Access, the table status bar displays the number of a currently selected
record, as well as the total number of records.
Students taking courses and satisfying course prerequisites is an example of recursive
In Microsoft Access, in order to remove the table from the database, any relationships
with other tables have to be deleted first.
Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF) a non-key field cannot determine a part of the
primary key.
In Microsoft Access, if State field was defined using Text(2) data type, the most
appropriate Default Value for the client table would be NH.
Discriminator is an attribute of the supertype entity.
An online catalog merchant uses which of the following with its order process?
a) Communications network
b) Hardware and software
c) Product list and pricing
d) All of the above
In Microsoft Access, which of the following statements would result in contacts and
emails only for the clients in the state of New Hampshire?
a) Select Contact, Email From Client Where State equals "NH"
b) Select Contact, Email From Client Where State != "NH"
c) Select Contact, Email From Client Where State = "NH"
d) Select Contact, Email From Client Where State is "NH"
Query Builder helps us edit an existing record in a table by placing a skeleton of which
of the following SQL statements?
a) Insert Into table () Values ()
b) Update table Set fields Where ()
c) Edit table Into () Insert ()
d) Delete From table Where ()
Amazon's database probably has
a) only few entities with few data items.
b) only few entities with lots of data items.
c) lots of entities with few data items.
d) lots of entities with lots of data items.
Joining operation does which of the following?
a) Retrieves a subset of rows
b) Retrieves a subset of columns
c) Combines data from two tables
d) Makes a link between two tables
In Microsoft SQL Server, assurance that the values of primary and foreign key in a
relationship will match, is provided by which of the following?
a) Enforce Relationship for INSERTs and UPDATEs
b) Cascade Update Related Fields
c) Cascade Delete Related Fields
d) Change Join Type
When updating JobClient table, which of the following would not present a problem
due to denormalized design?
a) Updating ClientID field
b) Updating Name field
c) Updating Phone field
d) Updating DateTimeStart field
Which of the following conditions would result in a list of jobs with jobid of 5 or more?
a) jobid > 5
b) jobid >= 5
c) jobid!= 5
d) jobid <=5
In a relational database, each table has to connect to
a) no other tables.
b) at least one other table.
c) at least two other tables.
d) as many tables as possible.
In Microsoft Access, the functions that can be used to automate tasks are created using
which of the following?
a) Queries
b) Forms
c) Macros
d) Modules
Which of the following conditions would result in a list of jobs with jobid of 5 or more?
a) jobid > 5
b) jobid >= 5
c) jobid != 5
d) jobid <=5
Storing one client phone number in a client table and the same phone number in an
employee table will cause
a) data redundancy.
b) data inconsistency.
c) data consistency.
d) data integrity.
A loan application process could be best described as which one of the following?
a) Completely automated
b) Partially computerized
c) Entirely face-to-face
d) Mostly arbitrary
First normal form (1NF) states which of the following?
a) All fields must contain single values only.
b) Part of the primary key may not determine a non-key field.
c) A non-key field may not determine a non-key field.
d) In an all-key table, part of the key can determine multiple values of, at most, one
other field.
In an example of supervisor relationship, the recursive relationship lies in which of the
a) Relationship between a particular employee and all of his/her supervisors
b) Relationship between a particular employee and another employee
c) Relationship between a particular supervisor and another supervisor
d) Relationship between a particular supervisor and all of his/her subordinates
JobClient table violates 1NF on which of the following fields?
a) Name
b) Phone
c) DateTimeStart
d) DateTimeEnd
Selection operation does which of the following?
a) Retrieves a subset of rows
b) Retrieves a subset of columns
c) Combines data from two tables
d) Makes a link between two tables
For years, QuickTax, Inc. has helped small businesses manage their taxes. The
management wants a database to keep track of clients, employees, and jobs. Managers
need to keep track of client names, addresses, contact persons, phone numbers, and
email addresses. They also need to track the employee's social security numbers, names,
and birth dates. Also, the company needs to be able to keep track of the data on each job
an employee performs for each of their clients.
In Microsoft SQL Server, the most appropriate data type and size for Email field would
be which of the following?
a) Nvarchar(2)
b) Nvarchar(20)
c) Nvarchar(30)
d) Ntext
Social security number is an example of
a) char/text data type.
b) number data type.
c) date/time data type.
d) primary key data type.
Selecting a subset of rows meeting certain conditions is accomplished using which of
the following?
a) Select statement
b) From keyword
c) Where clause
d) Condition keyword
Changing Mountain Coffee's phone number in the first record and failing to do the
same in the ninth record is an example of which of the following?
a) Insert problem
b) Update problem
c) Delete problem
d) Typing problem
In Microsoft SQL Server design view of the client table, the primary key would be
specified by doing which one of the following?
a) Right-clicking on email row and selecting Indexes/Keys
b) Right-clicking on email row and selecting Set Primary Key
c) Right-clicking on email row and selecting Task
d) Right-clicking on email row and selecting Relationships
The most appropriate data type to store product description is which of the following?
a) Varchar
b) Char
c) Number
d) Date
The most appropriate candidate for the primary field in the client table would be which
of the following?
a) Email
b) Zip Code
c) Phone
d) Name
In Microsoft Access, the statement used to display employee and client names together
with all of the job dates, sorted from earliest to latest, would be which of the following?
a) Select Employee.Name, Client.Name, Job.Date From Employee Inner Join (Client
Inner Join Job On Client.Email = Job.ID) On Employee.SSN = Job.ID Order by
b) Select Employee.Name, Client.Name, Job.Date From Employee Inner Join Client
Inner Join Job On (Client.Email = Job.Email And Employee.SSN = Job.SSN) Order by
c) Select Employee.Name, Client.Name, Job.Date From Employee Inner Join Client On
(Client.Email = Job.Email And Employee.SSN = Job.SSN) Order by Job.Date
d) Select Employee.Name, Client.Name, Job.Date From Employee Inner Join (Client
Inner Join Job On Client.Email = Job.Email) On Employee.SSN = Job.SSN Order by
Sorting on multiple columns in SQL Query Analyzer involves which of the following?
a) Placing the fields in order in which they should be sorted
b) Choosing the type of sort (Ascending, Descending)
c) Make sure that the required fields are shown
d) All of the above
In Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager, which of the following Tools menu items
allows you to create and execute SQL statements?
a) SQL Query Analyzer
b) SQL Profiler
c) Generate SQL Script
d) Manage SQL Server Messages
ER diagrams use which of the following as a symbol for a relationship?
a) Diamond
b) Triangle
c) Box
d) Line
Since the Insert statement will add a row to a table, which of the following fields should
be checked off in the query grid?
a) Primary key
b) All the fields
c) Only updateable fields
d) No fields should be checked.
Configuring the data source to remove all the fields for a particular record in employee
table would use which SQL statement?
a) Select * From employee
b) Insert Into employee (ssn, name, bdate) Values (?,?,?)
c) Update employee Set name = ?, bdate = ? Where ssn = ?
d) Delete From employee Where ssn = ?
In Oracle SQL script, the condition restricting jobs to those with jobid of 5 or more,
would go into which of the following commands?
a) Select
b) From
c) Order by
d) Where
Which of the following is the foreign key in job table in a relationship with client table?
a) Employee social security number
b) Job unique ID
c) Client unique ID
d) Client phone number
The case when an instance of the supertype may belong to at most one subtype category
is called which of the following?
a) Partial specialization
b) Total specialization
c) Disjoint rule
d) Overlap rule
In Microsoft Access, the statement used to retrieve all the client data, ordered first by
state and then by zip code would be __.
Complete the design of the booking table in an Oracle database using appropriate SQL
script. Assume that any necessary parent tables have been created. Make sure to
indicate which of the fields is the primary key and which fields are the foreign keys.
In Oracle, the script line used to create the client table, would be: __.
Advanced SQL Generation Options allows us to automatically generate __ SQL
statements based on a __ statement.
Normalized designs place entities in __ tables.
In Oracle, if the primary key for the job table was client's email, employee's social
security number, and job date, the script line defining this concatenated key would be:
Design the query that retrieves all the customer names and phone numbers, and
calculates the total number of bookings as "Num Bookings", only for the repeat
customers (more than one booking).
Plymouth Car Rental (PCR) started in with two compact cars and has expanded its fleet
of vehicles with several sedans and trucks. When a customer books a rental, his/her age
has to be at least 18 for compact cars and sedans, which are rented by the day and must
be returned the following morning by 11 AM. Trucks are rented for a maximum of six
hours. The owner requires a deposit on the reservation to be paid within seven days of
booking. Vehicle records consist of the makes and types (Honda sedan), color, seating
capacity, required deposit, rental rate and rental limit (in hours). Customer data consists
of customer's names, addresses, phone numbers, and birth dates. Bookings identify the
customer, vehicle, as well as the time rented and returned. There can be several
payments up until the reservation date. Payments must reflect the payment status for
each booking, including deposit, when the deposit was made, then each of the payments
made, and when the entire payment was completed.
In addition, PCR decided to reward their customers who refer other customers with gas
coupons on their future rentals (which also servers the purpose of retaining those
customers). Because the business is booming, PCR added several other vehicles, both
trucks and sedans and wants to expand information gathered on these. In particular,
PCR wants to track several truck-related attributes such as towing capacity and whether
it has a snow plow or not. For the sedans, geared towards nature explorers, it wants to
track the type and capacity of bike racks, and whether it has a canoe rack.
For questions 82 - 86, please refer to the preceding paragraph.
Describe the nature of recursive relationship in this case (if any) and discuss how it
would be modeled in the ER diagram for this database.
In a normalized design, deleting a record for a particular job would affect __ fields.
In Microsoft Access, the statement used to display client emails and contacts, together
with all of their job dates and times would be __.
The most appropriate data type for employee's social security number would be _.
In Oracle, the statement used to retrieve all of the client's names, sorted A to Z, with
city, state, and zip code would be __.
BCNF violation occurs when a __ field determines __.

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