COSC 19580

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 24
subject Words 3246
subject Authors Craig Van Slyke, John Day, Raymond Frost

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Attribute and record are typically used interchangeably.
The types of joins most widely used are the so-called outer joins.
Social security number is stored in Text data type.
A database table is organized in rows (known as fields), and columns (known as
First normal form (1NF) states that fields must contain multiple values.
In Microsoft SQL Server Relationships window, if Cascade Update Related Fields is
checked, a change in Email address in Client table, would result in changes for all
corresponding Email values in Job table.
For years, QuickTax, Inc. has helped small businesses manage their taxes. The
management wants a database to keep track of clients, employees, and jobs. Managers
need to keep track of client names, addresses, contact persons, phone numbers, and
email addresses. They also need to track the employee's social security numbers, names,
and birth dates. Also, the company needs to be able to keep track of the data on each job
an employee performs for each of their clients.
In Microsoft Access, the data type and size for Email field would be Text(10).
Specialized type of computers processing requests and returning results are called
In Microsoft Access Edit Relationships window, if Cascade Update Related Fields is
checked, a change in Email address in Client table, would result in changes for all
corresponding Email values in Job table.
In Microsoft SQL Server, check constraint setting is used to restrict entries for a
particular column to a set of specific values.
Setting AutoGenerateDeleteButton property to True will place __ link into DetailsView
The data source will be edited by writing an appropriate SQL statement under Update
Storing bill of materials in a single table results in numerous empty cells.
All types of data sources require some form of user authentication.
In Microsoft SQL Server, "Email Address" entered into the Description property of
Email field would appear as a label for Email field in datasheet view.
Configuring the data source to select all the fields and records from employee table
would use Insert Into employee (ssn, name, bdate) Values (?,?,?) SQL statement.
Organizations are able to operate efficiently without computer systems.
In Microsoft Access, each Field Name in table design view will correspond to a record
in table's datasheet view.
When configuring the data source, the option to specify a custom SQL statement or
stored procedure allows us to automatically generate insert, update, and delete
Query Builder helps us by placing a skeleton Insert Into table Values statement in the
query grid.
Relationship between customer and product tables is typically one-to-many.
The Like operator could be used to retrieve all the clients in a particular area code.
DetailsView control property AutoGenerateDeleteButton should be set to __ in order to
be able to remove a record from the data source.
Configuring the data source to delete all the fields for a particular record from
employee table would use Delete From employee Where ssn = ? SQL statement.
The Where clause must consist of only one condition.
In Microsoft Access, the statement used to display all the employees, sorted first by
their names, and then by birth dates would be: Select * From Employees Order by
BirthDate, Name.
In Oracle, Save statement is used to save changes made to the database.
DetailsView control property AutoGenerateDeleteButton should be set to __ in order to
be able to remove a record from the data source.
3NF violation can never present a problem when updating a record.
SQL implements selection, projection, and joining operations through a single
statement called the Select statement.
A primary key uniquely identifies each field in a table.
Modeling a one-to-many recursive relationship requires an additional table.
The selection retrieval process is implemented using Where clause in the Select
Entities in today's ER diagrams are modeled as diamonds.
An example of a multiple sort is ordering all the employees first by their social security
numbers, and then by their names.
Oracle scripts are retrieved using Load Script button.
The result of two conditions with Or operator in between will be true if either of the
conditions are true.
Distinct keyword would be used to find out how many different values there are in a
particular field.
In Oracle, the script line used to remove any previous version of the client table, would
be which of the following?
a) Remove table client
b) Drop table client
c) Delete table client
d) Clear table client
In a relational database, entity attributes are represented as
a) records.
b) fields.
c) tables.
d) files.
The format for a comment in Oracle scripts is which one of the following?
a) // Comment goes here //
b) {* Comment goes here *}
c) /* Comment goes here */
d) [* Comment goes here *]
In Microsoft Access, data is entered into a table using which of the following?
a) Design view
b) Datasheet view
c) Report view
d) Query grid
In a client/server architecture, client is a computer that
a) initiates requests and presents the results.
b) processes requests and returns the results.
c) retrieves the data needed to process the request.
d) sends appropriate Web pages for display in the browser.
In Microsoft Access, which of the following statements would result in contacts, emails,
and zip codes for the clients whose emails end in "net", and who live in 03264 zip
a) Select Contact, Email, ZipCode From Client Where Email Not Like "net" And
ZipCode != "03264"
b) Select Contact, Email, ZipCode From Client Where Email Like "*net" Or ZipCode =
c) Select Contact, Email, ZipCode From Client Where Email Like "net" Or ZipCode =
d) Select Contact, Email, ZipCode From Client Where Email Like "*net" And ZipCode
= "03264"
The case when an instance of the supertype may belong to more than one subtype
category is called which of the following?
a) Partial specialization
b) Total specialization
c) Disjoint rule
d) Overlap rule
Setting AutoGenerateInsertButton property to True will place which of the following
into DetailsView control?
a) Links to individual records
b) New link
c) Update link
d) Links to individual fields
For years, QuickTax, Inc. has helped small businesses manage their taxes. The
management wants a database to keep track of clients, employees, and jobs. Managers
need to keep track of client names, addresses, contact persons, phone numbers, and
email addresses. They also need to track the employee's social security numbers, names,
and birth dates. Also, the company needs to be able to keep track of the data on each job
an employee performs for each of their clients.
For questions 44 - 56, please refer to the preceding paragraph.
Which of the following is an entity that belongs to this database?
a) Client address
b) Job performed
c) Employee name
d) QuickTax business
In Microsoft Access creating a table structure is accomplished using which of the
a) Form view
b) Query grid
c) Datasheet view
d) Design view
Query Builder helps us insert a new record into a table, by placing a skeleton of which
of the following SQL statements?
a) Insert Into table () Values ()
b) Update table Set fields Where ()
c) Edit table Into () Insert ()
d) Delete From table Where ()
Programming logic component is used to do which of the following?
a) Control the behavior of the page.
b) Control the properties of server controls.
c) Implement procedures that accomplish tasks.
d) All of the above
For years, QuickTax, Inc. has helped small businesses manage their taxes. The
management wants a database to keep track of clients, employees, and jobs. Managers
need to keep track of client names, addresses, contact persons, phone numbers, and
email addresses. They also need to track the employee's social security numbers, names,
and birth dates. Also, the company needs to be able to keep track of the data on each job
an employee performs for each of their clients.
For questions 33-56, please refer to the preceding paragraph.
In Oracle, the statement used to retrieve all the data from the job table, would be which
of the following?
a) Select job From *
b) Select * From job
c) From job Select *
d) From * Select job
Count function does which of the following?
a) Returns the total of the values in the column for the selected rows
b) Returns the average of the values in the column for the selected rows
c) Returns the number of values in the column for the selected rows
d) Returns the highest value in the column for the selected rows
Employee table in a QuickTax database will also include
a) client's phone numbers.
b) dates of various jobs.
c) total billable hours.
d) none of the above.
Selecting a subset of rows meeting certain conditions is accomplished using which of
the following?
a) Select statement
b) From keyword
c) Where clause
d) Condition keyword
Changing Mountain Coffee's phone number only in the first record of the JobClient
table would lead to __ data.
Common reserved word(s) in SQL is(are) which of the following?
a) Number
b) Column
c) Select
d) All of the above
The data for numeric fields must be enclosed in which of the following?
a) Single quotes
b) Double quotes
c) Parentheses
d) Numeric data does not need to be contained in quotes.
A customer placing orders is an example of
a) one-to-one relationship.
b) one-to-many relationship.
c) many-to-many relationship.
d) many-to-one relationship.
In relational database, columns in a table are called
a) tuples.
b) fields.
c) records.
d) relations.
Most of the e-business Web site content is stored on a(n)
a) client computer.
b) Web server.
c) email server.
d) database server.
SQL stands for which of the following?
a) Structured query language
b) Simple query language
c) Structured queuing language
d) Simple query list
Advanced SQL Generation Option allows us to do which of the following?
a) Generate Insert statements.
b) Generate Update statements.
c) Generate Delete statements.
d) All of the above
Jerry, the owner of Exotic Flower, Inc., built a small greenhouse to store several types
of exotic flowers that he purchases from wholesale suppliers around the world. Each
exotic flower Jerry buys and resells falls into one of several flower groups that differ
with respect to their storage needs, duration, time in bloom, price, etc. Each of the
orders placed by customers specifies the type of exotic flower, the supplier it came
from, the date of order, expected delivery date, flower condition on delivery, as well as
the quantity ordered. Customer's data contain all the standard information needed to
collect payment and deliver the flowers.
For questions 87 - 91, please refer to the preceding paragraph.
Discuss why a database is important for the Exotic Flower business.
For subqueries, which of the following statements is correct?
a) Inner queries execute last and outer queries execute first
b) Inner queries execute at the same time as outer queries
c) Inner queries execute first and outer queries execute last
d) Inner queries execute independently of outer queries
Representing a many-to-many recursive relationship requires which of the following?
a) Additional table with a composite primary key that acts as a foreign key
b) Additional foreign key that is also a primary key in the same table
c) Additional table with a primary key, but without a foreign key
d) No additional table modification
In Oracle, the statement used to display employees' social security numbers and names
that don"t have any jobs assigned to them, would be which of the following?
a) Select employee.ssn, From job Where employee.ssn Not In (Select
Distinct job.ssn From job)
b) Select employee.ssn, From job Where employee.ssn Not In (Select
Distinct Employee.ssn From employee)
c) Select employee.ssn, From employee Where employee.ssn Not In
(Select Distinct job.ssn From job)
d) Select employee.ssn, From employee Where employee.ssn In (Select
Distinct job.ssn From job)
Server control used to make changes to the data in the database is which of the
a) DataView
b) DetailsView
c) GridView
d) SourceView
Relationships (possessions) are like
a) nouns.
b) verbs.
c) adjectives.
d) sentences.
Which of the following steps in the con!guration process of a
SqlDataSource server control allows the user to store the connection
details in Web.con!g !le?
a) Connecting to a database
b) Saving the connection to a !le
c) Creating a new data connection
d) Choosing the data provider
In Microsoft Access design view of the client table, the primary key would be specified
by doing which of the following?
a) Clicking on email row and pressing magic wand button
b) Clicking on email row and pressing yellow key button
c) Clicking on phone row and pressing yellow key button
d) Clicking on email row and pressing lightning index button
After correcting the 2NF violation, the primary keys would act as
a) determinants.
b) foreign keys.
c) non-key fields.
d) concatenations.
In Microsoft SQL Server, a social-security number field stored in __ data type would
need at least __ characters.
A table is said to be in first normal form when each field in that table contains _.
2NF violation in JobClient table exists in records with JobID __.
In Oracle, the script line used to remove any previous version of the client table, would
be: __.
Use __ SQL statement to configure the data source to edit all the fields (except ssn) for
a particular record in employee table.
The relationship between client and job tables is __.
The details of the data connection can be saved in a file called __.
In Microsoft SQL Server, a check constraint restricting pay rate field entries to be
between 10 and 15 dollars per hour, would be specified as __.
In Microsoft Access, the statement used to retrieve client's contacts with emails ending
in "net", and from area code 603, would be __.
In Microsoft Access, the statement used to calculate the number of clients, labeled "Zip
Clients", from each zip code in states with at least three clients, would be __.
The last step in configuring an SqlDataSource for qtax SQL server database is to
retrieve data from the database using the appropriate __.
In Microsoft SQL Server, the relationship between two tables is established by dragging
the __ from the __ table onto the __ in the __ table.
The data source will receive an additional record by writing an appropriate SQL
statement under __ tab.
__ operation retrieves a subset of columns.
In SQL Query Analyzer, the statement used to retrieve an employee name and birth
date, for an employee with social security number 261284363, would be __.
Discuss how the violation of 4NF might potentially occur in this example.
Tables that are designed to be free of duplicate data are called __ tables.

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