COSC 11179

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 12
subject Words 1340
subject Authors D. S. Malik

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The first form of ____ uses the equality criteria.
a. adjacent_search
b. adjacent_query
c. adjacent_find
d. adjacent_criteria
In ____, the elements of the list are viewed as sublists at a particular distance.
a. quicksort
b. Shellsort
c. bubble sort
d. insertion sort
A recursive function in which the last statement executed is the recursive call is called a
____ recursive function.
a. tail
b. head
c. middle
d. beginning
The ampersand, &, is called the ____.
a. address of operator
b. sizeof operator
c. entry operator
d. heap operator
Elements are deleted from the end of the queue called the ____.
a. rear
b. front
c. tail
d. middle
The operation ____ is used to remove the top element from the stack.
a. pop
b. push
c. peek
d. isEmpty
The general syntax for declaring a class object that invokes the default constructor is
a. className;
b. className ObjectName;
c. className classObjectName;
d. classObjectName className;
____ iterators are forward iterators that can also iterate backward over the elements.
a. Input
b. Output
c. Bidirectional
d. Random access
A ____ encapsulates data, and operations on that data, into a single unit.
a. class
b. function
c. generic
d. member
When an item is added to the hash table indexStatusList at position, say i, we set
indexStatusList[i] to ____.
a. -1
b. 0
c. 1
d. 2
When the queue object goes out of scope, the ____ destroys the queue.
a. destructor
b. constructor
c. garbage collector
d. house keeper
A graph G is said to be ____ if either G is a trivial graph or G has an Euler circuit.
a. Newtonian
b. Orwellian
c. Euclidian
d. Eulerian
The ____ operation on a queue returns the last element in the queue, but does not
remove the element from the queue.
a. front
b. back
c. pop
d. push(item)
Inheritance is an example of a(n) "____" relationship.
a. is-a
b. has-a
c. friend of
d. member of
The ____ operation is used to add an element onto the stack.
a. push
b. pop
c. add
d. insert
Whenever a system is modeled on the First In First Out principle, ____ are used.
a. stacks
b. trees
c. arrays
d. queues
When inserting into a B-tree, if the leaf is full, split the node into two nodes and the
median key is moved to the ____ node.
a. child
b. empty
c. adjacent
d. parent
In quicksort, all the sorting work is done in ____ the list.
a. partitioning
b. combining
c. duplicating
d. replicating
The queue operation ____ removes the front element from the queue.
a. isFullQueue
b. queueFront
c. isNullQueue
d. deleteQueue
Let G be an undirected graph. G is called ____ if there is a path from any vertex to any
other vertex.
a. attached
b. converted
c. completed
d. connected
When drawing a graph, a ____ inside the circle represents the vertex.
a. name
b. block
c. vision
d. label
The address of the first node in the list is stored in a separate location, called the ____.
a. head
b. tail
c. key
d. top
The definitions of member functions can be placed in a separate file whose extension is
a. .cxx
b. .c
c. .cpp
d. .cc
In OOP, each object consists of data and operations on that data.
The unique member of an item is called the ____ of the item.
a. index
b. primacy
c. primitive
d. key
A linked list in which the last node points to the first node is called a ____ linked list.
a. circular
b. recursive
c. standard
d. doubly
When the destructor ____ the queue, it deallocates the memory occupied by the
elements of the queue.
a. allocates
b. instantiates
c. destroys
d. rebuilds
The definition of the class pair is contained in the header file utility, thus, to use the
class pair in a program, the program must include the following statement ____.
a. #include <util/utility>
b. #include <utility.h>
c. #include <compat/utility>
d. #include <utility>
When we check the array locations t, (t + 1) % HTSize, (t + 2) % HTSize, . . ., (t + j) %
HTSize it is called the ____ of the hash table.
a. probe sequence
b. probe value
c. hash value
d. kindred value
The algorithm find_adjacent is used to find the first occurrence of consecutive elements
that meet certain criteria.
The algorithm ____ determines whether the elements in one range appear in another
a. includes
b. contains
c. has
d. associates
In ____, we assume that the array is circular so that if the lower portion of the array is
full, we can continue the search in the top portion of the array.
a. quadratic probing
b. adjacent probing
c. non-linear probing
d. linear probing
The algorithm ____ is used to determine the largest element in a given range.
a. min_element
b. max_element
c. count
d. top_element
If g(n) = 1, the growth rate is constant and does not depend on the size of the problem.
Inheritance is an ""is-a""relationship.
If the queue is nonempty, the operation top returns the first element of the queue.
In 1736, Euler represented the Knigsberg bridge problem as a graph, marking (as
recorded) the birth of graph theory.
Containers are class templates.
The structured design approach is also known as modular programming.
The analysis of algorithms enables programmers to decide which algorithm to use for a
specific application.
A queue cannot be stored in an array.
The depth first traversal is similar to the preorder traversal of a binary tree.
The STL relational function objects can also be applied to containers.
A sequential search is good only for very small lists because the average search length
of a sequential search is half the size of the list.
When an integer is subtracted from a pointer variable, the value of the pointer variable
is decremented by the integer times half the size of the memory to which the pointer is
In the function evaluateOpr, two operands are needed to evaluate an operation and
operands are saved in the stack.
Overriding a member function is the same as redefining it.
The term deque stands for double-ended queue.

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