COP 88210

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 1550
subject Authors D. S. Malik

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A(n) ____ finds the location of the smallest element in the unsorted portion of the list
and moves it to the top of the unsorted portion of the list.
a. selection sort algorithm
b. quicksort algorithm
c. insertion sort algorithm
d. bubble sort algorithm
The ____ operation checks whether the stack is full.
a. isEmpty
b. peek
c. pop
d. isFullStack
Sequential and binary search algorithms are called ____ search algorithms.
a. cumulative
b. compartmentalized
c. comparison-based
d. key-based
A(n) ____ is a list of items, called nodes, in which the order of the nodes is determined
by the address, called the link, stored in each node.
a. array
b. structure
c. linked list
d. hash table
Let V(G) denote the set of vertices, and E(G) denote the set of edges of a graph G, then
if the elements of E are ordered pairs, G is called a directed graph or ____.
a. bigraph
b. d-graph
c. dir-graph
d. digraph
A ____ leak is when there is an unused memory space that cannot be allocated.
a. variable
b. function
c. constructor
d. memory
A call to the base class constructor is specified in the ____ of a derived class
a. body of the definition
b. body of the constructor
c. heading of the definition
d. heading of the constructor
Let G be an undirected graph. A maximal subset of connected vertices is called a ____
of G.
a. component
b. property
c. solution
d. technique
The components of a class are called the ____ of the class.
a. operators
b. friends
c. objects
d. members
The main types of testing are ____ testing.
a. white-box and blue-box
b. black-box and blue-box
c. white-box and green-box
d. white-box and black-box
____ lists have elements that are in no particular order.
a. Search
b. Structured
c. Unsorted
d. Randomized
The reconstruction procedure for an AVL tree is called ____.
a. reverting the tree
b. balancing the tree
c. rotating the tree
d. inverting the tree
A graph is called a ____ if it has no loops and no parallel edges.
a. complete graph
b. simple graph
c. main graph
d. standard graph
If the data needs to be processed in a Last In First Out (LIFO) manner, we typically use
a(n) ____.
a. queue
b. map
c. hash table
d. stack
Linear probing that uses the increment value as a function of the key is called ____.
a. quadratic hashing
b. non-linear hashing
c. key hashing
d. double hashing
A sequence of number such as 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ... is called a ____ sequence.
a. Newtonian
b. Gaussian
c. Fibonacci
d. Marconi
Because all the elements of a stack are of the same type, you can use a(n) ____ to
implement a stack.
a. struct
b. array
c. record
d. class
In a circular linked list with more than one node, it is convenient to make the pointer
first point to the ____ node of the list.
a. null
b. middle
c. first
d. last
Let G be an undirected graph and let u and v be two vertices in G, then u and v are
called ____ if there is an edge from one to the other.
a. siblings
b. friends
c. opposite
d. adjacent
The search item is called the ____.
a. source
b. target
c. key
d. component
A ____ variable is a variable whose content is a memory address.
a. class
b. dynamic
c. pointer
d. heap
To remove, or pop, an element from the stack ____.
a. decrement stackTop by 1
b. increment stackTop by 1
c. invert stackTop
d. do nothing
For a base class to give access to a member to its derived class and still prevent its
direct access outside the class, you must declare that member under the member access
specifier ____.
a. private
b. protected
c. public
d. shared
A pointer variable can be passed as a parameter to a function either by value or by
a. retention
b. reference
c. approximation
d. referral
The expression ____ advances the iterator intVecIter to the next element into the
a. --intVecIter
b. ++intVecIter
c. intVecIter.advance(1)
d. intVecIter(++)
____ is the first and most important step of the software development process.
a. Analyzing the problem
b. Designing the software
c. Implementing the software
d. Test marketing
____ iterators, with read access, step forward element-by-element and so return the
values element-by-element.
a. Standard
b. Input
c. Output
d. Migration
The header file ____ contains the definition of the function template make_pair.
a. utils
b. atl2
c. atl_utility
d. utility
The algorithm ____ is used to access and process each element in a given range by
applying a function, which is passed as a parameter.
a. with_each
b. do_each
c. for_each
d. for
When you declare a derived class object, this object inherits the members of the base
class, but the derived class object cannot directly access the ____.
a. private data members of the base class
b. data members in its own class
c. base class constructors
d. public data members of the base class
The ____ method uses a random number generator to find the next available slot.
a. linear probing
b. random probing
c. quadratic probing
d. non-linear probing
The function ____, if possible, evaluates the expression and leaves the result in the
a. printResult
b. clearStack
c. readExpression
d. evaluateExpression
We need to ensure that the private member variables that are inherited from the base
class are initialized when a ____ of the derived class executes.
a. destructor
b. constructor
c. copy constructor
d. friend function
____ is a basic operation of the linked list ADT.
a. Initializing the list
b. Comparing two lists
c. Sorting the list
d. Dividing the list
When performing a sequential search, we assume all list elements are equally likely to
be the target.
A graph can be shown pictorially.
In mathematical simulations, the steps of a program are used to model the behavior of a
real system.
Encapsulation is the ability to handle data and operations as separate units.
A search in a B-tree must start at the bottom node.
A printer acts as the server when a queue of documents is waiting to be printed.
The sequential search is efficient for large lists.
Processing a graph requires the ability to traverse the graph.
Every recursive call has its own code.
The base class inherits all its properties from the derived class.
The recursive algorithm must have three or more base cases.
In heapsort, only the elements at position 2k + 1 are accessed frequently.
In quicksort, the list is partitioned in such a way that combining the sorted lowerSublist
and upperSublist is trivial.
In an ordered list, the header node at the beginning of the list typically contains a value
smaller than the smallest value in the data set.
When a program no longer needs a dynamic variable, the operator delete is used.
In an ordered list, the trailer node at the end of the list contains a value larger than the
largest value in the data set.
The computer uses a stack to implement function calls.
To make the generic algorithms flexible, the STL usually provides three forms of an
algorithm using the mechanism of function overloading.

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