COP 75971

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 2001
subject Authors Carlos Coronel Steven Morris

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The current fully approved version of standard SQL prescribed by the ANSI
is______________ .
a. SQL-99
b. SQL-2003
c. SQL-4
d. SQL-07
Which of the following queries will output the table contents when the value of
V_CODE is equal to 21344?
WHERE V_CODE <> 21344;
WHERE V_CODE <= 21344;
WHERE V_CODE = 21344;
WHERE V_CODE => 21344;
To remedy the lack of procedural functionality in SQL, and to provide some
standardization within the many vendor offerings, the SQL-99 standard defined the use
of persistent stored modules.
a. True
b. False
An multidimensional database management systems (MDBMS) uses proprietary
techniques to store data in____________n-dimensional arrays.
a. table-like
b. matrix-like
c. network-like
d. cube-like
From a database point of view, the collection of data becomes meaningful only when it
reflects properly defined_____.
a. business rules
b. business norms
c. business goals
d. business plans
PL/SQL blocks have a section used to declare variables.
a. True
b. False
A primary key's main function is to uniquely identify a(n)_______________ within a
a. attribute
b. entity instance or row
c. entity subtype
d. natural key or identifier
In subquery terminology, the first query in the SQL statement is known as
the____________ query.
a. outer
b. left
c. inner
d. base
A(n)___________ represents a particular type of object in the real world.
a. attribute
b. entity
c. relationship
d. node
If you have not yet used the COMMIT command to store the changes permanently in
the database, you can restore the database to its previous condition with the
ROLLBACK command.
a. True
b. False
The_________ manager is responsible for assigning and policing the locks used by the
a. transaction
b. database
c. lock
d. schedule
After the initial declarations in Database Life Cycle (DBLC), the database designer
must carefully probe in order to generate additional information that will help define the
problem within the larger framework of company operations.
a. True
b. False
The ODBC API standard defines three levels of compliance:__________, Level-1, and
Level-2, which provide increasing levels of functionality.
a. Elementary
b. Basic
c. Core
d. Level-0
A verb associating two nouns in a business rule translates to a(n)___________ in the
data model.
a. entity
b. attribute
c. relationship
d. constraint
Relational models view data as part of a table or collection of tables in which all key
values must be identified.
a. True
b. False
According to the "preferably singleattribute" characteristic of a primary key, the
primary key:
a. must be able to guarantee unique attribute values.
b. should have the minimum number of attributes possible.
c. should have embedded semantic meaning associated with each attribute.
d. must be composed of attributes that are free from security risks or violations.
___________fragmentation refers to the division of a relation into attribute subsets.
a. Data
b. Horizontal
c. Vertical
d. Mixed
One of the limitations of the_________ model is that there is a lack of standards.
a. hierarchical
b. network
c. relational
d. entity relationship
In the detailed systems design phase of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC),
steps are laid out for the conversion of a database from an old system to a new system.
a. True
b. False
What is a rule that applies to the two-phase locking protocol?
a. Two transactions cannot have conflicting locks.
b. No unlock operation can precede a lock operation in a different transaction.
c. No data is affected until all locks are release
d. No data is affected until the transaction is in its locked position.
In a real-world environment, we must strike a balance between design integrity
and______________ .
a. robustness
b. flexibility
c. uniqueness
d. ease of use
When a user issues the DELETE FROM tablename command without specifying a
WHERE condition,_____________-- .
a. no rows will be deleted
b. the first row will be deleted
c. the last row will be deleted
d. all rows will be deleted
For most business transactional databases, we should normalize relations
into_________-- .
a. 1NF
b. 2NF
c. 3NF
d. 6NF
To work with data, the DBMS must retrieve the data from permanent storage and place
it in RAM.
a. True
b. False
Normalization should be part of the design process.
a. True
b. False
_____ online analytical processing provides OLAP functionality by using relational
databases and familiar relational query tools to store and analyze multidimensional
1NF, 2NF, and 3NF are_____________ .
a. normalization stages
b. anomalies
c. repeating groups
d. atomic attributes
Within a specialization hierarchy, every subtype can have ___________supertype(s) to
which it is directly related.
a. zero
b. only one
c. one or many
d. many
A data file can contain rows from a single table alone.
a. True
b. False
In a(n)_________ , only the objects that have been updated or modified since the last
full backup are backed up.
a. transaction log backup
b. conservative backup
c. differential backup
d. adaptive backup
Referential integrity and participation are both bidirectional, meaning that they must be
addressed in both directions along a relationship.
a. True
b. False
A(n)_________ lock has only two stages (0 and 1).
a. shared
b. exclusive
c. binary
d. two-phase
The DBMS must provide tools that give each level of management a useful view of the
data and support the required level of decision-making.
a. True
b. False
In the context of data quality management tools, ________________software is one
that gathers statistics, analyzes existing data sources and metadata to determine
patterns, and compares the patterns against standards that the organization has defined.
Explain mandatory participation in an entity relationship.
The requirement that a password must have a maximum of 12 characters is an example
of a(n)_______________ .
A relationship____________ indicates the number of entities or participants associated
with a relationship.
A weak-entity in a strong identifying relationship with a parent entity is normally used
to represent a(n)________ that is represented in the data model as two separate entities.
The_____________ determines the common attribute or attributes by looking for
identically named attributes and compatible data types.
To prevent the server from performing all data validation,____________ data input
validation is one of the most basic requirements for web applications.
____________---completeness means that every supertype occurrence must be a
member of at least one subtype.
The price paid for increased performance through denormalization is a larger amount
of______________ .
The _______________occurs when two concurrent transactions, T1 and T2, are
updating the same data element and one of the updates is lost.
Summarize the steps required to formulate a query.
_____________refers to the level of detail represented by the values stored in a table's
A primary key is a(n)__________ key chosen to be the primary means by which rows
of a table are uniquely identified.
A conditional expression is normally expressed within the or HAVING clauses of a
SQL statement.
______________is a collection of concepts, techniques, and processes for the proper
identification, definition, and management of data elements within an organization.
Explain conflict and problem resolution as part of the DBA's enduser support services.
______________is an application programming interface that allows a Java program to
interact with a wide range of data sources (relational databases, tabular data sources,
spreadsheets, and text files).

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