COP 66946

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 25
subject Words 386
subject Authors Craig Van Slyke, John Day, Raymond Frost

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Draw tables together with the relationships between them.
Exposures is a specialty retailer of fine gifts, picture frames, albums, scrapbooks, as
well as occasional gift ideas. Visit their Web site at, and
using the registration, billing, catalog, and shopping cart screens below, go through
each of the five ER design steps.
For questions 92-95, please refer to the preceding paragraph, web screens, and the
table relationships below.
For each particular record that is being examined, the Where clause evaluates either to
True or False.
Projection operation consists of choosing to list certain fields after the Select statement,
and omitting the others.
Foreign key in a child table must be defined before the primary key in a parent table.
Aggregate functions operate on a set of fields rather than a single field.
The general part of tax returns common for all clients is referred to as subtype entity.
When a button is clicked or list selection made, an event is raised and
the information is just displayed in the user's browser.
Varchar data type cannot contain numerical digits.
In Microsoft SQL Server, the check constraint setting ([state] in ("NH", "VT")) for State
field in the client table contains one constant and two operators.
The Where clause must consist of only one condition.
Computer applications help organizations with their processes.
In Microsoft Access, the data type for Zip Code field would be Number.
An example of a multiple sort is ordering all the employees first by their social security
numbers and then by their names.
Zip code is stored in Numeric data type.
Specialized type of computers initiating requests and presenting results are called
Equal to (=), greater than (>), and less than (<) are all examples of conditional
The attributes of an entity become columns or fields in the table.
The types of joins most widely used are the so-called outer joins.
SqlDataSource server control is used for either SQL Server or Oracle
DetailsView control associated with automatic inserts, updates, and deletions, should
have all Enable tasks checkboxes unchecked.
In Microsoft Access, "Email Address" entered into the Caption property of Email field
would appear as a label for Email field in datasheet view.
Mentor and mentored consultants should be kept in the same table with
CONSULTANT$mentor as a foreign key drawing values from the primary key.
Social security number is stored in Nvarchar data type.
Modeling many-to-many recursive relationships requires an additional table.
There are four tabs in a custom SQL statement window, one for each of the select,
update, insert, and delete SQL statements.
Supertype/subtype hierarchies are used to model situations where some instances of an
entity are involved in relationships that other instances are not.
Inserting new client information without an actual job assignment is possible in the
normalized design.
Cartesian product is a temporary table that combines all rows in one table with all rows
in another table.
Setting AutoGenerateInsertButton property to True will place New link into
DetailsView control.
GridView server control requires the number of columns and rows to be specified in
advance in order to provide the appropriate space.
In Microsoft Access Edit Relationships window for Client and Job tables, the
Relationship Type status at the bottom of the window would read Many-To-Many.
Social security number is the foreign key in job table for employee table.
Employee names data type is CHAR(2).
Social security number would be stored in Char data type.
Symbols such as +, -, / and * are all examples of relational operators.
In Microsoft SQL Server, the best way to start creating a new table is by entering data
in datasheet view.
The data type for Zip Code field would be Number.
In Microsoft SQL Server, the most appropriate data type to store product descriptions is
which of the following?
a) Nvarchar
b) Ntext
c) Image
d) Float
In Microsoft Access query design view, the condition restricting jobs to those with
JobID of 5 or more, would go into which of the following rows?
a) Field
b) Sort
c) Show
d) Criteria
In SQL Query Analyzer, the statement used to display employee and client names
together with all of the job dates, sorted from earliest to latest, would be which of the
a) Select employee. name,, job.jobdate From employee Inner Join (client
Inner Join job On = job.jobid) On employee.ssn = job.jobid Order by
b) Select employee. name,, job.jobdate From employee Inner Join client
Inner Join job On ( = And employee.ssn = job.ssn ) Order by
c) Select employee. name,, job.jobdate From employee Inner Join client On
( = And employee.ssn = job.ssn) Order by job.jobdate
d) Select employee. name,, job.jobdate From employee Inner Join (client
Inner Join job On = On employee.ssn = job.ssn Order by
In Oracle, the statement used to display employee names together with job dates and
times, for all jobs starting at 8 A.M., would be which of the following?
a) Select,, job.timestart, job.timeend From employee Inner
Join job On employee.ssn = job.ssn Where job.timestart = "8:00 AM"
b) Select,, job.timestart, job.timeend From employee Inner
Join job On employee.ssn = job.ssn Where job.timeend = "8:00 AM"
c) Select,, job.timestart, job.timeend From employee Inner
Join job Where job.timestart = "8:00 AM"
d) Select,, job.timestart, job.timeend From employee, job On
employee.ssn = job.ssn Where job.timestart = "8:00 AM"
Correcting an ambiguous name problem requires which of the following?
a) Changing the name in the SQL statement
b) Preceding the name with the table name
c) Following the name with the table name
d) Separating the name from the table name
In Oracle, the command used to change the default date format to "dd-mm-yy" format
is which of the following?
a) Change date format to "dd-mm-yy"
b) Format date("dd-mm-yy")
c) Alter session set nls_date_format = "dd-mm-yy"
d) Alter set format date("dd-mm-yy")
Exposures is a specialty retailer of fine gifts, picture frames, albums, scrapbooks, as
well as occasional gift ideas. Visit their Web site at, and
using the registration, billing, catalog, and shopping cart screens below, go through
each of the five ER design steps.
Discuss why a database is important for Exposures retailer.
In a relational database, tables are called
a) tuples.
b) fields.
c) attributes.
d) relations.
For years, QuickTax, Inc. has helped small businesses manage their taxes. The
management wants a database to keep track of clients, employees, and jobs. Managers
need to keep track of client names, addresses, contact persons, phone numbers, and
email addresses. They also need to track the employee's social security numbers, names,
and birth dates. Also, the company needs to be able to keep track of the data on each job
an employee performs for each of their clients.
For questions 44-56, please refer to the preceding paragraph.
The server control used to access a Microsoft Access database is which of the
a) SqlDataSource
b) AccessDataSource
c) ObjectDataSource
d) XmlDataSource
The command used to save all the changes made to the database is which of the
a) Insert
b) Describe
c) Select
d) Commit
In Microsoft SQL Server, forcing a change on the primary key to also occur in the
foreign key in a relationship, is provided by which of the following?
a) Enforce Relationship for INSERTs and UPDATEs
b) Cascade Update Related Fields
c) Cascade Delete Related Fields
d) Change Joint Type
In Oracle, which of the following statements would result in contacts, emails, and zip
codes for the clients whose emails end in "net", and who live in 03264 zip code?
a) Select contact, email, zipcode From client Where email Not Like "net" And zipcode !
= "03264"
b) Select contact, email, zipcode From client Where email Like "*net" Or zipcode =
c) Select contact, email, zipcode From client Where email Like "net" Or zipcode =
d) Select contact, email, zipcode From client Where email Like "*net" And zipcode =
Sorting on multiple columns in Oracle SQL script involves which of the following?
a) Placing the fields in order in which they should be sorted in Order by command
b) Placing keyword desc at the end of Order by command for Z->A sort or leaving it
blank for ascending sort
c) Listing all the fields that need to be shown in Select command
d) All of the above
In normalized design of QuickTax database, changing Mountain Coffee's phone number
would have to be done how many times exactly?
a) Only once
b) Two times
c) As many times as there are old Mountain Coffee phone numbers
d) The change would not be possible to make.
In Microsoft SQL Server, the most appropriate data type to store product prices is
which of the following?
a) Numeric
b) Decimal
c) Money
d) Float
Viewing client's tax return with some common attributes and some specialized
attributes, which of the following characterizations would be most accurate?
a) Partial specialization and disjoint rule
b) Partial specialization and overlap rule
c) Total specialization and disjoint rule
d) Total specialization and overlap rule
Which of the following is true for duplicate data in the database?
a) Errors occur when records are inserted.
b) Errors occur when records are updated.
c) Errors occur when records are deleted.
d) All of the above.
In Microsoft Access, the most appropriate data type to store product descriptions is
which of the following?
a) Text
b) Memo
c) OLE Object
d) Hyperlink
In the Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager initial window, which of the following
items is used for creating databases?
a) Databases
b) Management
c) Replication
d) Security
In Microsoft Access, which of the following statements would result in contacts, emails,
and zip codes for the clients whose emails either end in "net", or who live in 03264 zip
a) Select Contact, Email, ZipCode From Client Where Email Not Like "net" And
ZipCode != "03264"
b) Select Contact, Email, ZipCode From Client Where Email Like "*net" Or ZipCode =
c) Select Contact, Email, ZipCode From Client Where Email Like "net" Or ZipCode =
d) Select Contact, Email, ZipCode From Client Where Email Like "*net" And ZipCode
= "03264"
The command used to verify that the table fields were properly created is which of the
a) Insert
b) Describe
c) Select
d) Commit
The extension of the visual Web Form component %le is which of the
a) aspx
c) aspx.vb
Configuring the data source to edit all the fields (except ssn) for a particular record
from employee table would use which SQL statement?
a) Select * From employee
b) Insert Into employee (ssn, name, bdate) Values (?,?,?)
c) Update employee Set name = ?, bdate = ? Where ssn = ?
d) Delete From employee Where ssn = ?
First normal form (3NF) states which of the following?
a) All fields must contain single values only.
b) Part of the primary key may not determine a non-key field.
c) A non-key field may not determine a non-key field.
d) In an all-key table, part of the key can determine multiple values of, at most, one
other field.
In a one-to-many relationship, the crow's foot always points to the
a) child table.
b) parent table.
c) sibling table.
d) grandparents table.
The most appropriate candidate for the primary field in the client table would be which
of the following?
a) Email
b) Zip Code
c) Telephone
d) Name
When configuring the data source, the option to specify a custom SQL statement or
stored procedure allows us to do which of the following?
a) Automatically generate insert, update, and delete statements.
b) Write our own insert, update, and delete SQL statements.
c) Pick the columns and build criteria to restrict resulting records.
d) Pick the columns and sort them by particular fields.
In an ASP page, the view used to directly enter HTML statements is
which of the following?
a) Datasheet view
b) Design view
c) Source view
d) Code view
In SQL Query Analyzer, the statement used to show all employee social security
numbers and names that don"t have jobs assigned to them, would be __.
JobID-ClientID is not a determinant for JobClient table because of which of the
following records?
a) Records with JobIDs 1 and 2
b) Records with JobIDs 3 and 4
c) Records with JobIDs 6 and 7
d) Records with JobIDs 10 and 11
The data source will be altered by writing an appropriate SQL statement under which of
the following?
a) Select tab
b) Insert tab
c) Update tab
d) Delete tab
Data on a date for a particular job, that was performed for a particular client by an
employee would be stored in a __.
In Microsoft Access, the statement used to retrieve client's contact with emails that end
in "net", from zip codes 03223 and 03264, would be __.
Plymouth Car Rental started with two compact cars and has expanded its fleet of
vehicles with several sedans and trucks. When a customer books a rental, his/her age
has to be at least 18 for compact cars and sedans, which are rented by the day and must
be returned the following morning by 11 AM. Trucks are rented for a maximum of six
hours. The owner requires a deposit on the reservation to be paid within seven days of
booking. Vehicle records consist of the makes and types (Honda sedan), color, seating
capacity, required deposit, rental rate, and rental limit (in hours). Customer data consists
of customer's names, addresses, phone numbers, and birth dates. Bookings identify the
customer, vehicle, as well as the time rented and returned. There can be several
payments up until the reservation date. Payments must reflect the payment status for
each booking, including deposit, when the deposit was made, then each of the payments
made, and when the entire payment was completed.
For questions 82 - 86, please refer to the preceding paragraph.
List all the entities for Plymouth Car Rental, and describe their relationships with other
End users typically have an__ access to a database.
Email address as a primary key violates __ property every primary key should support.
List and/or construct primary keys for each of the tables.
In Microsoft Access Relationships window, the link between Employee and Job tables
will show __ next to SSN in Employee table and __ next to SSN in Job table.
Because the Insert statement will add an entire new record to the table, __ of the table
columns should be __ in the query grid.
Hourly pay rate would be best represented as __ data type with __ decimals.
_ allows us to use either graphical interface when building a query or a place to write
SQL statements to accomplish the same.
In Microsoft Access Edit Relationships window for Employee and Job tables, in order
for the change in SSN in Employee table to be reflected in Job table, requires turning on
__ check box.
In Microsoft Access Edit Relationships window, making sure that the values in the
foreign key match the values in the primary key, requires turning on _ check box.

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