COMU 88615

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 22
subject Words 2656
subject Authors Hamilton Gregory

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Speakers should ask for a show of hands only when they are sure that most listeners
will be eager and unembarrassed to make a public commitment.
To avoid plagiarism, you must give credit to the sources of your information.
The textbook recommends that you make a fresh set of speaking notes on the eve of
your speech.
Deductive reasoning is convincing only if both the major and minor premises are
accepted by the audience as true.
If good listening skills are used, listening to a complex lecture should require no more
mental effort than listening to a comedian tell jokes.
For finding accurate information, websites are usually the best resource.
Widespread appearance on the Internet is a strong indication that a report is accurate.
Listeners might get upset if your speech topic varies from what they had anticipated.
Television is an example of a channel of communication.
The best topics for a speech are ones that require the speaker to do a great deal of
I got my information from the Internet is an acceptable way to assure audiences that the
information in your speech is valid.
A eulogy should be dignified, without exaggerated sentimentality.
If you find a photo on a Web site and want to use it in a classroom speech, you can use
it without asking permission from the Web site.
If you whisper, it is okay to talk on a cell phone while attending a presentation.
In a meeting, the leader should periodically summarize the group's work.
The most understood form of nonverbal communication in the world is the smile.
For panel moderators, open-ended questions are the best way to stimulate discussion.
Creating a graphic on a whiteboard or chalkboard during a speech is an effective way to
hold the audience's attention.
In the introduction, it is acceptable to tell a hypothetical narrative (a story that did not
actually happen).
A good research technique is to turn your specific purpose statement into a research
Arguing that overeating on one occasion will lead to obesity is an example of the
logical fallacy known as "slippery slope".
In a process speech, the goal is always to teach the listeners how to perform the process
If your hands tremble or you show some other sign of nervousness, you should
apologize to your audience or try to make a joke out of your problem.
Jokes are necessary in an entertaining speech.
Main points in outlines are represented by Roman numerals (I, II, III, and so on).
When interviewing people on controversial subjects, it is a good idea to record their
comments secretly, so that they are candid and unconstrained in giving their true views.
If you use the topical pattern, you should divide your central idea into components or
Sometimes one single example is enough to support a point.
In a speech of tribute to a great person, it adds to your credibility if you point out some
negative features of the person.
Abstract words usually mean the same thing to all listeners.
In a persuasive speech, your credibility is strengthened if you concede that your ideas
sometimes do not work.
In an outline, one of the places where you should put a transition is between the body of
the speech and the conclusion.
To paraphrase means to quote someone's words exactly.
Her and me went to Chicago is grammatically correct.
Issuing an appeal or a challenge at the end of a speech is an example of
A.a summary
B.a clincher
C.orienting material
D.attention material
Informing the audience of your qualifications to speak on a topic is
A.a form of bragging to be avoided
B.recommended to build credibility
C.not advised unless you are an expert
Cut and paste is acceptable form of data-gathering if you are careful to give credit to your sources an unethical and unacceptable technique for gathering information
A speaker says, "Former Israeli prime minister Golda Meir said, 'To be successful, a
woman has to be much better at her job than a man.'" This sentence illustrates the use of
A.vivid images
An outline should include reminders
B.every word that you will say during the speech
C.transitions audience analysis
A spine-tingling tale of adventure would be most appropriate for which kind of speech?
A.entertaining speech
B.speech of introduction
C.speech of acceptance
D.inspirational speech
Which is the most reliable type of material?
Before you give a speech of introduction, you should coordinate your remarks with the
speaker's. The primary reason for doing so is to avoid
A.divulging embarrassing personal details
B.inadvertently antagonizing the audience
C.pretending you know more about the subject than the speaker
D.stealing the speaker's material
Horace noticed some listeners looking confused when he used a certain term in his
speech, so he backed up and explained the term in greater detail. Horace exhibited to an audience
B.using demographic analysis
C.adaptation during a speech
D.audience analysis
Do Democrats outnumber Republicans in this state? is an example of the
_______________ type of question.
Which kind of speech would you be most likely to deliver to an evening banquet?
The term used by the text for visualizing successful actions is
A.creative imagination
B.positive imagery
C.success orientation
D.power visualization
Companies such as Canon, Nikon, and Sony make expensive camera lenses. This
sentence illustrates the use of
The text recommends that an invitation to company employees should be worded as:
A."You and your husband or wife are invited to the company picnic."
B."You and your spouse are invited to the company picnic."
C."You and your guest are invited to the company picnic."
When no time limit is set for a speech, the speaker should talk
A.briefly long as the speaker wants
If a funeral director is called a "grief therapist", what type of language is being used?
C.mixed metaphor
Regarding a speaker's credibility with an audience, which one of the following
statements is true?
A.The more visual aids a speaker uses, the greater the credibility.
B.A speaker is better off using no visual aids at all than poor ones.
To gain rapport with their audiences, some comedians
A.pretend to have stage fright
B.deliberately make mistakes
C.go out into the audience to shake hands
D.playfully "insult" some listeners
If there are discrepancies between the verbal and nonverbal components of a speech,
listeners will probably
A.reject both components as untrue
B.accept the verbal as the true message
C.accept the nonverbal as the true message
Brainstorming by a small group resulted in which successful product?
A.Image-capture chips in digital cameras
B.Nike Air Max shoes
C.Hershey's Candy Kisses
D.YouTube video clips
An abstract is a
C.Web address
D.research question
The text quotes Keith Davis as saying, "Hearing is with the ears; listening is with the
The text says that grammatical errors in a speech distract the audience and can cause the
speaker to lose
A.self-confidence aura of expertise
C.credibility with the audience
D.a tone of seriousness
A speaker says, "We must change to the metric system or we will fall behind the rest of
the world in science and industry." This speaker is guilty of using which kind of fallacy
in reasoning?
A.straw man
B.attack on a person
C.either-or reasoning
In considering whether and how to use PowerPoint slides, your first step is to
A.decide the ideal number of slides
B.investigate the availability of photos on the Internet
C.compile a list of potential slides
D.create the outline for your speech
The best way to indicate that you have finished with a quotation is to
A.say "End of quotation"
B.pause as an "oral" punctuation device
C.use both hands to make "finger quotes" in the air
D.crumple the card on which the quotation is written
If you fear that you will cry while telling a painful personal story in a speech, you
A.omit the story to avoid embarrassment
B.tell the story after alerting the audience that you might cry
C.videotape yourself telling the story and play the video during the speech
D.put the story on a handout that is distributed at the end of the speech
In a survey of major mistakes in presentations today, which one of the following was
A.Using PowerPoint to prove an argument
B.using PowerPoint slides that contain images but no words
C.Using PowerPoint slides ineffectively
D.using PowerPoint with video content
Bizarre clothing worn by the speaker is an example of
A group spends all its time on minor issues and never gets around to the major issues.
The group could solve the problem by
A.establishing and following an agenda
B.choosing a forceful leader
C.allotting extra time for each meeting
A speech that is divided into parts, with each part delivered by a different person, is
known as a presentation
D.split speech
Sleet is harsh and icy, whereas snow is soft and fluffy is an example of
C.hypothetical narrative
Punctuation marks are like traffic signs. This sentence is
A.a statistic
C.proof analogy
Which aspect of nonverbal communication is considered a "figurative handshake"?
A.personal appearance
C.eye contact
In giving a speaker an evaluation of a speech, which should be presented first?
A.positive comments
B.negative comments
C.neutral comments that are neither negative nor positive
Material that was copyrighted before 1923 is now in the _________________ domain.
The ___________________________ is the equivalent of a footnote in a written
document and its purpose is the same: to give credit for information or ideas that did
not originate with the speaker.
Fear of public speaking can be caused by a ______________ event in your past.
Telling the audience about your expertise on your topic is a good way to establish
Items in a speech designed to carry listeners smoothly from one section to another are
called ___________________________.
A eulogy is an example of the speech of ___________________________.
Polls are sometimes unreliable because results often depend upon how a question is
President Franklin D. Roosevelt's formula for speechmaking: "Be sincere. Be _______.
Be seated."
___________________________ are people who innocently bear the blame of others.
In a process speech, you should give advance warning of
If you are part of a team and one of your team members is speaking to an audience,
what signal would you send the audience if you review your notes?
A."I want to be well-prepared when I get my turn to speak."
B."What's being said is not very important."
Jack Smith works hard on a committee preparing a plan for action. At the sixth meeting,
he finds out that the committee can only advise; it does not have the power to take
action. Jack is distraught because he feels that much of his work has been in vain.
Whose fault is it that Jack has labored under a misconception?
A.Jack himself, for not inquiring about the scope of the group's power
B.the group leader, for not making clear the scope of the group's power
A specific purpose statement should be limited to how many major ideas?
A rule of thumb for speeches of introduction is to keep them under _______ minutes.
Interviewing experts and using your own investigations are examples of __________
A ___________________________ narrative tells the audience about an imaginary

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