COMU 86387

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 2420
subject Authors Dana Loewy, Mary Ellen Guffey

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After writing a follow-up letter to thank your interviewer, your next step should be
a. alerting your references that they may be contacted by the employer.
b. sending a small gift to the receptionist to show your sincere appreciation.
c. calling the organization's human resources department to learn more about your
competitors for the open position.
d. waiting at least one month for a call of acceptance or rejection.
To reduce resistance in a persuasive request, you should avoid offering
counterarguments so that you do not offend your reader.
a. True
b. False
Employees in today's workforce must learn to write only e-mails effectively.
a. True
b. False
In using the indirect strategy to communicate bad news, you should avoid mentioning
the bad news.
a. True
b. False
Trina must respond to a customer inquiry. Her response should not only answer the
customer's questions but also promote her business and its products and services.
a. True
b. False
Podcasting has experienced large growth and has spread among various user groups
a. True
b. False
Ethnocentrism can be found in all cultures.
a. True
b. False
You should strive to write paragraphs with eight or fewer printed lines.
a. True
b. False
Stephen is starting a new job and wants to demonstrate that he is a professional
employee. What advice should he follow?
a. Never apologize for errors or misunderstandings because doing so calls attention to
b. Show up a few minutes late every so often to show that he isn't an overzealous
c. Avoid compromising with others.
d. Exercise self-control and keep personal opinions of people private.
You will sound more professional and sincere if you include a sentence such as Thank
you for your cooperation in the closing paragraph of an information-request message.
a. True
b. False
Transitional expressions such as next, first, and finally are useful to show
a. cause and effect.
b. illustration.
c. comparison and contrast.
d. time association.
To avoid charges of copyright infringement, you should
a. include a footnote to all information.
b. use information only from Internet sites.
c. ask permission only when using information from a legal publication.
d. assume that all intellectual property is copyrighted.
You should create a multimedia slide for all of the following reasons except to
a. illustrate and simplify complex ideas.
b. provide a transition from one major point to the next.
c. demonstrate your use of technology.
d. introduce or review your key points.
LinkedIn is the No. 1 social media site to use when looking for a job.
a. True
b. False
Because many companies now use social networking sites to screen job candidates,
what is the best advice you should follow to project a positive image?
a. Join as many groups or fan pages as possible to demonstrate your popularity.
b. Make your personal social networking pages available to all individuals.
c. Remove any photos, content, and links that could make you look unprofessional.
d. Update your status about your current job search frequently so that your friends and
family know how things are going.
Branch managers of First Federated Savings and Loan received this e-mail message:
Please inform all personal that management retains the right to check personal
belongings of employees before employees leave the bank. What error did the writer
a. A grammatical mistake
b. A proofreading error
c. A failure to use spell check
d. No error was made. The sentence is correct as written.
One of the best ways to develop audience benefits is to use the "you" view, which
a. means that all messages are written in the active voice.
b. dictates that all sentences be written as commands.
c. emphasizes second-person pronouns instead of first-person pronouns.
d. uses slang and abbreviations to personalize the message.
You can streamline your writing and make it more emphatic by using vivid adverbs
such as very, extremely, and actually as often as possible.
a. True
b. False
The opening of a sales message is one of its most critical elements.
a. True
b. False
When your reader may oppose your recommendation, you should begin the report by
announcing the recommendation directly.
a. True
b. False
An oral presentation that incorporates visual aids is far more likely to be retained than
one lacking visual enhancement.
a. True
b. False
The indirect strategy of organization is appropriate for a business report when readers
a. are supportive of the topic.
b. must be persuaded.
c. are familiar with the topic.
d. want to know the results immediately.
After you determine your purpose and analyze your audience, your next step is to
a. practice your delivery.
b. collect information.
c. organize the ideas.
d. choose your topic.
Persuasion used in today's business environment focuses on manipulating others.
a. True
b. False
Following a systematic plan when preparing any document or presentation will make
your job easier.
a. True
b. False
The primary purposes of most business documents are to inform and to persuade. A
common secondary purpose is sales growth.
a. True
b. False
Persuasive requests should be organized
a. quickly.
b. indirectly.
c. directly.
d. chronologically.
One of the most important steps in effective interviewing is researching the target
a. True
b. False
Zach's company does business globally. By associating with people from diverse
cultures, Zach can widen his knowledge of intercultural messages and can increase his
tolerance of differences.
a. True
b. False
Most people are good listeners.
a. True
b. False
A report that gives status updates on a current project is called
a. the minutes of a meeting.
b. an analytical report.
c. a progress report.
d. a summary.
All buffers should begin by complimenting the receiver.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following statements about workplace teams is most accurate?
a. Teams tend to respond more slowly to competition or problem solving.
b. Because conflict often results, teams tend to have decreased productivity.
c. Team members who are involved in the decision-making process show less resistance
to change.
d. Individuals tend to make better decisions than teams.
Logan has just completed the writing of a report on e-waste generated by his company.
What should he do next?
a. Submit the report to his supervisor.
b. Analyze his audience.
c. Edit and proofread the report.
d. Celebrate for completing the report.
Paraphrasing a sender's message is an effective tool to promote understanding.
a. True
b. False

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