COMU 84303

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 910
subject Authors John T. Warren

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“Stealing is immoral. Plagiarism is stealing. Therefore, plagiarism is immoral.” This an
example of
A. Deductive reasoning
B. Evidence
C. Inductive reasoning
D. Causal reasoning
________________ is a passive act in which sounds vibrate off our eardrums.
A. Listening
B. Speaking
C. Hearing
D. Engaging
According to social constructionism, both the speaker and the audience make meaning
of stories as they are being told.
a. True
b. False
Efforts to understand communication as people’s collaborative sense-making about the
world around them best describes which of the perspectives on communication
A. A social scientific perspective
B. An elocutionist perspective
C. A social constructivist perspective
D. A postmodern perspective
The transmission model of communication
A. explains communication as a circular process
B. explains communication as transparent and simple
C. explains communication in steps
D. explains communication as simultaneous and complex
The argument that language does not exist in a vacuum was advanced by
A. Sapir
B. Saussure
C. Volosinov
D. Whorf
__________ play a significant role in public presentations
A. Proxemics
B. Artifacts
C. Haptics
D. Nonverbal behaviors
The form of proof that comes from the credibility of the speaker is called pathos.
a. True
b. False
A discussion of haves and have-nots is a discussion of power.
a. True
b. False
In an APA citation, the year a work appeared in print appears late in the citation.
a. True
b. False
A __________ is something people already in power use to maintain their power.
A. Strategy
B. Tactic
C. Resistance
D. All of the above
Cornwell and Orbe explain that dialogic listening requires an awareness of the impact
A. Culture
B. Power
C. Privilege
D. A & C
E. A & B
We build an image of ourselves for ourselves and others. This is also known as
A. Essentialist perspective
B. Impression management
C. Standpoint Theory
D. Social Constructionism
A feminist communication theory that originally examined gender, questioning and
challenging women’s subservient relationship to men is known as the
A. Positionality Theory
B. Symbolic Interactionism
C. Standpoint Theory
D. Social Constructionism
The authors’ argue the movie, ____________, works because its structure masks how
racism is a larger than individual acts of racism, even as the film attempts to challenge
common racist stereotypes.
A. Beasts of the Southern Wild
B. American History X
C. The Help
D. Crash
Attempts to correctly discern inequities in the power relationships within and across
cultures best describes which of the following perspectives on communication
A. A critical perspective
B. A social scientific perspective
C. A spurious perspective
D. A social constructivist perspective
Ethos, pathos, and logos are considered types of _______________
A. Invention strategies
B. Manipulations devices
C. Persuasive appeals
D. Memory devices
Conquergood’s third pitfall of listening, _________, focuses almost exclusively on the
differences of the other – differences are exotic and strange.
A. Custodian’s Rip-Off
B. Curator’s Exhibitionism
C. Enthusiast’s Infatuation
D. Skeptic’s Cop-Out
Performance studies scholars argue that our identities are fixed or static actions.
a. True
b. False
The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis claims that __________ shapes our __________.
A. Culture; Language
B. Reality; Culture
C. Language; Reality
D. None of the above
Tim has been invited to interview for a job with Global Systems. After talking with the
Career Center on campus, Tim decides to arrive to his interview 15 minutes early. He is
recognizing the way time communicates, also known as __________.
A. Chronemics
B. Paralanguage
C. Haptics
D. None of the above
In order to advocate, you must not only listen to the _______ of the message, but the
relationship message that accompanies it.
A. Content
B. Communication
C. Context
D. Concept
_________ demonstrate membership as the ay members describe their organization. For
example, Ramani may call her group experience a “tornado” to describe the conflict
that occurred during the initial meetings.
A. Facts
B. Stories
C. Metaphors
D. Vocabulary
An example of the stage model for speech composition includes all of the following
A. Drafting aloud
B. Writing
C. Practice
D. Publishing
Andrea asks Olivia to meet her by the tree in the “free speech area” on campus to
discuss the upcoming Student Government campaign. Olivia can think of a variety of
trees in that space (oak, maple, pear, and magnolia). These associations with “tree” are
the __________ meanings.
A. Signified
B. Sign
C. Signifier
D. None of the above
______ enable social actors to frame, negotiate, and articulate their existences as social
cultural, and moral beings.
A. Frames
B. Culture
C. Context
D. Rituals
Communicating without the use of words is known as __________.
A. Paralinguistic Communication
B. Bodily Communication
C. Behavioral Communication
D. Nonverbal Communication
Verbal communication refers to __________.
A. Words
B. Eye contact
C. Culture
D. Volume and intonation
“I don’t hear with my ears, I hear with my whole body. Ears are at the best the focal
organs of hearing.” This statement was expressed by phenomenologist
A. Martin Buber
B. Paulo Freire
C. Dwight Conquergood
D. Don Ihde

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