COMU 81967

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1074
subject Authors ‎Michael Gamble, Teri K Gamble

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Research shows that the greater the involvement of group members in the decision-
making process, the
A. less effective the decision will be.
B. more effective the decision will be.
C. both of these
D. none of these
Averaging is more effective when making decisions than reaching a consensus because
all voices count equally and it is less divisive than voting.
A. true
B. false
Leadership is the ability to
A. achieve a goal.
B. create a defensive climate.
C. create a competitive climate.
D. influence others.
When group members are suggesting possible solutions to conflict, the most important
approach is to
A. rank these suggested solutions in order of feasibility.
B. eliminate those which seem impractical.
C. suspend judgment.
D. vote to choose the top five, in order of feasibility.
Denotative meaning refers to
A. connotative meaning.
B. objective meaning.
C. direct meaning.
D. personal meaning.
The notion that people from different cultures perceive stimuli and communicate
differently because of their language differences is known as distinctiveness theory.
A. true.
B. false.
It is possible to communicate without talking to anyone else.
A. true
B. false
A presidential address would most likely take the form of a(n)
A. memorized speech.
B. manuscript speech.
C. extemporaneous speech.
D. impromptu speech.
Allan Filley identifies several benefits of conflict. Which of the following is not one of
A. Conflict can reduce or eliminate the possibility of more serious conflict in the future.
B. Conflict can foster innovation.
C. Conflict can increase cohesiveness.
D. Conflict can help us test the viability of a relationship.
E. Conflict helps us adhere to display rules.
Self-image is the sort of person one perceives one’s self to be.
A. true
B. false
Effect is defined as
A. a behavior-enhancing response.
B. a response you give to you.
C. a communication outcome.
D. none of these
Jewelry is an example of
A. antique communication.
B. excessive communication.
C. star power communication.
D. artifactual communication.
Some people feel that an overemphasis on reinforcing self-esteem can precipitate a
culture of
A. little self-concept.
B. bullying.
C. actualization.
D. all of these
When we listen critically, we
A. listen for pleasure.
B. seek to understand the feelings of another person.
C. seek to determine the accuracy of a message.
D. listen to gain knowledge.
The melting-pot philosophy
A. is based on cultural relativity.
B. involves a respect and tolerance for uniqueness.
C. assumes that immigrants should be assimilated into American culture.
D. advocates quotas for immigrants of various ethnic groups.
Predictability versus novelty and openness versus privacy are examples of dialectical
tensions that tend to remain stable in a relationship over time.
A. true
B. false
Pessimists give up more easily because they tend to interpret setbacks as their own
A. true.
B. false
During the nascent friendship stage, we consider ourselves an enemy of the other
A. true
B. false
An interview is “not just talk.”
A. true
B. false
The difference between language and symbol is that
A. language is more abstract and symbol more concrete.
B. symbols represent things and are found within language.
C. language is variable whereas a symbol holds a more uniform meaning across
D. language is more often a barrier to communication, whereas symbols are usually an
Which of the following indicates the customary order of the development of a
A. nascent friendship, stabilized friendship, role-limited interaction
B. waning friendship, stabilized friendship, nascent friendship
C. nascent friendship, role-limited interaction, stabilized friendship
D. role-limited interaction, nascent friendship, stabilized friendship
The best visual aid to convey percentages or proportions is the
A. line graph.
B. bar graph.
C. pie graph.
D. pictograph.
In group meetings, men tend to
A. offer more objective comments than women.
B. pay less attention to relationships among group members than women.
C. neither of these
D. both of these
It is appropriate to ask a candidate his or her religion.
A. true
B. false
When you turn away from someone, you are
A. communicating.
B. having some effect on the other.
C. not communicating in any way.
D. not having any effect on the other.
E. both communicating and having some effect on the other.
Sam gives little thought to what he is wearing. He seldom gets a haircut and sometimes
tucks his shirt in. Sam might be a
A. high self-monitor.
B. low self-monitor.
C. non-self-monitor.
D. both low self-monitor and non-self-monitor.
One of the functions of the introduction of a speech is to gain the attention of the
A. true
B. false
Listeners who are focused on a task and concerned with outcomes are known as
A. time-oriented listeners.
B. action-oriented listeners.
C. content-oriented listeners.
D. people-oriented listeners.
Obtaining a marriage license would occur during the intensifying stage of a
A. true
B. false
When working to resolve conflict, it is helpful to
A. suggest possible solutions.
B. assess alternative solutions.
C. try out a solution and evaluate it.
D. all of these
When we try to determine what other people think is right, we are looking for
A. social science.
B. social definitions.
C. social proof.
D. all of these
The text lists all but which of the following as criteria for topic selection?
A. Is the topic worthwhile?
B. Is the topic appropriate?
C. Is the topic interesting?
D. Is the topic complex?
Which of the following would not make you seem more credible?
A. trustworthiness
B. charisma
C. competence
D. passivity
A person who has an extensional orientation is likely to
A. be easily fooled by a label.
B. look beyond the label and inspect the item.
C. be more disposed to fantasy than reality.
D. rely on the approval of others.
Symbols and what they represent are independent of one another.
A. true
B. false

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