COMU 74002

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 2163
subject Authors Kelly M. Quintanilla

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The average person remembers between _______% and _______% of what they hear.
a. 50%; 75%
b. 25%; 50%
c. 30%; 60%
d. 60%; 80%
Which of the following is an illegal question to ask during an interview?
a. total length of time at previous positions or total years of experience
b. what country the interviewee was born in
c. salary requirements
d. how soon can the applicant start
Rudy routinely needs to order parts from another part of his company to create a
finished product. Rudy is an example of a(n)
a. external customer.
b. vendor.
c. internal customer.
d. inclusive buyer.
When you evaluate your professional context, you are becoming
a. more audience centered.
b. more person centered.
c. more self-centered.
d. more profession centered.
Performance evaluations should occur more often than once a year.
a. True
b. False
When using the HURIER model, what does the understanding step ask you to do?
a. concentrating on and attending to the message
b. recalling the message so it can be acted on
c. logically assessing the value of the message
d. attaching meaning to the verbal communication
Speakers should point out other possible causes when persuading with a causal
reasoning technique.
a. True
b. False
________________ is when an employee acts warm and friendly toward the supervisor.
a. Advocacy
b. Ingratiation
c. Manipulation
d. Conversation
Jenny is taking notes and facilitating the meeting, making sure the group follows the
agenda. What role is Jenny providing?
a. recorder
b. secretary
c. procedural developer
d. coordinator
_________ are temporary embellishments or objects characteristic of a particular
culture or institution.
a. Emblems
b. Artifacts
c. Fixtures
d. none of the above
All of the following are speaking tips drawn from Steve Jobs’s speaking style EXCEPT
a. Use anecdotes.
b. Forget PowerPoint.
c. Use body language that makes you appear comfortable.
d. Speak in the accent most familiar to your audience members.
Listening requires you to concentrate on ___________messages being sent and to
determine the meaning of those messages.
a. verbal and nonverbal
b. oral and physical
c. communication
d. instrumental and relational
Which of the following is not important to your overall “value” to an employer?
a. education
b. experience
c. management responsibility
d. previous employment
Which of the following is false about workplace bullying?
a. bullying van have a direct influence on organizational productivity
b. workplace bullying is often reported to HR
c. Bullies tend to extinguish the stars and go-to employees
d. Workplace bulling can be intentionally or subconscious behavior
The process of understanding our experiences and the experiences of others through the
use of verbal and nonverbal messages is known as
a. group communication.
b. human communication.
c. interpersonal communication.
d. interactive communication.
A hug or pat on the back is an example of a social touch.
a. True
b. False
Getting to know yourself better involves adjusting your communication style in
professional settings.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following is not an example of a vocal filler?
a. umm
b. like
c. furthermore
d. and
John is involved in a work-school cooperation that involves him following around a
professional in his or her field for a week. This is known as a/an
a. internship.
b. shadowing.
c. orientation.
d. field training.
Information from formal networks is __________ than information from informal
a. less efficient and more accurate
b. less efficient and less accurate
c. more efficient and more accurate
d. more efficient and less accurate
Sheryl believes her role as a leader is to facilitate the group. Sheryl is what type of
a. telling
b. selling
c. participating
d. delegating
________ refers to the location, time, and occasion where communication occurs.
a. Environment
b. Context
c. Temporality
d. Atmosphere
A report from your supervisor on total sales is an example if an internal source.
a. True
b. False
Words or phrases that let the audience know where you are within the presentation are
known as
a. transitions.
b. signposts.
c. internal previews.
d. summaries.
Men are more likely to communicate to establish relationships by using rapport talk.
a. True
b. False
Roman wishes to introduce a new drinking water system to his office and do away with
the bottled water vending machine. He asks the audience to raise their hands if they like
to waste money and plastic. He then asks the audience to raise their hands if they would
like to save money and the environment. Roman is using what technique to persuade his
a. cognitive dissonance
b. analogical reasoning
c. causal reasoning
d. logical reasoning
Tyler is a police officer out on patrol. After talking on his radio to his dispatch, Tyler
uses words such as “copy that” and “10-4”. These words are known as
a. slang.
b. colloquialisms.
c. jargon.
d. lingo.
Listening awareness can do all of the following EXCEPT
a. increase understanding of the nature of listening and its importance in the overall
communication process
b. diagnose listening abilities and practices
c. develop skills and techniques to improve listening effectiveness
d. help communicators de-emphasize the importance of listening
Jennifer's company starts off every day with a casual meeting where any employee can
talk about issues or concerns regarding the department. Jennifer's company is using
a. formal presentation.
b. huddles.
c. impromptu presentation.
d. active agreement.
Why is it important to use a practice audience before your speech?
a. An honest practice audience can help determine if your speech is effective.
b. Practicing with an audience beforehand removes the need to follow an outline.
c. You can be informal and at ease with a practice audience.
d. Practice audiences will not judge you too harshly.
Bias involves discriminating against someone based on their race, ethnicity, beliefs, and
so forth.
a. True
b. False
Alicia was hoping to get promoted in the next 6 months. She had done all the things she
thought she needed to do, and her boss had told her as much in their informal
conversations. When her file went up for review, she was denied the promotion because
there was no documentation of her achievements and performance on file. Though she
appreciated informal praise for her work, what Alicia needed was
a. a boss that went to bat for her.
b. employee reviews in her file.
c. more experience.
d. none of the above
_______ is the rules of living and functioning in society.
a. Society
b. Ideology
c. Worldview
d. Culture
Teams who use PowerPoint demonstrations should keep
a. each part separate for purposes of clarity.
b. transitions between speakers to a minimum.
c. the entire presentation as one file.
d. separate color schemes for each speaker.
Explain the relational layer of messages. How might this affect communication
Answer varies
Describe the basics of a successful informative presentation.
Describe a situation in which a company would be advised to release proactive media
What should be included in employee reviews?
Explain the differences between the different types of communication apprehension and
how they can work in tandem to create noise in the communication model.
Describe the elements of an effective conclusion to a presentation.
Explain and give examples of worldview.
What kind of technological distractions lead to information overload?
Explain the phases of organizational assimilation. Be sure to mention each distinct
What should a presenter do before giving the actual presentation?
Describe the process of outlining a presentation.
How do your gestures and body movement impact a professional setting differently
than an informal or social setting?
Answer varies
Discuss the appropriateness of touch in regard to a professional setting. Is there ever a
situation where it is appropriate to move beyond the functional/professional touch?
Answer varies
Think about the last presentation you experienced and apply all steps of the HURIER
model to the presentation.
Answer varies
Explain the difference between active listening and passive listening. Give one example
each of when it is appropriate to use those styles.
Answer varies
Identify your greatest cause of internal noise. Discuss several different ways of
reducing your internal noise.
Answer varies
List and describe at least five types of “difficult people” you may encounter in the
workplace. Give an example from your own experience in which you encountered one
or more of these types of individuals.
Give three examples of diversity in professional contexts.
Explain communication privacy management (CPM) theory, including issues that are
managed using this theory.
. Answer varies

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