COMU 30048

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1413
subject Authors ‎Michael Gamble, Teri K Gamble

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Benjamin Whorf believed that our words determine the way we interpret the world.
A. true
B. false
An interpersonal relationship is
A. an online relationship.
B. a sexual relationship.
C. a meaningful relationship.
D. a phatic relationship.
Emotions may be expressed on the Internet by using
A. code words.
B. emotional shorthand.
C. emoticons.
D. clip art.
Co-culture members who attempt to maintain their cultural identity while they seek to
establish relationships with members of the dominant culture are using a strategy of
A. globalization.
B. accommodation.
C. separation.
D. confusion.
A quality circle is a small, autonomous work group whose members are empowered to
make decisions and supervise themselves.
A. true
B. false
The delivery style most effective in public speaking situations as well as in the
classroom is the
A. manuscript speech.
B. impromptu speech.
C. memorized speech.
D. extemporaneous speech.
What percentage of U.S. households own three or more television sets?
A. 76 percent
B. 92 percent
C. 51 percent
D. 88 percent
Words that are discriminatory but not literally racist are known as jargon.
A. true
B. false
Coordinating, evaluating, and consensus testing are all examples of
A. self-serving roles.
B. task roles.
C. maintenance roles.
D. none of these
Red-flag words
A. vary from one person to the next.
B. cause the listener to react emotionally.
C. may reduce our listening efficiency to zero.
D. have all of these effects on a listener.
When attempting to resolve conflicts, you should
A. focus on issues.
B. focus on personalities.
C. focus on lunch.
D. focus on not focusing.
Effective listening skills are particularly useful in
A. determining which closed questions to use.
B. asking follow-up questions.
C. leaving the door open for future contact at the end of the interview.
D. all of these.
Listening is a very important skill to master because
A. it is at the root of poor communication between spouses and between parents and
their children.
B. we spend more of our communication time listening than speaking.
C. it is the primary way we receive information.
D. of all of these reasons.
Loneliness results from
A. having too many interpersonal relationships.
B. a perceived discrepancy between desired and achieved social relationships.
C. a balance between desired and achieved social relationships.
D. inclusion.
Gender-lects is a term coined by linguist Deborah Tannen that describes
A. language differences attributed to gender.
B. words and phrases used to promote oneself as hip.
C. may result in nonlinear behavior.
D. perpetuates the stereotype of the computer geek.
A. must contain sound.
B. is created only by psychological sources.
C. is anything that interferes with or distorts our ability to send or receive messages.
D. is a significant component in effective communication.
Phatic communication refers to
A. statements of fact.
B. manipulative statements.
C. extreme self-disclosure.
D. surface clichs.
Emotional intelligence includes the ability to
A. motivate oneself.
B. control impulses.
C. regulate moods.
D. all of these
The text suggests that you can conduct an informal survey to generate material for a
speech. Such a survey might have a sample of about how many people?
A. 3 or 4
B. 10
C. 25 to 50
D. at least 100
When we use “I” messages, we
A. are likely to place the blame on ourselves.
B. avoid placing blame.
C. display our feelings in a judgmental context.
D. communicate all of these things.
Reasoning that relies on using specific evidence to make a general conclusion is
inductive reasoning.
A. true
B. false
Which description of the expression of feelings in a relationship is correct?
A. Suppressing one’s feelings may make solving interpersonal problems easier.
B. Disclosing feelings indicates to others how you want to be treated.
C. Suppressing feelings helps you to become more aware of how you feel.
D. Disclosing feelings may result in physiological problems.
When we do not understand that all persons do not attribute the same meaning to
similar behavioral clues, we may display
A. empathy.
B. selective perception.
C. cultural nearsightedness.
D. the horn effect.
According to Chris Mruk, all of the following are dimensions of self-esteem, except
A. affect.
B. belief systems.
C. competence.
D. worthiness.
Which of the following statements about groupthink is true?
A. It is an extreme way of avoiding conflict.
B. It forces group members to think critically.
C. It is a drastic but effective way to improve group functioning.
D. It is an excellent way to solve problems.
The average rsum gets about _____ seconds of the reader’s time.
A. 60 seconds
B. 15 seconds
C. 120 seconds
D. 5 seconds
One effective skill that shows we are actively listening to another to understand their
point of view is
A. judging.
B. paraphrasing.
C. avoiding eye contact.
D. completing their sentences.
At which stage of a relationship do people begin to share things in common, disclose
more, and become better at predicting each other's behavior?
A. experimenting
B. intensifying
C. integrating
D. bonding
E. differentiating
The purpose of Ogden and Richard’s triangle of meaning is to
A. show the direct relationship between the word and the thing.
B. illustrate that a word is equated to the thing.
C. explain that when an object exists, the meaning is clearly established.
D. show that meaning is established through the thoughts of an individual and is not
Researchers such as Ralph Nichols suggest that we accurately retain what percentage of
information gained from listening to others?
A. 25 percent
B. 50 percent
C. 75 percent
D. 100 percent
For people who express some anger, the risks for disease may be lower than for persons
who express little anger.
A. true
B. false
A DESC script
A. explains the six-stage model of friendship.
B. explains the abuse cycle.
C. is a de-escalation strategy.
D. is a tool that facilitates self-assertion.
Compare and contrast individualism and collectivism. In what ways do
high-context-communication cultures and low-context-communication cultures differ?
may vary
Compare and contrast various decision-making methods, identifying their strengths and
may vary
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the following four types of speech
delivery: manuscript, memorized, impromptu, and extemporaneous?
may vary
Define group, being certain to distinguish a team as a special kind of group. Then,
identify occasions when it is appropriate to have a group rather than an individual solve
a problem.
may vary
If you have participated in an online group to help solve problems, discuss the
experience. Include the advantages and disadvantages of online groups.
may vary
What is informative speaking? Discuss three types of informative speaking.
may vary
Describe a situation in which you tried not to communicate with someone. How
successful were you? In what way does your experience illustrate and reinforce the
maxim, “You cannot not communicate”?
may vary
Identify the methods of decision making that are used most often where you work. Are
you satisfied with them? Why or why not?
may vary
According to Deborah Tannen, “Boys learn to hold center stage by talking; girls learn to
listen.” Agree or disagree with Tannen and provide reasons for your stance.
may vary
Focus on celebrity and grief by recalling a celebrity who has died, such as Michael
Jackson. What do you remember about the death and the events that followed? What
aspects of the grief process does the public enact when dealing with a celebrity’s death?
may vary
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “What you are speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you
say.” What did he mean? In what ways does his statement illustrate the principles of
nonverbal communication including kinesics, artifacts, proxemics, and paralanguage?
Be specific.
may vary
Diagram the Johari window. Explain how it functions as a model of self-awareness and
may vary
David Shenk has suggested, “We now face the prospect of information obesity.” If this
statement is true, what implications does it have for the informative speaker? Be
may vary
Identify and distinguish between the stages of a group’s development.
may vary

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