subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 220
subject Authors Craig Van Slyke, John Day, Raymond Frost

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Complex Where clauses typically involve several conditions and use which of the
following logical operators?
a) +, -, *, /
b) =, <, >, <=, >=, !=
c) And, Or
d) Like, Unlike
Query Builder helps us delete an existing record in a table, by placing a skeleton of
which of the following SQL statements?
a) Insert Into table () Values ()
b) Update table Set fields Where ()
c) Remove From table Where ()
d) Delete From table Where ()
Which of the following would be selected in order to display client contacts and their
emails only?
a) Select contact and email From client
b) Select * From client
c) Select contact, email From client
d) Select From client Fields contact, email
In tables with concatenated keys, which of the following normal form violation has a
potential for occurring?
a) 2NF
c) 4NF
d) All of the above
In the relationship between Client and Job tables, which of the following fields in Job
table is the foreign key?
a) JobID
b) Email
c) SSN
d) Date
Which of the following are referred to as conditional operators?
a) +, -, *, /
b) =, >, <, >=, <=, !=
c) %, &, @, #
d) (, [, {, ), ], }
For years, QuickTax, Inc. has helped small businesses manage their taxes. The
management wants a database to keep track of clients, employees, and jobs. Managers
need to keep track of client names, addresses, contact persons, phone numbers, and
email addresses. They also need to track the employee's social security numbers, names,
and birth dates. Also, the company needs to be able to keep track of the data on each job
an employee performs for each of their clients.
In Microsoft Access, the most appropriate data type and size for Email field would be
which of the following?
a) Text(2)
b) Text(20)
c) Text(30)
d) Memo
Which of the following steps in the conguration process of a
SqlDataSource server control species the data that will be brought
into the application?
a) Connecting to a database
b) Saving the connection to a le
c) Choosing the data provider
d) Conguring the select statement
The data source will be edited by writing an appropriate SQL statement under which of
the following?
a) Select tab
b) Insert tab
c) Update tab
d) Edit tab
Reports, such as order summary, are used for
a) data input.
b) result output.
c) data formatting.
d) data storage.
In Microsoft Access, which of the following is used to create interactive screens that
allow end user's to work with database data.
a) Queries
b) Forms
c) Macros
d) Modules
Which DetailsView control property should be set to True in order to be able to insert
records into the data source?
a) AutoGenerateInsertButton
b) AutoGenerateUpdateButton
c) AutoGenerateEditButton
d) AutoGenerateDeleteButton
When the Web Form is sent back to the Web server, which of the
following occurs?
a) User and event-related information is returned.
b) All the returned information is analyzed.
c) Database is updated if necessary with new information.
d) All of the above
Client/system architecture is also known as which of the following?
a) Two-tier architecture
b) Three-tier architecture
c) Computer architecture
d) Network architecture
In Oracle, which of the following statements would result in contacts and emails only
for the clients in the state of New Hampshire?
a) Select contact, email From client Where state equals "NH"
b) Select contact, email From client Where state != "NH"
c) Select contact, email From client Where state = "NH"
d) Select contact, email From client Where state is "NH"
Which of the following conditions would result in a list of jobs with JobID of 5 or
a) JobID > 5
b) JobID >= 5
c) JobID != 5
d) JobID <=5
Which of the following describes the relationship between an end user and a database?
a) End user has a direct access to a database.
b) End user can never access a database.
c) End user interacts with a database front-end program.
d) End user can only interact with the database through a database administrator.
Correcting an ambiguous name problem requires which of the following?
a) Changing the name in the SQL statement
b) Preceding the name with the table name
c) Following the name with the table name
d) Separating the name from the table name
The relationship between employee and client tables is __.
Selection operation does which of the following?
a) Retrieves a subset of rows
b) Retrieves a subset of columns
c) Combines data from two tables
d) Makes a link between two tables
A list of QuickTax employee social security numbers would be an example of a
a) record.
b) primary key.
c) file.
d) table.
The fact that some instances of the supertype do not have to belong to any of the
subtypes is called which of the following?
a) Partial specialization
b) Total specialization
c) Disjoint rule
d) Overlap rule
In Microsoft Access, the statement used to display employee names together with all of
their job dates and times would be which of the following?
a) Select,, job.timestart, job.timeend From employee, job
Where employee.ssn = job.jobid
b) Select,, job.timestart, job.timeend From employee Inner
Join job On employee.ssn = job.ssn
c) Select,, job.timestart, job.timeend From employee.ssn Inner
Join On job.ssn
d) Select,, job.timestart, job.timeend From employee Inner
Join job On employee = job
SQL implements selection, projection, and joining operations using which of the
a) SQL statement
b) Select statement
c) From keyword
d) Retrieval statement
In Oracle, the statement used to display employee and client names together with all of
the job dates, sorted from earliest to latest, would be which one of the following?
a) Select,, From employee Inner Join (client Inner
Join job On = job.jobid) On employee.ssn = job.jobid Order by
b) Select,, From employee, client, job Order by
c) Select,, From employee, client, job Where = employee.ssn And employee.ssn = job.jobid Order by
d) Select,, From Where =
And employee.ssn = job.ssn Order by
In Microsoft Access, stored procedures written in Visual Basic that can be used to
automate tasks are created using which of the following?
a) Queries
b) Forms
c) Macros
d) Modules
Optimistic concurrency does which of the following as you work on a particular record
in the database?
a) Checks if somebody else made a change since you retrieved the record
b) Checks if you made the change before releasing the record to somebody else
c) Checks if you made a change since the last time you retrieved this record
d) Checks if the record was changed within last couple of days
Oracle's SQL interface allows the user to do which of the following?
a) Type SQL commands
b) Save a series of SQL commands
c) Retrieve a series of SQL commands
d) All of the above
In Oracle, the script line used to enter the first record into the client table would be
which of the following?
a) Insert into client ("", "Dentist Pros', "James Tucker", "63 Elm
Street", "Manchester", "NH", "03308", "(603)774-6698")
b) Insert into client ("" "Dentist Pros' "James Tucker" "63 Elm
Street" "Manchester" "NH" "03308" "(603)774-6698")
c) Insert ("", "Dentist Pros', "James Tucker", "63 Elm Street",
"Manchester", "NH", "03308", "(603)774-6698")
d) Insert into client (, Dentist Pros, James Tucker, 63 Elm Street,
Manchester, NH, 03308, (603)774-6698)
In a relational database, entities are stored in
a) files.
b) tables.
c) relationships.
d) attributes.
Having all client's tax return belong to at least one specialized sub-type category would
be an example of which of the following?
a) Partial specialization
b) Total specialization
c) Disjoint rule
d) Overlap rule
DataSource server controls are used to display data.
The third step in the basic ASP model is which of the following?
a) Server sends Web Form from the Web server.
b) User requests Web Form from the user's browser.
c) Web server processes data and returns form to the user's browser.
d) User enters data and returns form to the Web server.
Google uses which of the following type of computer to process a search?
a) Client computer
b) Web server
c) Email server
d) Database server
Primary keys can be formed
a) from an existing single field.
b) from several existing fields.
c) as computer-generated field.
d) using all of the above.
Using the above paragraph, list all the fields in the flower table. What would you use
for the primary key?
Data on a particular job, performed for a particular client by an employee would be
stored in a __.
In Microsoft SQL Server, the primary key is defined by right-clicking on the field and
selecting __ from the list.
In Microsoft Access, Input Mask for easier data entry into the client table would most
likely be provided for __ field.
Draw each of the tables with the appropriate table name.
In Microsoft Access, the statement used to calculate the number of clients from each zip
code, labeled "Zip Clients", would be __.
In SQL Query Analyzer, the statement used to calculate the number of clients from each
zip code, labeled "Zip Clients", would be __.
Specialized type of computers that initiate requests and present results are called _.
Web browser is an example of a software that performs __ processes.
In Oracle, the script line used to define the foreign key in job table, creating a
relationship with client table, would be: __.
Steve, the owner of Custom Furniture Inc., started with a small furniture shop building
tables, chairs, and educational accessories for his daughter's grade school, and has since
expanded to other small businesses and midsize companies in the state. Each of his
products has several components, with components in the same group (e.g. tables)
shared among different products. Further, within some of the larger product groups
(tables, chairs), there are specialized categories such as office tables/chairs with its own
set of attributes (reclining, number of lift positions for chairs, AC plug, data ports, cable
management). Apart from the product-related tables, Steve is keeping track of
customers, part suppliers, and other entities relevant for his business.
For questions 87 - 91, please refer to the preceding paragraph.
Describe the nature of recursive relationship in this case (if any) and discuss how it
would be modeled in the ER diagram for this database.
List the connection properties that need to be defined in order to set up data connection
to rental database on Microsoft SQL Server. Describe the benefits of saving the
connection details to Web.config file.
In Oracle SQL script, the __ statement is used to select the columns to be included in
the query.
In Microsoft SQL Server, __ are procedural programs that are stored as a part of the
A set of tax forms used in building a tax return could be viewed as tax return's __.

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