COMP 20040

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 26
subject Words 3851
subject Authors David J. Auer, David M. Kroenke

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SQL statements end with a colon.
Outer joins can be either up joins or down joins.
Report delivery is more difficult for data mining than it is for reporting systems.
Because EXISTS and NOT EXISTS are forms of correlated subqueries, the processing
of the associated SELECT statements must be nested.
One of the important properties of a column is whether or not it can have a NULL
When examining data values as a part of assessing table structure, you should try to
determine multivalued dependencies.
Most data mining techniques are simple and easy to use.
You can include single line comments in an Oracle Database stored procedure by
starting each comment line with the /* symbol.
A doubly nested set of EXISTS SELECT statements can be used to find rows that meet
some specified condition for every row in a table.
SQL Server security roles provide a simple way to control user privileges in a database.
Data warehouse data are frequently denormalized.
A database is called self-describing because it reduces data duplication.
MySQL uses the MySQL CALL statement to run a stored procedure.
The condition in WHERE clauses can refer to a set of values by using the IN operator.
Given the functional dependency A → (B, C), then it is true that A → B and A → C.
To remove duplicate rows from the result of a query, specify the SQL DISTINCT
MySQL users are granted MySQL privileges for specific schemas only.
Dependency graphs are graphical displays like bar charts.
The SQL keyword PRIMARY KEY is used to designate the column(s) that are the
primary key for the table.
Adding new tables and relationships to a database is difficult.
In XML Schema, the default cardinality of elements is 0.1.
MySQL uses the "Safe Updates"Forbid UPDATE and DELETE statements with no key
in WHERE clause or no LIMIT clausecheckbox to control the behavior of UPDATE and
DELETE statements run from the MySQL Workbench.
All type-valid XML documents are required to have a DTD.
In Microsoft Visio 2013, when the Entity object is placed in a diagram, it is labeled as a
In relational terms as defined by E.F. Codd, a row is called a tuple.
The Oracle Database Enterprise Manager Database Express provides graphical facilities
for managing databases.
The CurrVal method provides the current value in a sequence.
In the 1990s the database community and the document processing community created
a standard called Expandable Markup Language (XML).
MySQL uses the term data export dump as a synonym for backup.
Data Language/I (DL/I) structured data relationships as a tree structure.
XML Web services allow database processing to be shared across the Internet.
Copies of each database record or page after it was changed by a transaction that are
saved for use in database recovery are called ghost images.
A referential integrity constraint policy that insures that foreign key values in a table are
correctly maintained when there is a change to the primary key value in the parent table
is called cascading insertions.
An attribute that determines which subtype is appropriate is called a discriminator.
In Microsoft Visio 2013, the arrow end of the Relationship connector object points to
the table containing the foreign key.
The current DBMS engine in Microsoft Access is called ADE.
A binary relationship is a relationship between two or more entities.
A key is a combination of one or more columns that is used to identify particular rows
in a relation.
OLAP provides the ability to sum, count, average, and perform other simple arithmetic
operations on groups of data.
In an SQL query of two tables, which SQL keyword indicates that we want data from
all the rows of one table to be included in the result, even if the row does not
correspond to any data in the other table?
D) Both A and B are correct
In UML notation, the relationship line in a relationship with an ID-dependent weak
entity is labeled as ________.
A) <persistent>
B) <identifying>
C) <nonidentifying>
D) <protected>
Which of the following set of MySQL authorizations can be specifically assigned to a
user account?
A) Administrative roles
B) Schema privileges
C) Root user equivalence
D) Both A and B are correct
Which type of index in SQL Server is faster for data retrieval?
A) Clustered
B) Nonclustered
C) Baseline
D) There is no advantage to any particular index for data retrieval, only for data
When a table is created using existing data, you are likely to find that some data values
have never been provided because any value there would be inappropriate. This is an
example of ________.
A) the multivalued, multicolumn problem
B) the inconsistent values problem
C) the missing values problem
D) the general-purpose remarks column problem
SQL triggers are created using ________.
A) the SQL CREATE TRIGGER statement
B) the SQL ADD TRIGGER statement
C) the SQL TRIGGER statement
Data is composed of ________.
A) facts
B) numbers
C) information
D) Both A and B are correct
Which transaction isolation level option(s) is (are) available in MySQL?
D) Both A and B are correct
Microsoft Access may use which of the following DBMS engines?
B) SQL Server
C) Oracle
D) Both A and B are correct
Logging into the MySQL DBMS is done using ________.
A) the Connect to Server command
B) the Connect to Server dialog box
C) the Local instance MySQL56 command
D) the Local instance MySQL56 dialog box
We have done an RFM analysis on our customer data. John Smith has a score of "5 1
1". This means that John ________.
A) has ordered recently, and orders a lot when he orders
B) hasn't ordered recently, but orders a lot when he orders
C) has ordered recently, but doesn't order a lot when he orders
D) hasn't ordered recently, and doesn't order a lot when he orders
The disadvantages of normalization include ________.
A) the elimination of modification anomalies
B) the elimination of duplicated data
C) more complex SQL for multitable subqueries and joins
D) Both A and B are correct
The purpose of a database is to ________.
A) help people keep track of things
B) store data in tables
C) create tables of rows and columns
D) maintain data on different things in different tables
The term drill down means the user wants to ________.
A) summarize data
B) get older data
C) sort data
D) get more details
In an SQL query, the built-in functions SUM and AVG work with columns containing
data of which of the following data types?
A) Integer
B) Numeric
C) Char
D) Both A and B are correct
In a supertype-subtype structure, discriminator attributes ________.
A) are easily represented in a relational design
B) cannot be represented in a relational design
C) require application logic to determine which subtypes correspond to a specific
supertype instance
D) Both B and C are correct
The structured storage equivalent of an RDBMS table is a ________.
A) column
B) super column
C) column family
D) map
Which of the following is not a reason that operational data are difficult to read?
A) Dirty data
B) Current data
C) Nonintegrated data
D) Missing values
Which of the following is not a lock granularity supported by SQL Server?
A) Row
B) Attribute
C) Table
D) Page
When one SQL query is embedded in another SQL query, the top level SQL query can
still contain an SQL ________ clause.
When dropping tables and relationships, which of the following steps is/are included in
the process? (The order of the steps listed below is not relevant, only the steps
A) Drop the foreign key constraints from the tables
B) Drop the tables
C) Drop the primary key constraints from the tables
D) Both A and B are correct
In an SQL query, which SQL keyword is used with built-in functions to group together
rows that have the same value in a specified column or columns?
In database/ XML applications, it is a recommended practice that ________.
A) elements carry data, and attributes carry metadata
B) elements carry metadata, and attributes carry data
C) elements and attributes carry data, and the XML Schema carry metadata
D) elements and attributes carry metadata, and the XML Schema carry data
RFM scores commonly range from ________, with ________ being the "high" or
"most desirable" score.
A) 0 to 5; 0
B) 0 to 5; 5
C) 1 to 5, 1
D) 1 to 5; 5
Which of the following statements about Subtype objects is not true?
A) Subtypes can be Inclusive (an object may be more than one subtype).
B) Subtypes can be Exclusive (an object may only be one of the subtypes).
C) Subtypes can be Nested.
D) All relations between the parent and subtype are 1:N.
The term semantic means ________.
A) meaning
B) data
C) detailed
D) attribute
What type of JDBC driver translates JDBC calls into DBMS-specific network
A) Type 1 driver
B) Type 2 driver
C) Type 3 driver
D) Type 4 driver
Reviewing the work done on a table that was created using existing data from multiple
sources, you find that a column named Remarks has been included, and it is populated
with inconsistent and verbose verbal data. This is an example of ________.
A) the multivalued, multicolumn problem
B) the inconsistent values problem
C) the missing values problem
D) the general-purpose remarks column problem
The MySQL command line utility is ________.
A) MySQL*Plus
B) the MySQL Command-Line Client
C) MySQL-Shell
The first step in assessing table structure includes ________.
A) counting rows
B) examining columns
C) examining data values
D) Both A and B are correct
Which of the following can Oracle Database not support?
A) Triggers that are fired when a user logs in to the database
B) Triggers that are fired before each row change in a table
C) Triggers that are fired once when changes are made to rows in a table
D) Triggers that are fired after each row change in a table
What type of JDBC driver connects to the native API of the DBMS?
A) Type 1 driver
B) Type 2 driver
C) Type 3 driver
D) Type 4 driver
Discuss what is meant by a data type of "Numeric (10,3)." Include at least one example.
What is meant by the degree of a relationship?
Explain SQL Server indexes.
Explain the essential format of the CREATE TABLE statement. Include an example.
What MySQL utility is used for DBMS administration?
When accessing table structure, and determining the number and types of columns in a
table, how can you control how many rows are returned?
Explain the representation of a one-to-many strong entity relationship in a relational
database design.
What is SQL Developer?
What are the different types of conformance levels within the ODBC standard, and why
do they exist?
Explain two ways of creating tables in SQL Server.
Distinguish between Char and VarChar data types. Include examples and tradeoffs.
Briefly describe the function of the DBMS in a database system.
What is an ID-Dependent entity? Include an example.
What is PHP?
Explain the Oracle Database PL/SQL cursor statements.

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