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subject Authors Joann Keyton

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The quality of data interpretation cannot be better than the quality of data collected.
Content analysis is one type of data reduction technique. Regardless of the size of text
or the number of messages, meaning can be classified into fewer categories.
The letter n or N represents the number of cases for which data is reported.
Many websites or which the URL ends with .com are regarded as quality resources
written by knowledgeable experts.
In quantitative research, researchers use numbers to represent amounts, frequencies,
degrees, values, or intensity.
The steps of the research process are independent.
Because of its focus on subjectivity, qualitative research uses credibility rather than
reliability and validity to evaluate the quality of data interpretation.
A good literature review goes beyond a simple description of previously published
work to include analysis, synthesis, and a critique of this work.
A good standard is to spend as much time analyzing qualitative data as was spent
collecting it.
Training coders for an interaction analysis research project will eliminate all differences
in their application of the coding scheme.
A researcher conducting a qualitative study must balance what is being observed with
what he or she knows or can draw upon from the scholarly literature.
Triangulation is used by researchers to overcome threats to external validity.
Correlation equals causation.
A chi-square can indicate if significant differences are found, but can not determine
where the significance differences occurred.
In field interviewing, closed questions are better for initiating dialogue and obtaining
full descriptions.
Generally, it is not meaningful to analyze or interpret a score on one variable from one
Only empirical research reports are included in the literature review.
When an individual refuses to participate, ethical guidelines suggest that researchers try
other persuasive techniques to encourage participation.
In the inductive research model, observations tend to drive theory development.
Reliability and validity are similar concepts. It is only necessary for a researcher to
demonstrate that one of these is present.
Correlation tests for curvilinear relationships.
The strength of experimental designs is that the degree of control helps eliminate rival
explanations for the changes observed.
Only the classical form of experimentation is susceptible to researcher influence and
procedural bias.
It is likely that a researcher will collect more field notes than can be used.
A measurement can be reliable, but not valid.
All percentages are computed on 100 as the base.
Discrete data reflect amounts of the variable.
When using some form of participant observation, a researcher looks for
interdependence among the people observed, the social situation, and the context in
which the interaction occurs.
Theory can be well-developed and confirmed in one research study.
The null hypothesis is retained until there is sufficient statistical support for accepting
the research hypothesis.
Focus group moderators should plan for the group discussion to last at least 90 minutes.
In considering the distribution of scores, there are four standards to the right of the
midpoint, and four standards to the left of the midpoint.
Match the following terms and the descriptions. Some responses can be used more than
1) Measures what you want it to measure and not something else
2) Degree of similarity in measurements captured at different points in time
3) The relationship between the concept being measured and the process of measuring it
4) Measuring the core concept that was intended to be measured and not something else
5) Reflects true differences among individuals' scores.
6) Just by looking at the measuring device we believe it will measure what it is
supposed to measure
7) Achieved when one measurement can be linked to some other external measure
8) A reliability coefficient indicates the degree to which this concept occurred
9) Easiest type of validity to establish
10) Degree to which the measuring device represents the full range of characteristics
associated with the construct of interest
11) The measurement is table, trustworthy, or dependable
12) The degree to which multiple items invoke the same response from the participant
13) Using half of the measuring items for one measurement; the other half at another
A. Construct validity
B. Content validity
C. Criterion-related validity
D. Face validity
E. Internal reliability
F. Internal validity
G. Reliability
H. Split-Half reliability
I. Test-Retest reliability
J. Validity
Match the following descriptions with the 12 characteristics of science:
2)Explore all possible explanations
4)Possibility of error
6)Public record
10)Measurement and observation
A. different settings and with different participants
B. Necessary to demonstrate that the proposition is true
C. Findings from one study lead to more questions for the next study
D. Expected to occur; researchers use standard procedures and techniques to help
minimize it
E. Requirement of researcher to minimize personal bias
F. Available to anyone; not proprietary research
G. Based on data
H. Researchers do not rely on what appears to be obvious
I. Can be investigated
J. Identifying and capturing the phenomenon
K. Extending findings to similar situations or similar people
L. Publishing results provides an opportunity for researchers to improve their
Match the following terms and the descriptions of data types. Some responses can be
used more than once.
1) Ranking of preferences for political candidates
2) Score on communication competence questionnaire
3) Sex
4) Employment status
5) Ranking of television markets
6) Number of times the audience asks a speaker question
A. Discrete data
B. Interval data
C. Ordinal data
D. Ratio data
If the data for the variables being tested are not normally distributed, the statistical test:
A.cannot be used. not affected.
C.provides only an approximation of the relationship.
D.must be done on other variables.
E.can control for this by adding additional degrees of freedom.
It is possible that the difference the researcher predicts in the hypothesis is not the
difference that will exist in the data.
Match the following terms and the descriptions. Some responses can be used more than
1) The null hypothesis is retained even though the null hypothesis is false.
2) The null hypothesis is rejected even though the null hypothesis is true.
3) Researcher claims some difference or relationship exists when one does not
4) Researcher misses claiming a difference or relationship that is real
A. Type I Error
B. Type II Error
Match the following descriptions with the terms:
1) Achieved when a researcher is consistent in the use of data collection procedures
across all participants
2) Achieved when participants react similary to data collection procedures
3) Achieved when the measurement measured what was intended
A. reliability
B. validity
Match the following descriptions with the type of questions researcher investigate:
1)Questions of definition
2)Questions of relationships
3)Questions of policy
4)Questions of value
A. Provide definitions for phenomena
B. Examine the aesthetic or normative features of communication
C. Examine if and how two phenomena are related
D. Examine courses of action for their effectiveness
A correlation is the statistical test for:
A.testing the linear relationship between two continuous level variables.
B.testing the linear relationships among three continuous level variables.
C.determining degrees of freedom.
D.determining the significance level of other statistical tests.
E.examining two variables of nominal level data.
In conducting field interviewers, the researcher:
A.needs to select locations and times that are comfortable and convenient for the
B.should not be concerned about time.
C.should avoid establishing a frame of reference for the respondent so to be able to
capture his or her spontaneous reaction and answers.
D.should follow the interview guide in exactly the same way in each interview.
E.none of the above.
A variable measured with discrete data means that the data identify participants as
belonging to of at least two categories of the same variable. of several categories of multiple variables.
C.some position on a continuum of scores.
D.a ranked position as compared to other participants.
E.some position on a continuum of scores, including zero.
When data is theoretically saturated:
A.categories are still emerging.
B.the data may not fit into a specific category.
C.conducted from the role of the complete observer. new categories are emerging and the existing category structure appears stable.
The model for qualitative research demonstrates:
A.the independent steps of the research process.
B.the linear process of the research process.
C.why the qualitative research process cannot be planned in its entirety at the beginning
of the project.
D.the role of member validation.
E.c and d.
Reducing the data to a manageable size is accomplished with qualitative data by:
A.using numbers to represent data.
B.asking participants to stop talking when the researcher has heard enough.
C.leaving out data that does not fit the categories the researcher expects to find.
D.coding and categorizing data.
A semantic differential scale: a type of open question. the same as a Likert-type response scale.
C.uses word anchors for each numerical responses.
D.uses a word anchor for the middle response. based on two bipolar adjectives.
The method section in a qualitative research report: unnecessary due to the unstructured nature of qualitative research.
B.should not include references as to when the field work was conducted.
C.does not need to include the steps and methods for analyzing the data.
D.should include information about the research methods and procedures used in the
The normal curve is:
A.a theoretical distribution of scores.
B.characterized by the majority of cases at one end of the curve.
D.characterized by very few very high or very few very low scores.
E.the distribution of participants' scores for all variables.
Despite the variety in how researchers might write their qualitative research reports, the
one thing that must be included is:
A.when the fieldwork was conducted.
B.the extent of the researcher's involvement in the field.
C.steps used to analyze the data. what extent data were triangulated or checked.
E.all of the above.
Simple random sampling is:
A.Also called systematic sampling.
B.When every person has an equal chance of being selected to participate in the study.
C.A two-stage or multistage process.
D.All of the above.
Inductive analysis is:
A.the same as deductive reasoning.
B.achieved when researchers create distance between the research participants and
C.the discovery and development of theory as they emerge from qualitative data.
D.a type of control required for qualitative methods.
E.the replacement of operationalization in qualitative research.
A directional hypothesis is
A.preferable to a null hypothesis.
B.preferable to a research question.
C.a precise statement indicating the nature and direction of the relationship or
difference between the variables.
D.states that a difference in either direction is acceptable. operationalization of two more variables.
In the qualitative research report: is acceptable to reveal the identity of the research participants.
B.anonymity is not as important as confidentiality.
C.the researcher must keep his or her agreement about confidentiality and anonymity
with participants.
D.simply changing the participant's name is always enough to maintain anonymity.
Researchers can influence the results of any experimental design by:
A.simply being themselves. A researcher's characteristics can influence how
participants respond.
B.unknowingly encouraging participants to respond in the way that supports the
predictions of their hypotheses.
C.being blind to the experimental conditions.
D.selecting participants from a population with whom they are unfamiliar.
E.a and b.
Which of the following statements is not true?
A.Qualitative research preserves the form and content of human interaction.
B.Qualitative research is not empirically based.
C.The qualitative researcher is interested in the whole of the phenomenon under study.
D.Qualitative research aims for subjectivity.
E.The context in which qualitative data are collected cannot be imposed.
Researchers using qualitative methods refrain from using discourse or text to capture
An institutional review board, or human subjects review committee, can make which of
the following decisions?
A.Approve the research proposal.
B.Require changes in the research proposal.
C.Deny the research proposal.
D.All of the above.
E.None of the above.
A semantic differential scale:
A.asks participants to locate the meaning they ascribe to a stimulus. a form of continuous level measurement. anchored by two opposite or bipolar adjectives.
D.does not include descriptors for the intermediate positions.
E.all of the above.
Match the following terms and their descriptions:
1)Macrolevel evidence
2)Researcher construction
3)Microlevel evidence
4)Contingent accuracy
5)Subjective valuing
A. So broad that many similar data can belong to the same classification.
B. Researcher develops an interpretation of qualitative data from his or her personal,
subjective perspective.
C. Data can be identified at such a specific level that it stands on its own.
D. This interpretation of meaning relies on tangible artifacts and is the most objective.
E. This interpretation of meaning relies on a mix of both objective and subjective
The focus group moderator
A.should be seen as credible by participants.
B.should share important demographic characteristics with participants.
C.should be skilled in guiding a group in discussion.
D.should avoid the spoke-and-wheel pattern of questions and answers.
E.all of the above.
Using a qualitative methodology and collecting data in the field, a researcher:
A.will not have control over what happens.
B.will have a great deal of control over what happens.
C.should be objective.
D.must refrain from developing additional questions or modifying the initial research
E.has no opportunity to ask interactants what communication events mean.
When dealing with unexpected results:
A.the researcher should throw out the results and discontinue writing the research
B.the researcher should consider alternative explanations for findings.
C.the researcher should talk to others with expertise in their research topic and
methodology for useful insight.
D.all of the above.
E.b and c only.
Counting the number of times a theme appears in your field notes is a good way to
analyze field notes.
Response rate is the same as sample size.

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