COM CM 74743

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 21
subject Words 2580
subject Authors Andrew Ledbetter, Em Griffin, Glenn Sparks

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Ting-Toomey assumes that people of all cultures are always negotiating their public
In people with low ego-involvement, attitudes are anchored within the latitude of
Martin Buber held that theorists must call attention to the ways in which the power elite
control language to perpetuate power imbalances.
Tannen believes that male-female conversation is inherently cross-cultural
Communication that meets the emotional needs of another is a form of convergence.
Friendships are usually caused by cautious, measured self-disclosure rather than by a
quick thrust of self-disclosure.
Aronson holds that humans are not so much rational as rationalizing.
A person's identity is not shaped by the reactions of others, but rather, by the person's
own actions.
According to Katz, parasocial relationships tend to be destructive and anti-social.
Hall sees corporate control of communication in the way mass media portrays conflicts.
Bormann restricts the term fantasy to children's literature, sexual desire, or "things not
Those who espouse the new populism label themselves political conservatives, even
though their opinions are predominantly middle-of-the-road.
The reason we obey laws is the "I," not the "me."
Aristotle believed that the effective speaker must know how to appeal to the emotions
of the audience.
Prediction differs from value clarification in that the former looks to the future and the
latter examines the past.
Berger argues that only socially inept individuals with low self-esteem will doubt their
ability to predict the outcome of initial encounters.
Primarily an interpretative theory, uses and grats has been widely tested using
qualitative methods.
Under Aristotle's classification scheme, Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address" would be
considered an example of forensic speaking.
Women tell more stories and jokes than do men.
Deetz envisions at least six classes of stakeholders with multiple needs and desires.
The idea of women as a muted group was first proposed by Kramarae and met with a
very negative response from the male-dominated intellectual circles.
All organizations regulate who is a member and who is not.
The complexity of real-life relationships as described by Baxter and Montgomery
amounts to a chaotic jumble of contradictions that is far removed from ideal notions of
communication as shared meaning, warm communion, or increasing certainty.
According to Aristotle, a speaker's credibility increases the likelihood of a persuasive
message affecting the audience in the desired direction.
Depth is equally as important as breadth to the process of social penetration.
A goal, or defined purpose, separates an organization from a crowd of people.
In the years since his death, McLuhan has achieved a rather rare featunanimous
approval from the academic community.
Females are unlikely to find ways of expressing themselves outside the dominant public
modes of expression, thus increasing the mutedness of the gender.
Semiology has its roots in the medieval study of Christian and heathen signs and
Baxter warns that if we accept the basic premise that close relationships are
indeterminate processes of ongoing flux, we run the danger of becoming cynics.
To the extent that the details of the story portray the world we live in, the narrative has
As a person's ability to predict behaviors increases, uncertainty
C.stays the same.
D.increases or decreases, depending on relevant axiomatic considerations.
Standpoint theorists believe that research should be grounded in
A.rigorous empirical testing. unbiased perspective that is detached from a particular historical situation.
C.the lives of women and others who are marginalized.
D.the economic determinism of Marx.
For clarity, a communication theory should rest on a single hunch or isolated idea.
According to Fisher, the ideal audience
A.uses cultural standards to evaluate a story.
B.uses the standards of the rational-world paradigm to make decisions. guided by humane values in determining good reasons. easily persuaded, unless a paradigm shift is in place.
Convergence might be accomplished through
A.patronizing or "talking down" to the other.
B.persisting in your original style.
C.selecting appropriate topics to discuss.
D.All of the answers are correct
Kramarae believes that the Internet has potential for women because
A.the technology is interactive.
B.anyone can post anything in cyberspace.
C.they can present themselves as men online to avoid harassment.
D.many women are involved in designing Internet search categories.
Communication that accomplishes the organization's work toward goals is referred to as
A.Membership Negotiation.
C.Activity Coordination.
D.Institutional Positioning.
Which of the following is not one of the four principles of the four flows of the
Communicative Constitution of Organizations Theory?
A.All four flows are necessary for organization.
B.Different flows happen in different places.
C.The same message can address multiple flows.
D.Different flows address similar audiences.
Researchers who "map out" social discourse are called
D.None of the answers are correct
Standpoint theorists believe that people in dominant positions in society have more
motivation to understand those who are marginalized than vice versa.
The issue of speaker credibility relates most specifically to
Emma is overwhelmed with the amount of work she has to do in the next 48 hours.
When she thinks about it, her blood pressure rises and she feels rather sick to her
stomach. She finds that even 10 minutes of Angry Birds helps to diffuse the situation.
What is her most likely motivation?
D.Passing time
Scholars suggest that we may be in the ______________ age, the next epoch in human
What is a Faustian bargain?
A.a deal with the devil
B.attributing status to a higher priced technology
C.exchanging one media for another
D.the expectation that the new form of technology will be of greater worth than what it
Philipsen changed the name of his theory from "ethnography of communication" to
'speech codes theory" because
A.he wanted to get past the idea of ethnography as simply a research method.
B.he wanted to move from description to explanation and prediction.
C.he came to reject the principles of ethnography.
D.Both "he wanted to get past the idea of ethnography as simply a research method"
and "he wanted to move from description to explanation and prediction"
Paul Mongeau and James Stiff claim that ELM
A.cannot be falsified.
B.has not stimulated further research.
C.does not explain why people often pay more attention to the communicator than to
the message.
D.All of the answers are correct
The degree of intimacy reflected in a person's discourse is called the
A.depth of self-disclosure.
B.adequacy of self-disclosure.
C.breadth of self-disclosure.
D.rapidity of self-disclosure.
CPM is a rules-based theory. What does this mean?
A.It dictates how one should respond to the competing needs to disclose and keep
B.It holds a rather rigid understanding about human nature.
C.It seeks universal explanations about behavior.
D.It tries to discern why individuals make the choices they do.
Tannen maintains that men use talk a weapon. divert attention. prevent the transmission of information.
D.All of the answers are correct
The basic activity of the behavioral scientist is
A.seeking facts.
B.generating hypotheses.
C.publicizing significant findings.
D.theory testing.
A deductive argument that omits a premise is called a(n)
Which of the following is used to support an empirical theory?
A.examples of social injustice based on personally held ideology from direction observation
D.exploration of meaning or context
Hall's brand of cultural studies has been criticized because
A.its strong ideological component limits its credibility. overestimates the ability of individuals to resist social control while enjoying the
media. becomes too mired in specifics and lacks a strong overall framework. underestimates the connotative force of language.
Discussing communication consulting, Linda Smircich
A.raises ethical concerns because top corporate officers hire consultants to help extend
control over employees.
B.raises pragmatic concerns about the cost and time involved in the ethnographic
C.suggests that most organizations have similar bureaucratic rules and procedures.
D.suggests that consultants fail to consider the power of metaphor, story, and ritual.
The tendency for our expectations to evoke responses that confirm what we originally
anticipated is called
A.looking-glass self.
B.generalized other.
C.self-fulfilling prophecy.
D.participant observation.
John Dewey's reflective thinking
A.helps us get in touch with our Inner Child.
B.can be a hindrance to decision making in large groups. anti-pragmatic in its orientation.
D.parallels a doctor's approach to treating a patient.
Walther's SIP theory describes ___________________ through computer-mediated
A.relationship development
B.relationship maintenance
C.self-image construction
D.self-concept development
In comparison to readers of traditional print media, readers of electronic media
A.know more stories in depth.
B.remember more content details.
C.are more shut off from the larger flows of public information.
D.rate international stories as more important.
Fantasy themes are expressed in the form of
D.All of the answers are correct
Hegemony is
A.a media plot to support the status quo.
B.a method employed by the ruling class to exercise total control over people.
C.both reflected and reinforced in the media.
D.All of the answers are correct
Interpretive theory is valuable when it
A.allows us to predict how humans can effectively interact.
B.explains causal relationships in real-world situations.
C.offers fresh insights into the human condition.
D.separates the theorist's values from the observed phenomena.
In Teamsterville,
A.speech is a way to express and celebrate psychological uniqueness.
B.dinnertime is a speech event in which all family members are encouraged to have
their say.
C.conversation is laced with assurances of common place among those in the
D.communication is the route by which kids develop a positive self-image, a way to
feel good about themselves.
Most messages are processed ____________________.
For Barthes, a sign is part of ________________________; it cannot be interpreted
without this context.
For accommodation, what is ultimately important is not how a communicator converges
or diverges, but the _____________________.
Compared to the original "owner" for private information, the second party or recipient
is called ___________________.
Communication that neutralizes power is called a ________________________
If a message is processed centrally, the outcome may be no change, ______________,
or ______________.
According to agenda setting: Media agenda → ______________________.
__________________ knowledge is situated in time, place, experience, and relative
power; it is NOT value-free.
Someone with high __________________ likely sees an issue as salient, central or
important to their life.
The inner dialogue of interpreting symbols & reflecting on our thought process is called
Apparently, not all requisite functions are created equal: _______________________
appears to be more critical for a group to come to a high quality decision.
Relationship are ________________________________ if they are more intimate than
romances or friendships would be if partners were physically together.
Tannen believes that, more than anything else, men seek ______________________.
Rather than cater to any extreme position or constituency, Aristotle advocated
According to Kramarae and Dale Spender, male domination is
______________________; a commitment to listening to women would represent a
loss of power.
According to Pacanowsky, _____________________________ is not just another piece
of the puzzle; it is the puzzle.
Heavy viewers, also called ___________________ watch on average more than four
hours of television daily.
Managerialism is promoted through the restriction of what is said or considered by
organizational members known as _______________________.
A theory described as lacking falsifiable or testable hypothesis may be referred to as

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