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subject Authors Joann Keyton

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An alternative to a self-report questionnaire is to ask the same questions in a
one-on-one interview.
Regression is of particular advantage to communication researchers because it allows
researchers to study variables that cannot be experimentally manipulated.
The t-statistic is found by simply computing the means and standard deviations for both
Because it is more difficult for researchers using qualitative methods to completely plan
their research process, they are allowed to avoid informed consent procedures.
Intercoder reliability is calculated for either unitizing reliability or for categorizing
reliability as calculating reliability for both decisions in content analysis is unnecessary.
In interpreting an ANOVA, the main effects are ignored if a significant interaction effect
In practice, perfect reliability is easily achieved.
Selecting a random sample is the same as randomly assigning individuals to treatment
and control groups.
The best time to consider the ethical standards for conducting research is in the
planning of the research process.
A correlation coefficient can range from -1.00 to +1.00.
In developing a research project, it is okay for a researcher to ignore the literature if he
or she has a good reason for doing so.
Achieving statistical significance indicates that the findings have social and practical
Tables and graphs should be well identified and labeled. Description of the table or
graph is not required in the text.
Descriptive statistics supply information about the variables, but the researcher must
make value judgments or inferences about what the data mean.
In tests of difference, any difference found will be statistically significant.
Researchers use ANOVA when they are interested in testing for the variance that exists
within groupings of the independent variable.
In a skewed distribution, the mean is always pulled to the side with the long tail.
Electronic interviewing is an effective substitute for face-to-face interviewing.
Two distributions of scores can have the same mean, but different spreads of scores.
Experimental research designs must have a temporal component.
For ANOVA to be statistically significant, the between-groups variance must be greater
than the within-groups variance.
A theory is a related set of ideas that explains how or why something occurs or happens.
Analytical memos are written to share with research participants.
The reference list must be complete and without error because it is the mechanism by
which readers track backward from the research report to find other research reports.
As a general rule, if more than 5% of coded elements in content analysis falls into the
"other" category, the category system needs to be revised, or coding procedures need to
be reexamined.
A researcher using qualitative methodologies may find that their initial research
question may change as evidence of the problem is observed (or not observed.).
In a factorial design, participants must be randomly assigned to conditions of all
independent variables.
A sampling frame is the available population in which a researcher is interested and
from which research participants are selected.
In field interviewing, the interviewer should be careful not to introduce new language
or terminology into the interview.
In selecting respondents for field interviews, researchers use probability sampling
techniques to identify respondents.
Because there is no theoretical limit to the number of predictor variables tested in
multiple regression, it is common for researchers to include 10 or more.
The reflexive nature of qualitative research is what distinguishes it from quantitative
Statistical differences can be determined by simply comparing mean scores. If the mean
scores are different, then the difference is statistically significant.
Both quantitative and qualitative methods rely on empirical evidence.
Match the following terms and descriptions of research designs. Some responses can be
used more than once.
1) Two or more independent variables are tested for the influence on the dependent
2) Answers the question, "Do two groups differ after the stimulus is presented to only
one group?"
3) Answers the question, "Is the measurement of the dependent variable different at
time 2 than at time 1?"
4) Can test for an interaction effect.
A. Factorial design
B. Pretest-posttest
C. Posttest only
In reading a quantitative research article, a consumer should:
A.independently assess the results in addition to reading the researcher's interpretation
in the discussion section.
B.refer back to the method section to determine how the data were collected when
assessing the researcher's interpretations in the discussion section.
C.look for other plausible interpretations of the data beyond those presented by the
D.assess the link the author has made from the results to the supporting theory or
E.all of the above.
Researchers compute the coefficient of determination to:
A.assess the linear characteristic of the correlation.
B.determine the amount of shared variance for a significant r value.
C.determine the amount of shared variance for an non-significant r value.
D.assess the amount of error in a statistical test.
E.determine if the correlation is positive or negative.
Communication researchers
A.may use quantitative or qualitative methods.
B.may use research questions or hypotheses.
C.publish their studies in academic journals and scholarly books.
D.collect data for their investigations.
E.all of the above.
The t-test is:
A.restricted to one independent variable.
B.restricted to one dependent variable.
C.restricted to two groupings or categories of the independent variable.
D.can test independent or dependent groups.
E.all of the above.
A significance level is:
A.the degree to which research findings have utility.
B.the degree to which the sample mirrors the population.
C.the term used to described research that has social significance.
D.the level of error the researcher is will to accept for each statistical test.
E.based solely on sample size.
In reading academic journals or scholarly books, conclusions drawn by the authors are
found in what section:
A.the abstract.
B.the literature review.
C.the methods section.
D.the discussion section. any of these.
Authorial voice: the decision authors make about which author will be listed first on the research
report. the decision about who will do the telling of the story in reporting qualitative data.
C.provides insight into how the data were analyzed. always first person for reporting qualitative data.
E.never reveals the author's interpretations of the data.
A frequency is used to:
A.indicate the mode of the scores.
B.assess the dispersion of the scores. on the occurrence of communication events.
D.compute percentages.
E.c and d.
A socially desirable response is:
A.the answer the researcher is looking for.
B.the answer the participants wants to give, but feels uncomfortable sharing.
C.the answer the participant believes the interviewer or researcher is seeking.
D.a nonverbal rather than verbal response.
E.a verbal response coupled with a nonverbal response that indicates the participant is
being deceptive.
In qualitative research, snowball and network sampling are similar in that:
A.both are random sampling strategies.
B.both are nonprobability sampling strategies.
C.both rely on random assignment to conditions.
D.participants are actively sought.
E.b and d.
Continuous level data:
A.reflect differing degrees, amounts, or frequencies.
B.range from some minimum to maximum quantity.
C.reflect different categories of a variable.
D.are only produced from participants' answers to items on a questionnaire.
E.a and b.
Measurement allows researchers to make comparisons among:
A.individuals in the research project.
B.multiple studies using the same measurement device.
C.variables in one study.
D.all of the above.
E.none of the above.
Participants' quotes should: used to substantiate researcher claims. used sparingly.
C.illuminate the researcher's analysis and interpretation.
D.not be used to substantiate researcher claims.
E.used only when they can reveal personal information about the participant.
Respect for persons is achieved when:
A.research participants are treated as capable of making decisions for themselves.
B.researchers take extra steps to protect those participants who are not capable of
making their own decisions.
C.participants voluntarily participate in the research project.
D.participants agree to participate after being given a description of the project and
their involvement.
E.all of the above.
Match the following terms and descriptions of qualitative report writing styles. Some
responses can be used more than once.
1) Author uses a dispassionate, third-person voice.
2) Author makes himself or herself visible with liberal references to I"
3) Author uses metaphors, phrasings, and imagery to create striking stories.
4) Describes how the researcher's point of view develops and changes.
5) Focuses on the minute details of everyday life.
6) Author creates dramatic tension during the telling of the story.
A. Writing style of the confessional
B. Writing style of the impressionist
C. Writing style of the realist.
Open coding: used in later passes after axial coding has been used. restricted coding. unrestricted and is the first pass through coding.
D.should not be used in qualitative data analysis.
Justice is achieved when:
A.other researchers agree that your project was adequately planned.
B.the research team finds the results they hypothesized.
C.the research team publishes their research results.
D.all participants are treated as equal and benefit from participating in the study.
E.individuals who want to participate in a research project are chosen to participate.
Correlations can also be computed for variables based on ordinal or nominal data.
These tests include:
A.point biserial correlation
B.spearman correlation coefficient
C.coefficient of determination
D.a and b.
E.b and c.
A researcher can enhance his or her credibility by:
A.using triangulation methods.
B.engaging in member checks or member validations.
C.prolonging engagement with interactants.
D.all of the above.
In analyzing qualitative data, researchers must ask themselves many questions about the
data and the interaction scene to develop a credible interpretation of the data.
Match the following descriptions with the terms:
2)Conceptual scheme
A. An abstract way of thinking that helps us group together those things that are similar
to one another
B. Way of looking at the relationships among elements with common characteristics
C. The theoretical definition of a concept
D. Elements presented in the research question or hypothesis
E. Specific way of measuring or observing
Hypothesis testing:
A.relies on sampling and significance levels. really decision making about accepting the alternative explanation or retaining the
null hypothesis.
C.allows for Type I and Type II error. used in research projects based on quantitative methods.
E.all of the above.
Put the following descriptions of the steps of theory building in order from start to
1)Step 3
2)Step 4
3)Step 2
4)Step 6
5)Step 1
6)Step 5
A. Moves from the specific event or observation to a more generalized form.
B. Develops predictions.
C. Creates an explanation for the event or observation.
D. Confirms, revises, expands, or abandons the tested proposition.
E. Describes the event or observation that needs understanding.
F. Develops test for the proposed theory.
Match the following terms and the descriptions:
1) Has the potential to occur when researchers explore sensitive topics, or use methods
in which participants re-live negative situations.
2)A person who pretends to be participating in the research project but is really helping
the researcher with the conditions of the study.
3)Purposely and necessarily misleading participants so they are ignorant about the
purpose of the research study.
4)Opportunity for researcher to explain the purpose of the study and expected results
5)Overly invasive physical procedures
6)Information or data the participant provides is controlled by the researcher so others
do not have access to it.
7)Information that can identify participants are not attached to the data.
A. psychological harm
B. confederate
C. deception
D. debriefing
E. physical harm
F. confidentiality
G. anonymity
Content analysis and interaction analysis are similar in that:
A.each is considered a quantitative method.
B.each codes ongoing interaction.
C.each is an experimental research design.
D.each is a method for analyzing content of interaction.
E.each relies on participants' perceptions of communication events.
Field notes:
A.are a continuous or sequential record of what was observed.
B.are created while the interaction occurs.
C.can be added to once you have read through and reflected on them.
D.are identified by the date, time, place, and people observed.
E.all of the above.
In content coding, it is common to see coding schemes with one category identified as
"other." This reflects:
A.a wise move by the researcher as some elements will not fit in any of the categories.
B.a failure of the coding scheme, indicating that the coding scheme is not as developed
as it should be.
C.the code that researchers use when they want to further examine some elements.
D.the code that researchers use as the standard against which other categories are tested.
E.none of the above.
Match the following terms and the descriptions of sampling procedures:
1)Using the individuals who offer to participate in a research study.
2)Researcher seeks a specified number of participants who fit the characteristics of
subgroups important to the research project.
3)Choosing individuals who are convenient and easily available as research
4)Finding additional research participants by asking current participants to recommend
individuals with similar characteristics.
5)Choosing individuals to participate in research because they are considered "typical"
of the critical characteristics important to the research project.
A. Volunteer sample
B. Quota sampling
C. Convenience sample
D. Snowball sample
E. Purposive sample
The chi-square:
A.compares the observed frequency with the expected frequency. best used with continuous level data.
C.tests for differences between two groups.
D.tests for the relationship between two continuous level variables.
E.can test for an interaction effect.
The further out a score is on the distribution, the:
A.more skewed the score.
B.more common the score.
C.more extreme the score.
D.more normal the score.
E.more likely the score will fall beyond the +/-4 deviation.
In qualitative research, the researcher: the primary data collector. likely to be in the research context for extended periods of time.
C.observes the communication firsthand.
D.takes on some form of participant observation.
E.all of the above.

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