COM CM 46266

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1328
subject Authors Kelly M. Quintanilla

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Nonverbal cues can conflict with what is being said.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following is NOT part of the components of a writing startup sheet?
a. purpose
b. audience
c. delivery
d. proofreading
The scripting process is answering interview questions using a formula which includes
a. answering the question directly, using a statistic or example to prove your point, and
asking a follow up question.
b. using a specific example that you have actually experienced and explain it in three
sentences or less.
c. directly answering the question, backing up the answer with a specific example, and
tying the answer back to the company and/or the position.
d. connecting the answer to the company itself no matter what.
The KEYS process is designed to
a. enhance your ability to critically assess and then improve your communication skills.
b. simplify communication in the workplace.
c. provide organizations with a fool-proof route to success.
d. identify the best possible communication channel.
Monica is proud of a new tattoo she just had done on her wrist and has been showing
her new ink to her friends at work. She is communicating with the use of a(n)
a. emblem.
b. artifact.
c. item.
d. object.
What part of the rsum does the following statement represent: “To obtain a position as a
reading specialist with the Altoona Area School District”?
a. objective
b. summary
c. subjective
d. thesis
The absence of work-life balance is often defined by increased family conflict may be
detrimental to individual health and organizational performance.
a. True
b. False
How does conspicuousness cause communication apprehension?
a. by creating anxiety about being in the spotlight
b. by creating anxiety about others’ evaluations
c. by creating anxiety about a formal environment
d. by creating anxiety about doing something new
Professional excellence equates to communicating a message effectively.
a. True
b. False
Travis is nervous about his upcoming speech because the other students will be grading
his speech instead of the professor. This is an example of _________ communication
a. peer evaluation
b. formality
c. dissimilarity
d. subordinate status
Which of the following would likely be included in an external communication plan?
a. employee orientation
b. meeting agenda
c. company update
d. proactive media strategy
Audrey has a difficult time talking with her supervisor. She often feels like she is not
understanding her supervisor's instructions because she is misinterpreting what her
supervisor is saying. Audrey is experiencing
a. message overload.
b. jargon misunderstanding.
c. receiver apprehension.
d. external noise.
Grade point averages should never be included on a professional rsum.
a. True
b. False
Computer-mediated communication occurs in
a. synchronous time.
b. asynchronous time.
c. synchronous and asynchronous time.
d. neither synchronous nor asynchronous time.
What step of the HURIER model asks the listener to make sense of the verbal and
nonverbal codes to assign meaning to the information received?
a. evaluating
b. interpreting
c. responding
d. understanding
Laurel supervises shift workers at a call center. What is the best meeting option for
Laurel and her employees?
a. Keep one meeting time and assign someone from each shift to attend each meeting
and ask them to relay the information to their coworkers.
b. Alternate the meetings among shifts to show that all team members are valued and
c. Meet with one shift and the same employees every week.
d. Do not have meetings; send memos to all staff.
Why do most companies find it necessary to have a written policy regarding electronic
a. Employers need a paper trail on employees' activities in case they want to fire them.
b. Issues such as viruses, misuse of the system, and e-mail etiquette need to be clearly
spelled out to employees.
c. Finding out if job candidates can understand the policy is critical to the hiring
d. Employers want a legally binding contract in place to protect against lawsuits.
The _________ is the higher-status person and the ____________is the lower-status
a. superior; subordinate
b. subordinate; superior
c. inferior; subordinate
d. superior; inferior
Which of the following should be included in a persuasive speech?
a. pathos and logos
b. pathos, logos, and ethos
c. pathos and ethos
d. ethos and logos
Listening and hearing are the same thing.
a. True
b. False
Trying to keep a blank expression when hearing bad news would be an example of
a. masking.
b. deintensification.
c. neutralization.
d. concealing.
Which of these is implicated in an individual’s listening ability?
a. productivity
b. teamwork
c. individual’s success
d. all of the above
______________ is building an argument by utilizing individual examples, pieces of
information, or cases, and then pulling them together to make a generalization or come
to a conclusion.
a. Inductive reasoning
b. Causal reasoning
c. Deductive reasoning
d. Analogical reasoning
KEYS, a communication process designed to enhance your ability to critically assess
and then improve your communication skills, stands for
a. know yourself, evaluate the professional context, your communication interaction,
step back and reflect.
b. kinesics, extemporaneous, your nonverbal and verbal, strengths and weaknesses.
c. know your communication, evaluate the reaction, your communication competencies,
success strategies.
d. keys to communication skills, exemplify and enhance, your own and the
communication of others, signs and symbols.
Excellent leaders assess each situation and then select the leadership style and
accompanying communication style that best fits the situation using three factors: the
leader-follower relationship, the task structure, and the position power. This is a
situational leadership theory called
a. Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid.
b. Contingency Theory.
c. Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Theory.
d. being a transformational leader.
Which is the best definition of interpersonal communication?
a. a large number of people interacting
b. cocreation of meaning as people interact and is dyadic
c. a face-to-face communication
d. one person talking to a group
Companies are now asking employees to waive their privacy rights when it comes to
using work-related e-mail.
a. True
b. False
______________ is a specific competency in which you ask others if your
understanding is correct or incorrect.
a. Perception checking
b. Discussion
c. Reiterating
d. none of the above
The context plays an important role in determining the ______________of the
a. tone
b. structure
c. flow
d. purpose
Lauren has a new coworker who pronounces English words differently than she does,
which leads her to believe her coworker is from a different country. Lauren is making
an assumption based on
a. dialect.
b. accent.
c. slang.
d. jargon.
______________occurs when information is not passed on to the supervisor.
a. Gatekeeping
b. Summarization
c. General distortion
d. Withholding
________________ includes both the time and place a meeting is held.
a. Meeting environment
b. Meeting pragmatics
c. Meeting culture
d. none of the above
Having more motivated employees results in reduced absenteeism.
a. True
b. False
Journalists who receive low public respect and esteem have been found to commonly be
guilty of
a. arrogant body language.
b. wordy dialogue.
c. nervous body language.
d. exaggerated gestures.
What should you avoid when gathering research?
a. information from media sources (CNN, NBC, etc.)
b. scholarly journals from an Internet database
c. expert testimonials taken through an interview
d. relying solely on your previous knowledge

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