COM CM 44414

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 22
subject Words 2572
subject Authors Hamilton Gregory

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Elderly members of an audience will feel stigmatized and offended if a speaker explains
the meaning of terms that are popular among young people and unlikely to be known to
older listeners.
In a speech of presentation, the name of the recipient must always be given at the
beginning of the remarks.
The introduction should be prepared before the body of a speech is developed.
In a speech, you should round off long numbers.
If your audience knows little or nothing about your topic, you should limit the number
of new ideas you discuss.
You should never bring new main points into the conclusion.
Persuasion in one's career often requires weeks, months, or even years.
Taboo is the term used to describe an act, a word, or an object that is forbidden on
grounds of morality or taste.
The text advocates applying pressure to those listeners who are reluctant to take action
on a proposal.
A lengthy set of handouts can be distributed during a speech if you tell your listeners to
stay with you and not read ahead.
To inform my audience how a thunderstorm forms is an example of a specific purpose
statement for a process speech.
An explanation speech is not appropriate for a college classroom speech.
Pauses in speeches should be avoided because they make you look indecisive.
In a speech of refutation, deeply held beliefs are easier to demolish than a set of
erroneous facts.
Humor can sometimes be used in a eulogy.
A participant should not express views in a meeting if they are clearly contrary to the
views of the majority.
Time of day plays a part in how receptive an audience is to a speech.
Even the simplest, most easily understood visual aid should be discussed with the
In an outline, all main points should have the same number of supporting points.
If you plan to give a speech to several different audiences, you might need to have
different main points for each audience.
The deafening din of dynamite is an example of antithesis.
A leave-behind is a handout distributed at the end of a meeting.
To tell my audience about the life of Malcolm X is an example of a specific purpose
statement for a definition speech.
It is more important for a listener to remember the main points of a speech than to
remember support materials.
It is possible for an introduction to be too short.
Inductive reasoning is never used by scientists.
An entertaining speech should contain no elements of persuasion, information, or
To inform my listeners about how they can protect their privacy on the Internet is an
example of a specific purpose statement.
A hidden agenda is an effective technique for small group meetings.
Organizing material from north to south is an example of the spatial pattern.
A good speaker tries very hard to eliminate all fear and nervousness.
One of the goals of informative speaking is to convey fresh information.
If a story fails to develop the key ideas of a speech, it should not be used.
In preparation for a speech, a person should read over his or her notes rather than
actually rehearse the speech.
The part of a speech that you want your listeners to remember if they forget everything
else is known as the
A.specific purpose
B.central idea
In a bar graph, the bars should be
C.either horizontal or vertical
If you want to reproduce a U.S. Weather Bureau pamphlet on how to protect oneself in
a tornado, you are required to
A.write for permission to reproduce a fee
C.write for permission and pay a fee nothing
Convincing your audience that democracy is expanding in China is an example of a
A.speech of curtailment
B.speech to influence thinking
C.speech to motivate action
In preparing for a speech next week, you discover that one member of the audience has
a vision impairment. To find out how to meet her needs, whom should you consult?
A.her closest relative
B.the person who invited you to speak
C.the woman herself
D.her health-care provider
In a speech, which one of the following is a mistake if used in the conclusion?
A.a quotation by a reputable authority
B.a new main point
C.a repetition of key points
D.a reference to the introduction
Feeling awkward, uneasy or apprehensive in public because of your genetic makeup or
temperament is called
A.genetic vulnerability anxiety
C.public humiliation
D.sensitive temperament
A speaker describes the safety features of a new car, starting at the front bumper and
progressing to the rear bumper. Which organizational pattern is the speaker using?
In the business world, paper handouts are
A.rarely used
B.very popular
C.never used
A speaker says, "I knew a red-headed kid in third grade who was always getting into
fights on the playground. And I know two red heads who are easily angered. I guess
you can say that red heads are quick-tempered people." The speaker is guilty of using
which kind of fallacy in reasoning?
A.straw man
B.hasty generalization
C.attack on a person
D.either-or reasoning
Which method of delivery involves speaking on the spur of the moment with no chance
to prepare?
This is a government by the people, of the people, and for the people. This is an
example of
A.a euphemism
C.a metaphor
D.parallel structure
Blind as a bat is an example of
D.parallel structure
A speaker says, "Jackson says he believes that there is intelligent life on some other
planet in the universe, but how can you believe him? He's not an astronomer; in fact, he
is not a scientist at all. The only degree he has is a masters in business administration."
This speaker is guilty of using which kind of fallacy in reasoning?
A.false cause
B.either-or reasoning
C.hasty generalization
D.attack on a person
Concerning a complete-sentence outline and the speech itself, which one of the
following statements is true?
A.The speech itself should have about the same number of words as the outline.
B.The speech itself should have more words than the outline.
C.The speech itself should have fewer words than the outline.
Reasoning that moves from a generalization to a specific conclusion is
A.deductive reasoning
B.inductive reasoning
The main disadvantage of interlibrary loan is that have to pay for any book ordered
B.only a few large libraries have this service cannot be certain of a book arriving quickly must be an expert computer user to take advantage of this service
Which one of the following is an acceptable option in an introduction?
A.a convincing clincher
B.a sincere apology
C.a hypothetical narrative
To entertain is an example of a
A.general purpose
B.specific purpose
C.central idea
The textbook notes that many _____________ persons prefer to think of their condition
as a cultural difference rather than a disability.
B.mobility-impaired (wheelchair)
C.blind or visually impaired
D.deaf or hearing impaired
A tornado's funnel is like the vortex you see when you let water go down a drain. This
is an example of which principle?
A.Relate the speech to the listeners' self-interest.
B.Assess the knowledge of the listeners.
C.Use the familiar to explain the unfamiliar.
Which of the following should give the essence of your speech?
C.central idea
D.specific purpose
To tell my listeners how porpoises are trained to do out-of-water stunts is a specific
purpose statement for which type of speech?
The text advises that you "aim for back-row comprehension". This means that you
A.focus your attention on people in the back of the room
B.make sure all visuals can be clearly seen by people in the back of the room
C.speak loud enough to be heard by people in the back of the room
The visualization step of the motivated sequence offers a scenario that can be
C.either positive or negative
For speaker's notes, the text recommends that _____________ should be written in
large letters and contrasting colors.
A.the introduction
B.main points
C.transitions reminders
In most speeches, listeners can process information at about ______ words per minute,
whereas most speakers talk at 125 to 150 words a minute.
What is the first step in the reflective-thinking method?
A.Establish criteria for evaluating solutions.
B.Decide how to implement the solution.
C.Define the problem.
D.Analyze the problem.
E.Choose the best solution.
F.Decide how to test the solution.
G.Suggest possible solutions.
If you are looking for a book that is not available in your library, the text recommends
that you
A.visit other libraries
B.consult the World Wide Web
C.use interlibrary loan
D.explore discussion forums
In a persuasive speech, you should reveal to the audience
A.your true goals and motives
B.the weaknesses in your argument
C.your feelings about those who disagree with you
D.your difficulty in preparing the speech
Reading a script is not recommended for most speeches, but it may be acceptable for
A.a speech of acceptance entertaining speech
C.a eulogy
D.a toast
Alterations to an agenda should be made by participants day before the meeting hour before the meeting the start of the meeting the end of the meeting
The ___________________________ method of speaking is the most popular style of
speaking in America today.
___________________________ interference occurs when the speaker uses words that
are unfamiliar to the audience.
The goal of the inspirational speech is to stir ________________________ emotions.
Should library research be done before or after an interview?
The speech that has five steps-attention, need, satisfaction, visualization, and
action-uses a pattern that is known as ___________________________.
The text advises you to "use the familiar to explain the
Of all graphs, a ___________________________ graph is perhaps the easiest to read,
because it visually translates information into a picture that can be grasped instantly.
Pretending to be confident can sometimes cause you to become a
___________________________ speaker.
A central idea should make a/an ___________________________ rather than an
announcement or a statement of fact.
The ___________ herring fallacy occurs when a speaker tries to divert listeners from
the real issue to an irrelevant matter.
In the middle of your speech, if you give a summary of what you have discussed up to
that point, you are using the device called ___________________________.
A speaker says, "Please raise your hands to answer this: How many of you know how to
swim?" What kind of question is this speaker using?
When people use the specialized language of a group or profession- for example, using
terms such as AWOL-they are using ___________________________.
If you engage in _____________ listening, you risk embarrassment and ridicule.
___________________________ is a technique for generating ideas by writing down
whatever comes to your mind without censoring or criticizing.
A cultural prohibition is called a ___________________________.
The legal loophole that allows researchers to use small amounts of copyrighted material
without getting permission or paying a fee is known as the
___________________________ doctrine.
The text says that the key to good speech delivery is _______________________.
According to the text, the very best precaution against excessive stage fright is

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