COM CM 42296

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 16
subject Words 3636
subject Authors Courtland L. Bovee, John V. Thill

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Which of the following allows the writer to borrow from something familiar to explain
something unfamiliar?
A. Attention getting devices
B. Analogy
C. Circular reasoning
D. Cause and effect
E. Reinforcement
The ability to create an effective visual aid, or effectively interpret the meaning of a
visual aid is called what?
A. Visual competency
B. Visual literacy
C. Axis awareness
D. Design awareness
E. Data visualization
When making claims or requesting adjustments, which of the following would be the
most effective?
A. Warn the reader of the consequences of inaction.
B. Apologize for the inconvenience caused.
C. Clearly convey your anger and frustration.
D. Be professional, no matter how angry or frustrated you are.
E. Use the indirect approach.
During the planning phase of podcasting, which of the following is the least important
A. Distribution
B. Podcasting channel
C. Blog compatibility
D. Sustainability of the topic
E. Audience
Which of the following is a disadvantage when using visual aids in a presentation?
A. Visual aids can detract from the audience's interest in your presentation.
B. Visual aids can replace the spoken word.
C. Visual aids can add to much variety to the presentation, making the presentation look
disjointed and choppy.
D. Visual aids can contain too much information, causing the audience to read the
visual instead of listening to the speaker.
E. Visual aids make it hard for the audience to remember information.
To develop a strong business message, which word choices should be avoided?
A. Jargon
B. Abstractions
C. Strong words
D. Familiar words
E. Buzzwords
Which of the following is the least effective way to incorporate a transition?
A. Use words that are frequently paired.
B. Echo a word or phrase from a previous paragraph.
C. Use a pronoun that refers to a precious noun.
D. Begin a new paragraph.
E. Use connecting words.
What part of the classic storytelling technique builds the audience's interest by
increasing tension?
A. Preview to the story
B. Introduction to the story
C. Middle of the story
D. End of the story
E. Follow up to the story
Which of the following best describes the goals of persuasion?
A. Attempting to get the audience to purchase your product
B. Attempting to change an audience's attitudes, beliefs or actions
C. Presenting the audience with a choice
D. Using a neutral buffer to attract the people to the product
E. Using the indirect format to have people change their minds now, or at some point in
the future
When responding to a customer complaint, the best course of action is what?
A. Promise the customer complete satisfaction.
B. Explain how you plan to resolve the issue.
C. Apologize profusely.
D. Promise the issue will never happen again.
E. Indicate to the customer exactly who is to blame.
Which of the following is accomplished in the introduction?
A. The presentation of information gathered during your investigation
B. A summary of key points
C. Benefits to the reader
D. It brings all the action items together in one place.
E. It helps the reader understand the context of the report by tying it to a problem or
Which of the following is not considered an important aspect of delivery?
A) Audience analysis
B) Overcoming anxiety
C) Handling questions responsively
D) Using the backchannel
E) Presenting online
When making claims or requesting adjustments, what should be included in the
A. An apology for the inconvenience caused
B. A straightforward statement of the problem
C. A neutral buffer statement
D. An expression of your anger and frustration
E. A complete and specific explanation of the details of the problem
What should be accomplished in the opening of a request for a recommendation?
A. The deadline for sending the letter should be mentioned.
B. The reader's memory of the relationship he/she had with the person referred should
be triggered.
C. The full name and address of the person to whom the letter should be sent should be
D. An offer to pay for the service rendered should be included.
E. A neutral buffer statement or statements should be included.
Media choices can be divided into oral, written and visual media.
When minimizing potential barriers to successful listening, which of the following
factors is least often in the control of the listener?
A. Interruptions
B. Multitasking
C. Phone reception
D. Distractions
E. Checking mobile devices
Which of the following is the best way to handle the need for references when applying
for a position?
A. Indicate "References Available Upon Request" on the résumé.
B. Include a list of references and contact information on a second page of the résumé.
C. Include references only if you need to fill up extra white space in the résumé.
D. Prepare a list of references and their contact information for the interview, but not
the résumé.
E. Prepare a list of people you have worked for in the past, along with their contact
information, and use only previous employers as references.
When conducting an audience analysis for a presentation, which of the following will
allow you to gauge the audience's level of experience?
A. Whether the audience has any biases that might work against you
B. Why audience members are attending the presentation
C. What the audience already knows about the subject
D. What supporting information will help the audience accept and respond to the
E. The audience's general attitude toward the topic
Which of the following is best for private, short to medium length messages?
A. Microblogs
B. Instant messaging
C. Podcasts
D. Wikis
E. Emails
Which of the following helps show connections between points?
A. Subordinate clauses
B. Adjectives
C. Transitions
D. Direct approach
One of the biggest advantages of an audio podcast over other types of social media is
A. The hands free/eyes free aspect of the message
B. The ability to move through the message to find critical data
C. The ability to retrieve the data when needed
D. The ability to access the data over a variety of technology
E. The ease of setting up the podcast
Which of the following is an online presentation that people can view live, or download
to view later?
A. Twebinar
B. Screencast
C. Video conference
D. Prezi
E. Webcast
When listing jobs on a chronological résumé, how should the jobs be listed?
A. Most recent first
B. Most important first
C. Most relevant first
D. Oldest first
E. Longest held first
Which population group is most likely to spread incorrect information?
A. Public affairs
B. Trolls
C. The misguided
D. Unhappy customers
E. Ragers
Which of the following is an advantage to written communication?
A. Technology will correct errors in the message.
B. Written communication can happen in real time.
C. Written communication encourages quicker response time in the receiver.
D. Written communication allows more time for receivers to understand and translate
the message.
E. Written communication can be longer and more detailed as the receiver will only
read the communication when they have time.
Which of the following is an advantage of being in the same physical space while
A. Lower cost
B. Less formality
C. Nonverbal feedback
D. Less preplanning
E. Better interpretation of business trends
Search engines that will search all computers on a company's network are called what?
A. Social tagging search engines
B. Bookmarking search engines
C. Research and content manager search engines
D. Enterprise search engines
E. Desktop search engines
The motivation for writing a business message will help determine and shape which of
the following?
A. Audience reaction to the message
B. Audience acceptance to the message
C. Audience understanding of the message
D. The effectiveness of the message
E. The nature of the idea
When planning a presentation on routine information that is 10 minutes or less, which
approach should be used?
A. Nonlinear
B. Direct
C. Storytelling
D. Persuasive
E. Indirect
When the customer has no established expectation, which of the following should be
the focus of the bad news message?
A. Resetting the expectations that are assumed by the writer
B. Explaining how you plan to resolve the problem
C. An apology
D. An explanation of what went wrong
E. Information on the situation
When determining what format your résumé should take, which is the most important
A. Length of the résumé
B. What is most effective for your audience
C. Which format is easiest for you
D. Which format is the most trendy and in style right now
E. Which format will allow the most links to other sources of data
When wanting to stress areas of competence rather than job history, which of the
following résumé formats should be used?
A. Online
B. Traditional
C. Chronological
D. Functional
E. Combination
When seeking information in specific areas such as business, technology or law, which
of the following would be the best resource?
A. The business librarian
B. Databases
C. Government publications
D. Almanacs and statistical resources
E. Directories

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