COM CM 25248

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 31
subject Words 3909
subject Authors Jeanne Marquardt Elmhorst, Kristen Lucas, Ronald Adler

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Productivity is often reduced in the workplace because of listening mistakes.
One purpose of a career research interview is to gain contacts that can help you in your
job search.
Avoid using an "appeal to action" in the conclusion of your speech because such a
straightforward approach usually turns the audience off.
If your presentation has run overtime, you can save valuable moments and enhance
credibility by gathering your materials during your concluding remarks.
Teams tend to perform better when they have an appreciative audience.
Telling a joke is always a good way to begin a speech, even if the joke doesn't relate to
your thesis.
If you want to create an impression that you are powerful, you should attach tag
questions such as 'shouldn't we?" at the end of your statements.
Using an assertive style of communication is considered to be a communication trait of
unpleasant co-workers.
Your text recommends the following four-step plan as an effective way to accept an
award: express gratitude; acknowledge appreciation to the contributors of the award;
describe how the reward will make a difference; say thank you again.
In parliamentary procedure, a "motion" requires a second in order to be considered by
the group.
A highly assertive group member who expresses strong, unwavering opinions is most
likely to emerge as the group leader.
Males who develop a mixed-gender style of language are judged as inferior by both
males and females.
Lack of cultural knowledge can lead to misunderstandings in the workplace.
One of the advantages of face-to-face communication when compared to written
communication is that it gives you more control over the receiver's attention.
Janice is giving a presentation about microchips. To help the audience understand what
she's talking about, she should bring a microchip and ask the audience to pass it around
during her presentation.
An example of an overhead question is: "As you all know, we just received a $5,000
grant! We get to decide how to spend the money, as long as we can justify our
reasoning. Would anyone like to make a suggestion?"
Persuasion can be defined as communication that motivates the other person to
voluntarily decide to act as you desire them to.
It is not a good idea to send a message via more than one channel, because that would
create redundancy.
Women who use an "uptalk" intonation are likely to be perceived as nonassertive.
If you are offering criticism, it is more effective to deal with several issues together,
rather than limiting the discussion to one topic.
It is best to express all your main points in single words instead of in complete
When two teams from different divisions of the same company meet to coordinate their
schedule, they are using downward communication.
In an employment interview, it is not appropriate to volunteer any information that the
interviewer has not specifically asked for.
Of the four listening styles described in your text, the "task-oriented" style is the best to
use in any business setting.
Diagrams are useful for conveying information about size, shape and structure.
The fact that many women use tentative forms of speech such as apologies and tag
questions proves that women are less adequate than men in the workplace.
Three types of meetings include information-sharing, problem-solving, and ritual
A final report should provide background information, describe what occurred during
the project, summarize the results, and explain to audience members how they can
obtain more detailed information about the project.
When you cite a source in a presentation, the source should have credibility with the
Transitions are important because they help make the organization of a presentation
clear to the audience.
The supporting material you choose for your speech should be interesting to the
The text recommends that you sprinkle your language with biased words to create an
impression that you are powerful.
If you want to downplay your authority over others, present your commands in
question form, such as "Is it OK with everyone if we move to the next point now?"
Open-minded listening to coworkers usually creates a supportive, confirming climate.
One way you can define a word in a speech is by explaining the history of the word.
Use a chronological pattern if you are explaining what will occur as a result of certain
When people select a word to express their thoughts, this is called decoding.
MaryEtta believes she is a born leader. Which perspective about leadership does
MaryEtta's belief correspond to?
A. trait approach
B. contingency approach
C. life-cycle theory
D. leadership emergence model
Which of the following ways of saying "no" illustrates a high-context culture?
A. That would be difficult.
B. I refuse to do that.
C. I'm sorry; we just can't do that.
D. No way, man. Can't you see I'm busy?
At the company board meeting, the president spoke about the need for the company
use new technologies to keep their competitive edge. To support his point he identified
two companies that were forced to file bankruptcy because they didn't use new
technologies. Which type of organizational pattern did the president use?
A. motivated sequence
B. topical
C. spatial
D. cause-effect
Ashraf accidentally drops Ceil's favorite glass vase, which crashes into fragments on
the kitchen floor. Ceil screams, "You clod!" Ashraf retorts, "I didn't drop it on purpose,
you witch!" This conflict is focusing on
A. the topic at hand.
B. the process.
C. ego/identity issues.
D. reparation.
One survey indicates that the leading factor shaping interviewers' initial impressions of
the candidates is
A. the appearance of the résumé.
B. the clothing the candidate wears to the interview.
C. the candidate's eye contact during the rapport stage of the interview.
D. the firmness of the candidate's handshake.
A guideline for lists in your presentation is:
A. lines of text should never exceed 25 characters across, including spaces.
B. keep the size of your type small so the display won't look crowded.
C. use bulleted lists to show the ranking of items.
D. use complete sentences, not short phrases.
First-generation college students from a working-class background tend to lack all of
the following skills EXCEPT:
A. following rules
B. thinking critically
C. arguing persuasively
D. speaking assertively
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of nonverbal communication?
A. It is ambiguous.
B. It cannot be avoided.
C. It primarily expresses feelings and attitudes.
D. It is virtually the same in all cultures.
The opening of the interview is a time to accomplish all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Build rapport.
B. Motivate the interviewee to cooperate.
C. Provide a sense of direction for the interview.
D. Ask a clearinghouse question.
You can minimize audience interruptions by
A. asking the audience to turn off cell phones and laptops during your presentation.
B. serving refreshments during your presentation.
C. keeping the doors open during your presentation to encourage latecomers to enter.
D. completing your entire presentation (if it is lengthy) without any breaks.
A masculine style often uses ______________ to maintain authority in a conversation.
A. apologies
B. tag questions
C. topic control
D. emotions
All of the following are guidelines for effective psychological appeals
A. Avoid bringing up any evidence that contradicts your claim.
B. Present ample evidence to support your claims.
C. Defer your thesis if you expect your audience to be strongly opposed to your claim.
D. Tailor your speech to the interests, needs, and attitudes of the key decision makers in
your audience.
Which step of the motivated sequence calls for a response by the audience?
A. attention
B. satisfaction
C. visualization
D. action
Rob was selected by his supervisor to conduct interviews with prospective college
graduates for their law firm. This is the first time Rob has ever been on the other side of
the table in the interview process. He decided to prepare well in order to make a good
impression on the partners of the firm. First, he developed a list of topics he felt needed
to be covered. He then developed a number of open-ended questions with follow-up
probes related to each of his major topics. Which type of interview schedule has Rob
A. legalist
B. moderately structured
C. structured
D. unstructured
Which of the following is NOT one of the steps in conducting a successful win-win
approach to negotiating?
A. Identify the needs of both parties.
B. Conceal your true goals.
C. Brainstorm a list of possible solutions.
D. Evaluate the alternative solutions.
Which of the following is not an aspect of an effective paraphrase?
A. After you paraphrase, invite the speaker to tell you whether you have understood
them accurately.
B. After you paraphrase, invite the speaker to correct anything you've misunderstood.
C. As a listener, spend most of your time mentally following the speaker's ideas.
D. As a listener, you should spend as much time paraphrasing and questioning as you
do listening.
All of the following are signs of immediacy EXCEPT
A. an animated speaking style.
B. speaking with vocal variety.
C. leaning away from others when you are talking with them.
D. smiling.
Tyson's instructor assigned him to listen to a political presentation on campus.
According to your text, in which order should Tyson complete the necessary mental
A. listen, understand, evaluate
B. listen, evaluate
C. evaluate, formulate a response, listen
D. understand, listen, evaluate
The "functional perspective" of group communication teaches that
A. leadership must be performed only by designated leaders.
B. the functions necessary for getting a job done can be shared among group members.
C. social needs are not important to the group's productivity.
D. influence can be possessed by only one person at a time.
Which of the following is true?
A. It's wise to switch from overhead questions to other types of questions if a few
people are dominating the discussion.
B. Direct questions are good for initially establishing an open atmosphere.
C. Overhead questions discourage overly talkative members of a group.
D. Reverse questions should be used when a leader senses that a member doesn't know
what's going on.
Your text identifies all of the following as possible ways to define a word EXCEPT:
A. cite a dictionary definition of the word.
B. explain the origin of the word.
C. identify what the word does not mean.
D. substitute an acronym for the word.
If a company conducts focus-group interviews with consumers to discover desired
improvements for a product, which type of information-gathering interview are they
A. investigative
B. diagnostic
C. research
D. exit
An effective extemporaneous presentation
A. is written out word-for-word in advance.
B. should be carefully prepared and rehearsed several times, but not memorized.
C. is given without the use of notes.
D. will be delivered using exactly the same words over and over again.
Filler words such as "like," "you know," "umm," and "yeah,"
A. reduce your credibility.
B. are viewed negatively by older generations.
C. can reduce your chances of getting hired.
D. All of these are consequences of using filler words.
Two essential functional roles of groups are:
A. 'official' and 'unofficial'.
B. 'amateur' and 'professional'.
C. 'voluntary' and 'coercive'.
D. 'task' and 'relational'.
Use a __________________ pattern of organization when the audience does not feel a
strong need to change from the status quo.
A. motivated sequence
B. problem solution
C. criteria satisfaction
D. topical
The style approach to leadership explored which style of leadership was the most
effective. According to research, the most effective leadership style is the
________________ style.
A. democratic
B. laissez-faire
C. authoritarian
D. Research shows that no one style is always more effective.
A degree in communication is good preparation for a career in all of the following
fields EXCEPT:
A. Publishing.
B. Organizational affairs.
C. Government affairs.
D. Communication is good preparation for a career in all of these fields.
The Leader Member Exchange (LMX) theory teaches that
A. leaders exchange perks for good performance from members.
B. because time and energy are limited, every leader has some high-quality
relationships with employees, and some low-quality relationships with other employees.
C. an effective organization will exchange its worst leaders for new leaders each year.
D. if employees exchange their poor communication habits for better communication
skills, they will become leaders.
According to the text, which of the following is NOT recommended when you are
attempting to establish confirming relationships with others in the organizational
A. Attempt to focus on problem solving.
B. Be as honest as possible.
C. Use evaluative "you" language.
D. Demonstrate concern for others.
One rule that should guide a mentoring relationship is:
A. A woman should not seek a mentor because it may create the impression that she
lacks confidence.
B. Ask your mentor to help you when you are seeking promotion.
C. Build an empathic relationship with your mentor by sharing personal information.
D. If your mentor shares personal insights with you, keep them confidential.
If a meeting served a social rather than a task function, which type of meeting would it
A. information-sharing
B. problem-solving
C. decision-making
D. ritual activity
When there's a crisis or urgent deadline, members of a group that has succumbed to
groupthink are likely to:
A. ponder possible drawbacks of their proposed solution.
B. encourage members to voice a variety of opinions.
C. seek outsiders' opinions.
D. be closed to new and difficult ideas.
Which of the following is true about the use of an extemporaneous delivery style
during a presentation?
A. It is not planned and rehearsed.
B. To the audience, it often seems as if it is effortless.
C. The speech is exactly the same, every time the speaker presents it.
D. It does not allow the speaker to adapt to the audience.

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