COM CM 11861

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 21
subject Words 2461
subject Authors Andrew Ledbetter, Em Griffin, Glenn Sparks

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The sexual connotations of the penetration metaphor were intended by Altman and
According to SCT, disruptions and counterproductive stories hinder a group's ability to
become a cohesive unit.
The semantic triangle was designed to show the direct relationship between words and
their referents.
The same message doesn't necessarily affect everyone the same way.
Tannen claims that conversations between men and women reflect men's conscious
efforts to dominate women.
Standpoint theorists argue that the perspectives of women and other marginalized
groups are more partial than those of privileged groups.
Business practices arise from the daily interactions of an organization's members.
Deetz has developed a critical communication theory aimed at ensuring the financial
health of corporations while increasing the representation of diverse human interests.
The principal purpose of the dramatistic pentad is to transcend perspective by
For the interactionist, the content of communication is equal to the communication
itself plus the relationship of the individuals communicating.
Postman, unlike McLuhan, believed that media ecology should make moral judgments.
Recent experimental studies have ruled out the possibility that public priorities are set
by media priorities.
Whether objective or interpretive, theories that still require fine tuning after many years
are not acceptable.
Hirokawa and Gouran repeatedly state that goal-setting is the most important function
in group decision-making.
Pearce and Cronen believe that communication is best studied as a process of creating
and managing social reality rather than describing objective reality.
McLuhan felt that the electronic media were retribalizing the world.
Oetzel and Ting-Toomey claim that ethnic/cultural background is a better predictor of
conflict styles than self-construal.
Baxter and Montgomery predict that relationships improve as self-disclosure and
openness increase and uncertainty decreases.
According to Fisher, not all stories are equally good.
A static theory is best to capture the richness of interaction between people that is
constantly changing, varied, and complicated.
Once people settle into their roles, there is no need to adjust their work.
Through selective self-presentation, people will always lie and distort their impression
for others.
Baxter and Montgomery's general purpose in developing the dialectical perspective is to
discover scientific laws that will explain and predict behaviors between friends and
Kramarae believes that there is great potential for women in cyberspace.
Marie Hochmuth Nichols was a University of Illinois rhetorician who criticized Burke's
lack of respect for ethics in communication.
Once a co-owner, there are very little boundaries; if you know, you know all.
While CAT aptly predicts the tensions of intergenerational communication, the theory
has limited utility.
On the whole, Aristotle's concept of ethos has held up well under scientific scrutiny.
Mythic communication is unable to imagine anything alien, novel, or other.
Most cultural studies theorists bring an empirical approach to their analyses.
The concept of face refers to
A.a psychological image that can be granted and lost and fought for and presented as a
B.the public self-image that every member of society wants to claim for himself/herself.
C.the projected image of one's self in a relational situation.
D.All of the answers are correct
Which of the following is not considered violent using Gerbner's index plan?
A.automobile crashes
B.natural disasters
C.verbal abuse
D.fights in a cartoon format
When handling conflict, individuals who are more concerned with the face of others
than their own usually choose
According to Baxter, which one of the following dialectics is most central to
relationship development?
The single most problematic obstacle to completing group tasks is
A.positive bias.
B.lack of interpersonal warmth.
C.negative bias.
D.None of the answers are correct
High levels of uncertainty produce
A.low levels of reciprocity.
B.moderate levels of reciprocity.
C.high levels of reciprocity. reciprocity.
Psychologist Paul Wright argues that
A.the self most nearly approximates a fountain with many diverse sources of water.
B.friendships often reach a point of such closeness that self-centered concerns are no
longer salient. must apply a dialectical model to the process of self-disclosure.
D.Both "the self-most nearly approximates a fountain with many diverse sources of
water" and "one must apply a dialectical model to the process of self-disclosure"
Why does McLuhan contend that media environments are "invisible"?
A.As things grow more obvious, we tend to play less attention to them.
B.They are permeable and regularly changing.
C.We are so immersed we don't notice them.
D.While we may notice the everyday, we fail to account for emerging technologies.
Which of the following concepts has Burgoon abandoned?
A.violation valence
B.communicator reward valence
D.threat threshold
Ernest Bormann's symbolic convergence theory has
A.interpretive roots.
B.objective roots.
C.Both of the answers are correct
D.None are the answers are correct
To be defined as a heavy viewer, one must watch at least
A.two hours of television a day.
B.four hours of television a day.
C.six hours of television a day.
D.eight hours of television a day.
Speech codes theory has been criticized because Philipsen
A.refuses to reify culture. silenteven naveabout power relationships.
C.has embraced a strict cultural determinism.
D.Both "is silenteven naveabout power relationships" and "has embraced a strict
cultural determinism"
Erin tells her friend Melinda of her intention to move across the country to marry her
long-distance partner. They agree that Melinda can't tell anyone in her family, but it
would be okay to tell her husband Brian. What have they negotiated?
A.Boundary activation
B.Boundary linkage
C.Boundary ownership
D.Boundary turbulence
Which of the following theorists suggested that our concept of self is formed through
social interaction?
A.Charles Berger
B.Stanley Deetz
C.George Gerbner
D.George Herbert Mead
For McCombs and Shaw, an important story in the newspapers would be
A.a three-column story on an inside page.
B.a lead editorial.
C.a front-page headline story.
D.All of the answers are correct
Simon wants to be connected to his girlfriend, Ginny, but also wants to be autonomous
and have his own friends. After his friend Cameron explains dialectical theory to him,
Simon begs, "So how do I get rid of all this tension!" What would Baxter and
Montgomery say?
A.Tensions are cyclic: you likely won't have any tension after the relationship has
B.Tensions are healthy: the more tension, the better the relationship.
C.Tensions are inevitable: you don't get rid of them, you learn to manage them.
D.Tensions are problematic: if your relationship is causing grief, best to get out of it.
Recently, McCombs has concluded that
A.the media does influence the way we think.
B.framing is a dubious theoretical concept.
C.context, mood, and selectivity are not relevant to journalism.
D.the index of curiosity requires more study.
Fisher believes that human nature is epitomized by
B.information gathering.
C.symbolic communication.
The process of designating an external enemy as the source of all our ills is
According to Watzlawick, metacommunication dominates communication in
A.all relationships.
B.healthy relationships.
C.troubled relationships. relationships.
Aristotle believed that appeals to the emotions
A.could be used in a negative way.
B.could inspire reasoned civic decision making.
C.should be used ethically.
D.All of the answers are correct
Hall maintains that he wants to
A.become a prophetic mouthpiece for the masses.
B.unmask the power imbalances in society.
C.interpret history with the strict economic determinism central to classical Marxism.
D.All of the answers are correct
One could view the arms race as an example of faulty
B.metacommunication. communication.
Which of the following is one of the assumptions of the prevailing rational-world
A.We make decisions on the basis of good reasons.
B.People are essentially rational.
C.The type of speaker does not determine the course of the argument.
D.All of the answers are correct
In a recent article, Janet Bavelas argues that
A.the content/relationship distinction Watzlawick posits is invalid.
B.all nonverbal behavior is communication.
C.metacommunication may not help troubled relationships.
D.verbal and nonverbal communication are inseparable.
Overall, CPM nicely fulfills the standards for an interpretive theory. Which standard
does Griffin contend is not as well met by Petronio?
A.Aesthetic appeal
B.Clarification of values
C.Communication of agreement
D.Understanding of people
Hunches that communication theory are built about should be
D.All of the answers are correct
Kramarae believes men have difficulty understanding women's communication because
A.of biological reasons.
B.they haven't made the effort to find out about it.
C.women feel the need to conceal their experiences from men.
D.All of the answers are correct
Which, for Aristotle, was not a fundamental component of ethos?
A.perceived intelligence
B.virtuous character
According to Mead, humans have a unique capacity to
A.communicate with each other in conversation
C.interact with others
D.take the role of the other
Each relational force is in tension with every other pole results from dialogue as
A.a constitutive process.
B.a dialectical flux.
page-pf16 aesthetic moment. utterance.
The intertwining layers of common meaning that underlie what a particular people say
and do are referred to as
A.analogical background.
B.thick description.
C.ethnographic metaphor.
D.frequency distribution.
Standpoint theorists warn against treating women as _____________________ by
acknowledging that standpoints are complex and affected by a constellation of factors.
_________________ is the ethnographic record-keeping of common meanings for a
culture or people group.
What concept or term has Burgoon abandoned or removed from the theory?
Fisher believes that human nature is characterized by _________________.
The act of paying homage to a scared object in a culture is a
A ________________________ is sense of friendship or emotional attachment that
develops between viewers and media personalities.
Rather than say, "words don't mean; people mean," Hall would like to go a step further
and ask, "________________________________"?
The _________________________ is a composite mental image based on perceptions
of societal expectations and reponses.
What term in CMM is used to describe every action as an action, reaction, and forecast
of future action?_________________________
According to SPT, in relationships, a ______________________ of reciprocity exists.
The interpretative standard or equivalent criteria to the empirical call for practical
utility is ______________________.
The ________________ tradition emphasizes an examination of communication as a
systemic process of information exchange.
According to Joel Cooper, dissonance isn't created by inconsistency but by
When a theory reaffirms one's personal experience, it is referred to as having the
Connotative or second-order signs can become ______________ as they lose or are
separated from their original referent.
A(n) __________________ suggests a causal relationship; a(n) ________________
suggests a logical correlation.
Women's behavior when interrupting another person to add a word of agreement or
show support is called ________________________________________.
According to Griffin, the need for affiliation, achievement, control, reduction of
uncertainty, reduction of anxiety represent ____________________.

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