CMCS 48019

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 655
subject Authors Abbey Deitel, Harvey Deitel, Paul Deitel

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To process simple touch events, you"ll override View method onTouchEvent, then use
constants from class ________ (package android.view) to test which type of event
occurred and process it accordingly.
When a View is inflated, its constructor is called with a(n) ________ and an
AttributeSet as arguments.
Games often require complex logic that should be performed in separate threads of
execution (that is, separate from the GUI thread) and those threads often need to draw
to the screen. For such cases, Android provides class ________a subclass of View to
which a thread can draw, then indicate that the results should be displayed in the GUI
Call Fragment Transaction method ________ to push a Fragment onto the back stack.
This allows the user to touch the back button to pop the Fragment from the back stack
and allows Main Activity to programmatically pop the Fragment from the back stack.
In the context of using SqLiteDatabase's query method the Cursor returned by method
query contains all the table rows that match the method's argumentsthe so-called
We use the WindowManager to get a Display object that contains the screen's current
width and height, which changes based on the ________.
Android contains many ________ features to help people with various disabilities use
their devices.
For an app's MainActivity, you can use size and orientation qualifiers to determine
which layout to use. The MainActivity layout activity_main.xml in a project's
res/layout-large-land folder is used only on ________ devices (i.e., tablets) when the
app is in ________ orientation.
Call the FragmentManager's ________ method to remove the top Fragment on the back
When you double click a file in the Package Explorer, its contents are displayed in an
appropriate editor window, depending on the file's type. For a Java file, the ________ is
Why would you pass true to Paint's setAntiAlias method?
Your app's Android ________, gives the app a look-and-feel that's consistent with
Android. You can choose from Holo Light, Holo Dark and Holo Light with Dark Action
Bars (the default specified by the IDE).
Resource subfolder names that begin with ________ contain resource files (such as
audio clips) that are read into an app as streams of bytes.
You"ll override the onCreate method in every activity. This method is called by the
Android runtime when an Activity is ________, that is, when its GUI is about to be
displayed so that the user can interact with the Activity.
The property ________, when set to true, causes a PreferenceFragment to store a
preference's value each time it changes.
When your app is installed on a device, its icon and name appear with all other installed
apps in the ________.
To change a SharedPreferences object's contents, you must first call its edit method to
obtain a(n) ________ object, which can add key"value pairs to, remove key"value-
pairs from, and modify the value associated with a particular key in a
SharedPreferences file.
When you upload your app to Google Play, you"ll have the option to include a
________ on YouTube.

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