CMCS 11789

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 27
subject Words 4562
subject Authors Alan Dennis Barbara Haley Wixom David Tegarden

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Adding messages is the last step in building a communication diagram?
Actors and objects are placed on a sequence diagram in no particular order.
Institutionalization refers to establishing formal post implementation deliverables for all
In textual analysis of a use case, a doing verb implies an operation.
The goal of change management is to actively support and encourage the ready adopters
and help them win over the reluctant adopters.
For complex systems, throwaway prototyping is not a suitable methodology, since it
will lead to problems with maintaining the system.
The project team has just determined that the deadline for completion will not be met.
In order to deliver a high quality system on schedule, the team has requested that the
features be prioritized and that a fixed deadline be imposed for the project. This
technique is referred to as SDLC methodology.
Documentation should be written in long paragraphs so that users get large amounts of
detail quickly.
One of the rules used for verifying and validating the structural model is to check that
the object type of the attributes listed on the back of the CRC card and with the
attributes in the attribute list of the class on a class diagram implies an aggregation from
the class to the class of the object type.
Architecture Centric development requires functional (also known as external)
diagrams in addition to structure and behavioral diagrams; however, the UML only has
structure and behavioral diagrams.
Rectangles are used to represent association relationships in use case diagrams.
The interface standards, the basic design elements that are common across the
individual screens, forms, and reports within the system, must be identical for different
parts of the system, hence the name 'standards."
The simultaneous direct conversion to SAP to replace all of your legacy systems would
result in high risk while requiring an enormous amount of time.
One of the challenges of designing user interface for mobile computing applications is
that the device may be used everywhere.
Views are often used to provide the user a complete picture of the class diagram.
Age is an example of a derived attribute in a class since it can be computed from the
date-of-birth attribute and the current date.
Game players normally are motivated by cash reward, so they play game again and
A diamond at the end of a relationship in a class diagram represents the many side of
the relationship.
A systems analyst has prepared an interview agenda that begins with a number of
specific, detailed questions, and then asks the interviewee to make general statements
about the policies and procedure of the business process. The analyst is following a
top-down interview structure.
An asterisk on a relationship in a use case diagram represents multiplicity of the
A technical lead manages a group of analysts.
An alternate or exceptional flow in a use case documents the decomposition of the
normal flow of events.
Each use case can be associated with one or more role(s) that users have in the system.
There are three primary types of outsourcing contracts: 1) time and arrangements, 2)
variable-price, and 3) value added.
The three fundamental parts of the system interface are the navigation mechanism, the
input mechanism, and the output mechanism, all of which are closely intertwined.
Using an attribute to store the value of a computation is the use of a derived attribute.
Both story cards and task lists requirements documentation techniques are considered to
be detail approaches to documenting and gathering requirements.
The return on investment (ROI) should be used as the sole indicator of a project's worth
because it considers the end points of the investment, not the cash flow in between.
Functional method cohesion is the "best" type of method cohesion.
As Felix is documenting an order entry system, he discovers that someone can call up
to place an order that is not a customer. In this case, the Take Order use case will use
the Create Customer use case to capture the customer information, and then the order
will be taken. This is an example of the extend relationship between use cases.
In the UML, the Use Case Diagram illustrates all the interactions between the system
and its environment
When the project skills are not strategic but they do exist in-house and the time frame is
short, the most appropriate development strategy is packaged software.
In the Unified Process, the analysis phase follows requirements.
A mechanism for developing CRC cards is for the user or analyst to role-play as if they
are an instance of the class. This process is called _____.
a. acting
b. anthropomorphism
c. interviewing
d. anamorphous
e. observation
_____ means having the ability to send the same message to different objects, which
can be interpreted differently by different objects.
a. encapsulation
b. polymorphism
c. inheritance
d. coupling
e. cohesion
Interfaces (e.g., menus, reports, forms) are specified during the _____ phase of the
a. analysis
b. design
c. implementation
d. planning
e. system delivery
The goal of this analysis strategy is to change the fundamental way the organization
operates and to make major changes by taking advantage of new ideas, methods and
a. business process automation
b. business process benchmarking
c. business process improvement
d. business process reengineering
e. business process systemization
The installation of SAP to replace all of your legacy systems is an example of what type
of conversion?
a. modular
b. phased
c. pilot
d. simultaneous
e. whole system
Scalability refers to the _____.
a. easy increase or decrease of the storage and processing capabilities of the computer
b. fact that there is no central point of failure in the system
c. deployment of middleware in the system
d. support of many different types of clients and servers
e. ease of decreasing the cost of the infrastructure during economic downturn
One of the earliest models for managing organizational change was developed by Kurt
Lewin. Lewin argued that change is a three-step process: unfreeze, _________,
a. migrate
b. change
c. develop
d. move
e. program
The design phase of the SDLC creates a(n) _____.
a. blueprint for the future system
b. picture of the as-is system
c. understanding of who, what, when, and where the future system will be
d. understanding of why build the system
e. none of these
A classic mistake made during the implementation phase is to _____.
a. create a risk assessment
b. maintain control over the code
c. plan for the use of state-of-the-art technology
d. spend too much time in testing
e. use low cost personnel
Traditional Work Breakdown Structures tend to
a. focus on the design of the system as oppose to the needs of the current phase and
b. force too many levels of detail early on for large project and they tend to allow too
few level of detail for small projects
c. be too specific for the project and difficult to compare across projects
d. all of these
e. none of these
A behavioral state machine is a dynamic model that shows the different state through
which a single _____ passes through its life in response to events, along with its
responses and actions
a. object
b. actor
c. use case
d. sequence diagram
e. communication diagram
To identify the tasks for a work plan the project manager can _____.
a. control and direct the project
b. estimate the size, staff the project, and remember technical skills
c. establish a possible reporting structure
d. list the four phases of the SDLC and the steps that occur in each
e. set conservative numbers for the project software
Which one in the following is NOT a factor for selecting a design strategy?
a. Business need
b. In-house experience
c. Project skills
d. Time frame
e. Software quality
Project team review is usually conducted _____.
a. right after the system is implemented
b. just before the system is implemented
c. during the project initiation phase
d. several months after the system is installed
e. during the project team review
Cold turkey, big bang, and abrupt cut-over are alternative names for _____ conversion.
a. direct
b. parallel
c. phased
d. pilot
e. simultaneous
Discuss the options a project manager has if a phase of a project is completed (a) earlier
than expected, and (b) later than expected.
Deciding how the hardware, software, and network infrastructure will operate occurs
during the _____ phase of the SDLC.
a. analysis
b. design
c. implementation
d. planning
e. strategy
The conversion strategy that will require the least amount of time is _____.
a. direct conversion of the entire system at all locations simultaneously
b. direct conversion of the system by modules throughout locations in phases
c. parallel conversion of the entire system at all locations simultaneously
d. parallel conversion of the system by modules at all locations simultaneous
e. All are about the same in terms of time
In a communication diagram, a(n) _____ between actors and objects is shown with an
undirected line.
a. procedure calls
b. data flow
c. association
d. message
e. relationship
CRC cards are used to document the responsibilities and collaborations of a(n) _____.
a. class
b. relationship
c. object
d. attribute
e. operation
In which phase of the SDLC is the project plan developed?
a. analysis
b. design
c. implementation
d. planning
e. reconstruction
Postimplementation activities attempt to _____ the organization after the successful
transition to the new system.
a. streamline
b. refreeze
c. down size
d. right size
e. improve
In user interface design, use scenarios will _____.
a. describe all possible paths through the system
b. describe the most frequent paths taken through the use cases
c. provide the designer with detailed descriptions of the interface design elements
d. repeat the content of the system's data models
e. repeat the content of the system's process models
Juan is designing a user interface for the data-entry clerks in the marketing department.
In an interview with the department manager, Juan has learned that the department has
frequent turnover and that there is very little money for training. What two interface
design principles would you recommend Juan emphasize in his design?
a. aesthetics and consistency
b. aesthetics and layout
c. content awareness and aesthetics
d. content awareness and minimal user effort
e. user experience and consistency
The phase of the SDLC when the system is actually built or purchased is the _____.
a. analysis
b. construction
c. design
d. implementation
e. planning
In order to reduce the number of joins that must be performed in a query and to increase
the speed of data access, the data analyst will _____ the physical model.
a. cluster
b. denormalize
c. index
d. normalize
e. optimize
The examination of existing paperwork in order to better understand the As-Is system is
an example of what information-gathering strategy?
a. document analysis
b. interviewing
c. joint application design (JAD) sessions
d. observation
e. questionnaires
A collaboration consists of _____.
a. two instances of a class talking with each other
b. two instances of a class knowing the value of each others attributes
c. a set of classes that share common operations
d. a set of classes that are all related to one another
e. a set of classes involved in a use case
The user interface design principle that places an emphasis on the user's ability to
always know where he/she is in the system and what information is being displayed is
a. aesthetics
b. consistency
c. content awareness
d. layout
e. user experience
Install hardware, install software, and convert data are the three steps found in the
a. change management process
b. conversion plan
c. direct conversion activity
d. file and database conversion
e. purchase or rent process
Which of the following is the most costly aspect of the installation process?
a. change management
b. conversion
c. maintenance
d. training
e. analysis
SQL operates on _____.
a. rows of data at a time
b. columns of data at a time
c. tables of data at a time
d. the entire database
e. any of the above
A migration plan contains two major elements. They are _____.
a. challenging and motivation
b. change and assessment
c. conversion and testing
d. supportive and maintenance
e. technical and organizational
What is a sequence diagram used for? Why would an analyst choose a sequence
diagram over a communication diagram?
What role do interface templates play in the development of the interface of a system?
When looking at a CRUD matrix, why would it be important to see "D" in a column for
a temporary object, or to not see "D" or "U" in a column for objects in a data
Briefly describe the Unified Process (UP).
Briefly summarize the purpose of the implementation phase in SDLC. Explain why it
exists and what it contributes to the completion of the system.
List and describe the steps an analyst would follow in building a behavioral state
What are the differences between a technical lead and a functional lead?
Name the three different types of clouds. How do they differ from each other?
Distinguish between control flows and object flows in an activity diagram.
Distinguish between the association and generalization relationships in use case
diagrams. When would you use each of these relationships?
Describes the roles of and activities performed by the infrastructure and change
management analysts.
Explain the distinction between unit testing and integration testing.
What is an "object wrapper" and how can one be used to help integrate systems?
Explain the purpose of integration testing. Explain each of the four approaches that are
commonly used in integration testing.
With regards to social media, what is the difference between "push" and "pull"
approaches to interacting with customers?

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