CICS 74523

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 20
subject Words 2357
subject Authors David J. Auer, David M. Kroenke

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When designing a database, first identify the entities, then determine the attributes, and
finally create the relationships.
In every database, not just the databases discussed in this book, table names are
The SQL built-in function ADDUP totals values in numeric columns.
Read-only databases often use several copies of a set of the same data, where each copy
is modified for a specific use.
Column family databases that use column families and super column families contain
The degree of a relationship is expressed as the relationship's maximum cardinality.
When using Oracle Database, a sequence is an object that generates a sequential series
of unique numbers.
Subtypes can be exclusive or inclusive.
Data mining uses sophisticated statistical and mathematical techniques to perform
what-if analyses, to make predictions, and to facilitate decision making.
Three levels of visibility for attributes in UML diagrams are: Private, Protected, and
An attribute that determines which subtype is appropriate is called a discriminator.
SOAP was originally an XML-based standard for providing remote procedure calls
over the Internet.
Resources are locked for a shorter amount of time with pessimistic locking because the
transaction is pre-processed.
Bill Gates has said that "XML is the lingua-franca of the Internet Age."
XML documents and XML Schemas are created in different languages.
To represent an N:M relationship in a relational database design, an intersection table is
An exclusive subtype pattern has one supertype entity that relates to one or more
subtype entities.
Databases record data in such a way that they can produce information.
Writing SQL subqueries and joins against normalized tables is simple compared to the
code that must be written to handle anomalies from multivalued dependencies.
To start Microsoft Access 2013 in Windows 8, use the Start | All Programs | Microsoft
Office | Microsoft Access 2013 command.
BI reporting systems are intended to create meaningful information from disparate data
sources and to deliver that information to the proper users on a timely basis.
In a correlated subquery, the DBMS can run the lower SELECT statement by itself and
then send the results to the upper SELECT statement.
The database is most vulnerable to failure after a change to its structure.
A new MySQL database is created using the New Database dialog box.
The SQL keyword MODIFY is used to change the structure, properties or constraints of
a table.
Resource locking is one remedy to the lost update problem.
Microsoft Access can run QBE queries, but not SQL queries.
In an SQL Server clustered index, the data are stored in the bottom level of the index
and in the same order as the index.
Creating a read-only database is a job often given to beginning database professionals.
If the table PRODUCT has a column PRICE, and PRICE has the data type Numeric
(8,2), the value 98765 stored in that field will be displayed by the DBMS as 98765.00.
The rows of the result table can be sorted by the values in one or more columns.
The SQL keyword LIKE is used in SQL expressions to select partial string values.
IDEF1X categories are put into a cluster.
Resource locking must be carefully planned because most DBMS products cannot
detect a deadlock condition.
Microsoft Excel 2013 cannot import SQL Server 2014 data directly into a PivotTable
report, but must first place the data into a worksheet.
Locks placed automatically by the DBMS are called implicit locks.
The identifier of the entity becomes the ________ of the corresponding table.
A) primary key
B) foreign key
C) supertype
D) subtype
In the SQL statements
SELECT C1.CustName, C1.SalesRepNo
the "C1" is called a(n) ________.
A) term
B) alias
C) convention
D) label
We have obtained access to the company's operational data. We examine 50 records for
customers with phone numbers that should use the current area code of 345. Of these 50
records, we find 10 that still use an older area code of 567. This is an example of
A) dirty data
B) inconsistent data
C) nonintegrated data
D) a "too much data" problem
Which of the following is not true about bytecode interpretation?
A) It may be performed on the client or the server.
B) Only one bytecode interpreter is needed for all machine architectures.
C) It is slower than running a program compiled into machine code.
D) It increases portability.
When designing a database, one of the candidate keys in a relation is selected as the
A) composite key
B) primary key
C) foreign key
D) surrogate key
The MySQL Installer for Windows requires the ________ operating system.
A) Suse Linux
B) Red Hat Linux
C) Android
D) Microsoft Windows
In Microsoft Visio 2013, clicking the FILE command tab opens ________.
A) the File menu
B) the Backstage view
C) the Open dialog box
D) the Save As dialog box
In Oracle Database, which of the following prefixes is only available to triggers?
A) :current
B) := same
C) :new
D) := current
To run a single SQL command in MySQL Community Edition ________.
A) click the "Execute" button in the MySQL Workbench
B) click the "Execute SQL in Connected Server" button in the MySQL Workbench
C) click the "Execute SQL Script in Connected Server" button in the MySQL
D) click the "Execute SQL Statement under the keyboard cursor" button in the MySQL
In an SQL query, which built-in function is used to compute the average value of
numeric columns?
If a table is designed so that every determinant is a candidate key, then that relation is in
A) First Normal Form
B) Second Normal Form
C) Third Normal Form
D) Boyce-Codd Normal Form
When running a correlated subquery, the DBMS always uses ________.
A) regular processing
B) nested processing
C) "quick and dirty" processing
D) SQL-92 processing
Many-to-many relationships are represented by ________.
A) two tables with an M:N relationship
B) two tables with a 1:N relationship
C) an intersection table which has M:N relationships with the two tables
D) an intersection table which has 1:N relationships with the two tables
The MySQL statement used to complete the basic SQL block structure is ________.
C) a right brace symbol }
JSON has sophisticated data structuring capabilities. Which of the following statements
is not true about JSON?
A) A value can be a simple value such as a string or number.
B) A value can be an object (a set of [field, value] pairs).
C) A value can be an array of objects.
D) A value can be a relational table.
When running an SQL query that uses NOT EXISTS, the NOT EXISTS keyword will
be true if ________.
A) any row in the subquery meets the condition
B) all rows in the subquery meet the condition
C) no row in the subquery meets the condition
D) any row in the subquery fails to meet the condition
In a key value database, the basic "get" operation ________.
A) retrieves all values in the database
B) retrieves all keys with a specified value
C) retrieves all values associated with a key
D) retrieves the value associated with a key
A data warehouse database differs from an operational database because ________.
A) data warehouse data are not stored in tables
B) data warehouse databases do not have metadata
C) data warehouse data are often denormalized
D) Both B and C are correct
Anomalies caused by functional dependencies can be eliminated by putting tables into
A) 1NF
B) 2NF
C) 3NF
For a workstation running the Windows operating system, the additional user file
system permissions ________ must be granted to the Users group at the wwwroot
A) Read and Write
B) Modify and Read
C) Modify and Write
D) Read and Execute
A database designed to combine two databases used by the Sales department is a
database being designed ________.
A) from existing data
B) as a new systems development project
C) as a redesign of an existing database
D) Both A and B are correct
In UML-style E-R diagrams, the third segment of an entity class contains ________.
A) the name of the entity
B) the cardinalities of the entity
C) constraints and methods
D) entity attributes
Microsoft Access Datasheet view can be used for all of the following tasks except
A) writing join queries
B) inserting new rows
C) updating existing rows
D) deleting rows
Which of the following is (are) true about data mining applications?
A) They use sophisticated mathematical techniques.
B) They use sophisticated statistical techniques.
C) Their report delivery is more difficult than report delivery for reporting systems.
D) Both A and B are correct
Entities of a given type are grouped into an ________.
A) entity class
B) entity relationship
C) entity instance
D) entity attribute
When dropping a primary key column from a table, which of the following steps is
included in the process? (The order of the steps listed below is not relevant, only the
steps themselves.)
A) Drop all constraints from the table
B) Drop the foreign keys from the table
C) Drop the foreign keys in other tables based on the primary key column
D) Drop the primary key(s) of any table(s) to which this one is related
A relation is in third normal form (3NF) if and only if it is in 2NF and ________.
A) all non-key attributes are determined by the entire primary key
B) there are no non-key attributes determined by another non-key attribute
C) every attribute is a candidate key
D) every candidate key is a determinant
The situation that occurs when one user's changes to the database are lost by a second
user's changes to the database is known as the ________.
A) lost update problem
B) deadly embrace problem
C) inconsistent read problem
D) inconsistent write problem
MySQL indexes can be created by using ________.
A) the MySQL Table Editor
B) the MySQL Index Editor
C) an SQL statement
D) Both A and C are correct
Database professionals use ________ as specific data sources for studies and analyses.
A) data marts
B) normalization
C) data models
D) entity-relationship data modeling
Which SQL keyword is used to change one or more rows in a table?
The reports generated by a reporting system can be delivered in all of the following
media except ________.
A) Paper
B) Smoke signals
C) Digital dashboard
D) E-mail
In an Enterprise-class database system, a database application accesses the database
We have obtained access to the company's operational data. We have been asked to
produce a report with an item by item analysis of sales, but the only sales figure
available is the total sale value for each order. This is an example of ________.
A) dirty data
B) inconsistent data
C) nonintegrated data
D) a "wrong format" problem
A data mart differs from a data warehouse in that ________.
A) it has a larger database
B) it deals with a particular component or functional area of the business
C) data mart users must have more data management expertise than data warehouse
D) it is updated more frequently by the data mart users

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