CICS 67518

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 24
subject Words 1141
subject Authors Craig Van Slyke, John Day, Raymond Frost

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For years, QuickTax, Inc. has helped small businesses manage their taxes. The
management wants a database to keep track of clients, employees, and jobs. Managers
need to keep track of client names, addresses, contact persons, phone numbers, and
email addresses. They also need to track the employee's social security numbers, names,
and birth dates. Also, the company needs to be able to keep track of the data on each job
an employee performs for each of their clients. In addition, each of the consultants
(employees) has a senior consultant as a mentor to help with some of the more
challenging jobs and to evaluate employee's performance. In turn, a particular employee
(consultant) that has a senior employee as a mentor, can be a mentor himself to a more
junior employee. Further, each of the jobs the company deals with has some things that
are in common, starting with ID, date/time started/ended, and so forth. Also, there are
some tax forms that must be filed with every client, regardless of specifics of a business
situation. On the other hand, there are some specific forms that apply to certain types of
business situations, but are different or simply not required for other clients.
For questions 17-26, please refer to the preceding paragraph.
The relationship between consultant mentors and mentored is many-to-many.
DetailsView control property AutoGenerateEditButton should be set to __ in order to be
able to edit records into the data source.
Microsoft Access is an example of a large-scale database management system.
In Oracle, an extra comma at the end of a value list in an Insert statement will generate
a Missing Expression error.
In Microsoft SQL Server, the relationship between two tables is established by
right-clicking the primary key in the parent table, and under Relationships tab of
Properties window, associating it with the foreign key in the child table.
The result of two conditions with Or operator in between will be true if either of the
conditions are true.
Using a reserved word "level" as a column name is not allowed.
Selection operation retrieves a subset of columns.
Instead of using where clause to perform a join, Microsoft Access uses Inner Join
Text data type cannot contain numerical digits.
In Oracle, inserting a child record that does not have a matching parent record will
generate an Orphan Cannot Exist error.
In a query with a subquery, outer subquery always executes first.
If a field contains more than one single value, the design is in violation of 2NF.
An example of a multiple sort is ordering all the employees first by their social security
numbers and then by their names.
Inserting new client information into the JobClient table is possible without an actual
job assignment.
In Oracle, errors are always traced to the line that generated them.
The data source will be altered by writing an appropriate SQL statement under Select
Subtype tables do not need copies of the primary key.
Combining data from different tables into a single result set is called performing a join.
Storing connection strings simplies database maintenance.
Combining data from different tables into a single result set is called performing a join.
Entity and table are typically used interchangeably.
In Microsoft SQL Server Relationships window, there is a direct association between
Client and Employee tables.
All the fields in the Create Table statement are separated by commas, except for the last
The Internet uses the Hypertext Transmission Protocol (HTTP) to exchange messages
between its computers.
Selection, projection, and joining are the three core data retrieval operations for
relational databases.
In Microsoft SQL Server, if State field was defined using Nvarchar(2) data type, the
most appropriate Default Value for the client table would be NH.
Phone number would be stored in Number data type.
All values in a column must be of the same data type.
In Oracle's iSQL Plus interface, SQL commands are typed into the window and then run
using the Execute button.
Relationships in today's ER diagrams are modeled as lines.
Updating DateStartTime field in JobClient table could cause the problem due to
denormalized design.
Entities (persons, places, things) are like
a) nouns.
b) verbs.
c) adjectives.
d) sentences.
Crow's feet at both ends of the line represent which of the following?
a) One-to-one relationship
b) One-to-many relationship
c) Many-to-many relationship
d) Not a proper relationship representation
In Microsoft Access, the statement used to retrieve all the jobs with JobID greater than
5 and less than 8, displaying only JobIDs and associated dates, would be which of the
a) Select JobID, Date From Job Where JobID between 5 and 8
b) Select JobID, Date From Job Where JobID >5 And <8
c) Select JobID, Date From Job Where JobID >=5 and <=8
d) Select JobID, Date From Job Where JobID 5 and 8
In Microsoft SQL Server, after adding all three tables to the Edit Diagram window, the
link between Client and Employee tables is established by doing which of the
a) Dragging SSN field from Employee table onto Name field in Client table
b) Dragging SSN field from Employee table onto SSN field in Job table and dragging
Email field from Client table onto Email field in Job table
c) Dragging SSN field from Employee table onto Email field in Client table
d) Nothing, there is no relationship between Client and Employee tables
In Microsoft Access, the most appropriate data type and size for State field would be
which of the following?
a) Text(2)
b) Text(20)
c) Text(30)
d) Memo
Which of the following is the reason(s) ClientID field in the JobClient table violates
a) ClientID determines Name field.
b) ClientID determines Phone field.
c) ClientID determines both Name and Phone field.
d) ClientID does not violate 3NF.
Which of the following is the foreign key in job table in a relationship with employee
a) Employee social security number
b) Job unique ID
c) Client unique ID
d) Employee birth date
The advantage(s) of a well-designed script file is(are) which of the following?
a) Errors can be quickly located and corrected.
b) A corrupt database can be easily recreated.
c) A script file documents the creation process.
d) All of the above
In an order table, foreign key for a customer table would be named as which of the
a) Customer$name
b) Order$date
c) Customer$email
d) OrderID
Assuming the JobID is the primary key in JobClient table, which of the following
normal forms is violated with respect to Name field.
a) 1NF
b) 2NF
c) 3NF
Which one of the following are referred to as conditional operators?
a) +, -, *, /
b) =, >, <, >=, <=, !=
c) %, &, @, #
d) (, [, {, ), ], }
Which of the following are referred to as conditional operators?
a) +, -, *, /
b) =, >, <, >=, <=, !=
c) %, &, @, #
d) (, [, {, ), ], }
The relationship between tax returns and tax forms used to build it can be viewed as
which of the following?
a) One-to-many retroactive relationship
b) One-to-many recursive relationship
c) Many-to-many retroactive relationship
d) Many-to-many recursive relationship
BCNF violations can occur in only in tables with a __key.
The concept of inheritance means which of the following?
a) Any instance of a supertype inherits all the properties of the subtype.
b) Any instance of a supertype inherits some of the properties of the subtype.
c) Any instance of a subtype inherits all the properties of the supertype.
d) Any instance of a subtype inherits some of the properties of the supertype.
The SQL statement used to build a table is which of the following?
a) Build Table
b) Create Table
c) Set up Table
d) Construct Table
Employee name John Taylor would be an example of a
a) field.
b) record.
c) table.
d) data item.
In Microsoft SQL Server, data is entered into a table using which of the following?
a) Design view
b) Datasheet view
c) Database diagram
d) Open view
Normalized design would do which of the following with the client's work, home, and
cell phone numbers?
a) Place them in another database on the database server.
b) Place them in a separate table in the same database.
c) Place them in separate fields in the same table.
d) Keep all the phone numbers in a single field.
In Microsoft Access, Expression Builder uses which of the following to help build
correct expressions?
a) Functions
b) Constants
c) Operators
d) All of the above
Data type describes which of the following?
a) The kind of information stored in a table
b) The kind of information stored in a record
c) The kind of information stored in a field
d) The kind of information stored in a file
Which one of the following is(are) the core retrieval operation(s) for relational
a) Selection
b) Projection
c) Joining
d) All of the above
For years, QuickTax, Inc. has helped small businesses manage their taxes. The
management wants a database to keep track of clients, employees, and jobs. Managers
need to keep track of client names, addresses, contact persons, phone numbers, and
email addresses. They also need to track the employee's social security numbers, names,
and birth dates. Also, the company needs to be able to keep track of the data on each job
an employee performs for each of their clients. In addition, each of the consultants
(employees) has a senior consultant as a mentor to help with some of the more
challenging jobs and to evaluate employee's performance. In turn, a particular employee
(consultant) that has a senior employee as a mentor, can be a mentor himself to a more
junior employee. Further, each of the jobs the company deals with has some things that
are in common, starting with ID, date/time started/ended, and so forth. Also, there are
some tax forms that must be filed with every client, regardless of specifics of a business
situation. On the other hand, there are some specific forms that apply to certain types of
business situations, but are different or simply not required for other clients.
For questions 44-56, please refer to the preceding paragraph.
The relationship between consultant mentors and mentored is an example of which of
the following?
a) One-to-many retroactive relationship
b) One-to-many recursive relationship
c) Many-to-many robust relationship
d) Many-to-many recursive relationship
In Microsoft SQL Server, the functions that can be used to automate tasks are created
using which of the following?
a) Views
b) Stored procedures
c) Roles
d) Users
The only required element(s) for an SQL statement is(are) which of the following?
a) Select statement
b) From keyword
c) Select statement and From keyword
d) Select and SQL statements
RDBMS stands for which of the following?
a) Rational database management software
b) Relational database management system
c) Rapid database maintenance system
d) Relational database management structure
After all appropriate columns are checked off, which of the following appears next to
these columns in the query grid of an Insert SQL statement?
a) A place to enter new data for each column
b) A New Value column with blank cells
c) Values (,,,,,,) in the SQL statement
d) All of the above
Data on a particular QuickTax employee with social security number 123-45-6789,
named John Taylor, and birth date 6/17/1983 would be an example of a
a) record.
b) primary key.
c) field.
d) table.
Software implementing a set of business rules resides on the
a) client computer.
b) application server.
c) database server.
d) email server.
Student courses and their prerequisites is an example of which of the following?
a) One-to-many relationship
b) One-to-many recursive relationship
c) Many-to-many relationship
d) Many-to-many recursive relationship
Joining operation does which of the following?
a) Retrieves a subset of rows
b) Retrieves a subset of columns
c) Combines data from two tables
d) Makes a link between two tables
For years, QuickTax, Inc. has helped small businesses manage their taxes. The
management wants a database to keep track of clients, employees, and jobs. Managers
need to keep track of client names, addresses, contact persons, phone numbers, and
email addresses. They also need to track the employee's social security numbers, names,
and birth dates. Also, the company needs to be able to keep track of the data on each job
an employee performs for each of their clients.
For questions 78-81, please refer to the preceding paragraph.
Use __ SQL statement to configure the data source to select all the fields and records
from employee table would.
Draw the appropriate server control that will allow you to display the customer data,
and describe the steps needed for proper configuration.
Entity attributes in table are represented as __.
In SQL Query Analyzer, the statement used to retrieve all the client data, ordered first
by state and then by zip code would be __.
In SQL Query Analyzer, the statement used to retrieve client's contacts with emails
ending in "net", would be __ .
Design the query that calculates the number of customers using a particular credit card,
sorted by card type.
The foreign key in jobs table in relation to employee table should be_.
List the connection properties that need to be defined in order to set up data connection
to Exposure database on Microsoft SQL Server. Describe the benefits of saving the
connection details to Web.config file.
For years, QuickTax, Inc. has helped small businesses manage their taxes. The
management wants a database to keep track of clients, employees, and jobs. Managers
need to keep track of client names, addresses, contact persons, phone numbers, and
email addresses. They also need to track the employee's social security numbers, names,
and birth dates. Also, the company needs to be able to keep track of the data on each job
an employee performs for each of their clients.
In Microsoft Access, the most appropriate data type and size for Telephone field would
be __.
In Microsoft SQL Server, a check constraint restricting order quantity field entries to
positive numbers, would be specified as __.
In Microsoft SQL Server, hourly pay rate would be best represented as __ data type
with __ decimals.
The fact that the specialized part of the return retains the attributes of the general part is
called __.
The type of information that can be stored in an attribute is specified by its _.
Design the query that calculates the average rental rate, labeled "Avg Rate", for
different vehicle types sorted from A to Z.

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