CICS 24045

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 25
subject Words 279
subject Authors Craig Van Slyke, John Day, Raymond Frost

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Selection, projection, and joining are the three core data retrieval operations for
relational databases.
Database design is visually presented in the form of an entity-relationship diagram.
For years, QuickTax, Inc. has helped small businesses manage their taxes. The
management wants a database to keep track of clients, employees, and jobs. Managers
need to keep track of client names, addresses, contact persons, phone numbers, and
email addresses. They also need to track the employee's social security numbers, names,
and birth dates. Also, the company needs to be able to keep track of the data on each job
an employee performs for each of their clients.
For questions 5"26, please refer to the preceding paragraph.
The statement used to retrieve all the data from the client table would be: Select Client
From *.
Aggregate functions operate on a set of fields rather than a single field.
Name field in JobClient table could be split into two single value fields.
Database related server controls are located on the Toolbox under the
Data tab.
Email field would be set as the primary field for the client table.
A crow's foot at the single end of a line represents a one-to-many relationship.
Enterprise Manager's tree pane shows the structure of the SQL Server environment.
Equal to (=), greater than (>), and less than (<) are all examples of conditional
In Microsoft SQL Server Relationships window, if Cascade Delete Related Fields is
checked, deleting an employee from primary table would result in removal of all jobs
performed by that employee in Job table.
The result of two conditions with And operator in between will be true only if both of
the conditions are true.
The Like operator could be used to retrieve all the clients in a particular area code.
In Oracle, the statement used to display all the employees, sorted first by their names,
and then by birth dates would be: Select * From employees Order by birthdate, name.
The connection to qtax database would look like
sqlservername.qtax.dbo, where sqlservername is the name of SQL
Server being used.
In Microsoft Access table design view, the field size of Text data type is one of several
Field Properties.
More than one phone number in the Phone field of the JobClient table would violate
In SQL Query Analyzer, the bottom pane shows the query results.
In Oracle, listing all the fields followed by the primary key reserved words would create
a concatenated primary key.
Advanced SQL Generation Options allow us to automatically generate Insert, Update,
and Delete SQL statements based on the Select statement.
Count(*) function returns a count of records including those with nulls.
In Microsoft Access, the relationship between two tables is established by dragging the
primary key from the parent table onto the foreign key in the child table.
Your computer and Amazon's Web and database servers represent a multi-tier
Selection operation retrieves a subset of columns.
The only required elements of an SQL statement are: (1) the Select statement (followed
by a list of tables), and the From keyword (followed by a list of columns).
In Microsoft SQL Server Relationships window for two related tables, there is an option
for changing the name of the relationship.
Storing hierarchical structure in a single table results in numerous empty cells.
In Microsoft SQL Server table design view, the Default Value of Nvarchar data type is
one of several properties.
All of the table maintenance activities performed with DetailsView control can be
accomplished with GridView control as well.
To perform a join, a Where clause specifies that the value of the primary key in a parent
table equals the value of the foreign key in a child table.
Nvarchar data type cannot contain numerical digits.
On most e-business Web sites, most of the content resides on Web servers.
Because the Insert statement will add a row to a table, only certain columns in the table
should be checked off in the query grid.
In order to develop applications with Web Developer Express, you
need all three tiers: client browser, Web server, and database server.
All clients having at most one specialized portion is an example of the overlap rule.
By checking the Show box in Microsoft Access query design view, we can use a
particular field without displaying it.
In an ASP page, the Source view is used to place all the server control and the Design
view is used to write HTML statements.
For years, QuickTax, Inc. has helped small businesses manage their taxes. The
management wants a database to keep track of clients, employees, and jobs. Managers
need to keep track of client names, addresses, contact persons, phone numbers, and
email addresses. They also need to track the employee's social security numbers, names,
and birth dates. Also, the company needs to be able to keep track of the data on each job
an employee performs for each of their clients.
For questions 5"26, please refer to the preceding paragraph.
The statement used to retrieve all the data from the client table would be: Select Client
From *.
In a doctor/patient relationship, a visit represents a
a) parent table.
b) child table.
c) sibling table.
d) third table.
Customer's phone number does not satisfy which of the following primary key desired
a) Unique
b) Minimal
c) Non-null
d) Nonupdateable
Today's computer systems do which of the following?
a) Produce all products and services
b) Operate without human interference
c) Enable companies to operate more efficiently
d) Perform only routine and repetitive functions
In Microsoft Access, in order to create a new empty database, which of the following
option would be used?
a) New blank database
b) New from template
c) New from existing file
d) Open a file
The most appropriate server control that will allow the user to indicate the presence
(yes) or absence (no) of a certain property is called a(n) __.
Relational database is a part of a(n)
a) relational system.
b) information system.
c) physical system.
d) storage system.
Which one of the following is(are) the core retrieval operation(s) for relational
a) Selection
b) Projection
c) Joining
d) All of the above
Which of the following is an associative table?
a) Client
b) Employee
c) Job
d) QuickTax
Having all client's tax returns belong to at most one specialized sub-type category
would be an example of which of the following?
a) Partial specialization
b) Total specialization
c) Disjoint rule
d) Overlap rule
Today's organizations use which of the following to enhance their operations?
a) Communications technologies
b) Web technologies
c) Database technologies
d) All of the above
Assuming the JobID-ClientID is a primary key in JobClient table, which of the
following normal forms is violated with respect to DateTimeStart field?
a) 1NF
b) 2NF
c) 3NF
Storing one client address in a client table and another in a job table will cause
a) data redundancy.
b) data inconsistency.
c) data consistency.
d) data integrity.
When New link is tested in the browser, DetailsView control does which of the
a) Displays a list of empty textboxes, one for each field
b) Displays the Insert link that executes the Insert SQL statement
c) Displays the Cancel link that allows us to stop the insert operation
d) All of the above
In an ASP page, which of the following is used to add the controls to the page?
a) Toolbox
b) Toolbar
c) Build menu
d) Tools menu
In SQL Query Analyzer, which of the following would be used to sort the client list
consisting of contacts and emails, alphabetically from Z to A, by contact?
a) Select * From client Order by contact
b) Select contact, email From client Order by contact desc
c) Select contact, email From client Order by contact
d) Select contact, email Order by contact desc
ASP stands for which of the following?
a) Access Server Page
b) Access SQL Property
c) Active Server Page
d) Associative Server Property
For years, QuickTax, Inc. has helped small businesses manage their taxes. The
management wants a database to keep track of clients, employees, and jobs. Managers
need to keep track of client names, addresses, contact persons, phone numbers, and
email addresses. They also need to track the employee's social security numbers, names,
and birth dates. Also, the company needs to be able to keep track of the data on each job
an employee performs for each of their clients.
For questions 33-56, please refer to the preceding paragraph.
In Microsoft Access, the statement used to retrieve all the data from the job table, would
be which of the following?
a) Select Job From *
b) Select * From Job
c) From Job Select *
d) From * Select Job
In a QuickTax database, there are how many categories of data items?
a) One
b) Three
c) Four
d) Nine
The question marks are placed in Values (?,?,...) part of the Insert SQL statement
because of which of the following reason(s)?
a) This is what the new data is.
b) We don"t know what to enter.
c) Actual data will be entered later.
d) Actual data will never be entered.
Correcting an ambiguous name problem requires which of the following?
a) Changing the name in the SQL statement
b) Preceding the name with the table name
c) Following the name with the table name
d) Separating the name from the table name
In SQL Query Analyzer, the statement used to display employee names together with
job dates and times, for all jobs starting on either 3/12/06 or at 8 A.M., would be which
of the following?
a) Select employee. name, job.jobdate, job.timestart, job.timeend From employee Inner
Join job On employee.ssn = job.ssn Where job.jobdate = #3/12/06# And job.timestart =
#8:00 AM#
b) Select employee. name, job.jobdate, job.timestart , job.timeend From employee Inner
Join job On employee.ssn = job.jobid Where job.jobdate = #3/12/06# Or job.timeend =
#8:00 AM#
c) Select employee. name, job.jobdate, job.timestart , job.timeend From employee Inner
Join job On employee.ssn = job.ssn Where job.jobdate = #3/12/06# Or job.timestart =
#8:00 AM#
d) Select employee. name, job.jobdate, job.timestart , job.timeend From employee , job
On employee.ssn = job.ssn Where job.jobdate = #3/12/06# Or job.timestart = #8:00
Employees and their addresses is an example of
a) one-to-one relationship.
b) one-to-many relationship.
c) many-to-many relationship.
d) many-to-one relationship.
In SQL Query Analyzer, which of the following statements would result in contacts and
emails only for the clients in the state of New Hampshire?
a) Select contact, email From client Where state equals "NH"
b) Select contact, email From client Where state != "NH"
c) Select contact, email From client Where state = "NH"
d) Select contact, email From client Where state is "NH"
Forms in Web pages, such as order forms, are used for
a) data input.
b) result output.
c) data formatting.
d) data storage.
In Microsoft Access, the most appropriate data type to store a link to supplier's Web site
would be which of the following?
a) Text
b) OLE Object
c) Hyperlink
d) Lookup Wizard
The Internet uses which of the following communication protocols?
a) HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
b) TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol /Internet Protocol)
c) SMTP/POP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol / Post Office Protocol)
d) DBMS (Database Management System)
Which of the following steps in the con)guration process of a
SqlDataSource server control designates Oracle as a database of
a) Connecting to a database
b) Saving the connection to a )le
c) Creating a new data connection
d) Choosing the data provider
In SQL Query Analyzer, the statement used to retrieve all the jobs with jobid greater
than 5 and less than 8, displaying only jobid and associated dates, would be which of
the following?
a) Select jobid, date From job Where jobid between 5 and 8
b) Select jobid, date From job Where jobid >5 And <8
c) Select jobid, date From job Where jobid >=5 and <=8
d) Select jobid, date From job Where jobid 5 and 8
In Oracle, the statement used to calculate the number of clients from each NH zip code,
labeled "Zip Clients", would be which of the following?
a) Select zipcode, Count(email) From client Group by zipcode Where state != "NH"
b) Select zipcode, Count(email) As "Zip Clients' From client Group by zipcode
c) Select zipcode, Count(email) As "Zip Clients' From client Group by zipcode Where
state = "NH"
d) Select zipcode, Count(email) As "Zip Clients' From client Group by zipcode Where
state is "NH"
In a many-to-many relationship between two tables, a new table that must be placed in
between them is called a(n)
a) cardinality.
b) relationship.
c) association.
d) link.
In Oracle, which of the following statements would result in contacts, emails, and zip
codes for the clients whose emails either end in "net", or who live in 03264 zip code?
a) Select contact, email, zipcode From client Where email Not Like "net" And zipcode !
= "03264"
b) Select contact, email, zipcode From client Where Email Like "*net" Or zipcode =
c) Select contact, email, zipcode From client Where Email Like "net" Or zipcode =
d) Select contact, email, zipcode From client Where Email Like "*net" And zipcode =
In Oracle, the statement used to show all clients' emails and contacts for whom jobs
have been done, would be __.
Describe 3NF violation and how to redesign the table to correct it.
Describe how the bookings table is related to all the other tables in the database.
Exposures is a specialty retailer of fine gifts, picture frames, albums, scrapbooks, as
well as occasional gift ideas. Visit their Web site at, and
using the registration, billing, catalog, and shopping cart screens below, go through
each of the five ER design steps.
For questions 89"92, please refer to the preceding paragraph and Web pages.
Complete the design of the customer table in an Oracle database using appropriate SQL
script. Make sure to indicate which of the fields is the primary key.
Use __ SQL statement to configure the data source to delete all the fields for a
particular record from employee table.
The data source will have a record removed by writing an appropriate SQL statement
under __ tab.
First normal form (1NF) states that all fields must contain __ values only.
The general entity that contains a list of common attributes is often called a __ entity.
In an ER diagram, two tables are connected by a __.
In Oracle, the statement used to calculate the number of clients from NH, labeled as
"NH Clients", would be __.
Changing Mountain Coffee's phone number only in the first record of the JobClient
table would create an __ problem.

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