Chapter 6 Resource Utilization Resource limited Scheduling Will Not

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 3526
subject Authors Jack Gido, James P. Clements

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1. Resource-limited scheduling will not extend the project completion time if necessary in order to keep within
the resource limits.
a. True
b. False
2. The statement, "Network diagrams illustrate the technical constraints among activities," means the activities
are constrained because
a. each of the activities are independent from the other activities.
b. one activity cannot be started until the predecessors are finished.
c. the activities use different resources to be completed.
d. some activities use the same resources that may not be available.
3. Why are activities drawn in a serial relationship in a network diagram?
a. The activities use different resources.
b. The activities are independent of each other.
c. From a technical standpoint, the activities must be performed in that sequence.
d. The order of completion doesn't matter.
Chapter 6: Resource Utilization
4. In addition to showing the technical constraints among activities, how does the network logic also take into
account resource constraints?
a. Activities that use the same resource may not be able to occur in parallel to each other.
b. Activities that use different resources may be shown in a serial relationship.
c. The activities could be shown in a loop relationship.
d. Resources that are unlimited are not shown in a resource assignment.
5. Select which of the following does not describe how the sequence of activities can be drawn to reflect
the availability of a limited quantity of resources.
a. The activities using the limited resources are shown in a ladder relationship as they are available.
b. The activities using the limited resources are shown in a loop relationship as they are available.
c. The activities requiring the limited resource are assigned at different times.
d. If there is no technical constraint for the activities, the activities could be arranged serially by the availability
of the resources.
Chapter 6: Resource Utilization
6. A resource requirements plan illustrates
a. who is responsible for which activities.
b. the amount of labor expenses for the project.
c. the expected utilization of resources by time period during the time span of the project.
d. the budget for material and cost resources.
7. If resources are to be considered in planning, it is necessary to
a. when each is taking vacation time or time off.
b. know the name of each resource on the project.
c. list all the projects to which the resources have been assigned.
d. indicate the amounts and types of resources needed to perform each activity.
Chapter 6: Resource Utilization
8. Resource utilization charts based on each activitys earliest start time are said to be based
a. on availability times.
b. an as-late-as-possible (ALAP) schedule.
c. on an as-soon-as-possible (ASAP) schedule.
d. on a limited schedule plan.
9. Resource utilization charts based on each activitys latest start time are said to be based
a. on availability times.
b. an as-late-as-possible (ALAP) schedule.
c. on an as-soon-as-possible (ASAP) schedule.
d. on a limited schedule plan.
Chapter 6: Resource Utilization
10. Given this project and the requirement that the number of resources working on a task cannot be less than the
number assigned to the task, answer the following question. What is the least number of resources that can be
assigned to the project if all five tasks occur in parallel?
a. 24 workers
b. 1.5 workers per day
c. 7 workers
d. 2 workers
Chapter 6: Resource Utilization
11. Given this project and the requirement that the number of resources working on a task cannot be less than the
number assigned to the task, answer the following question.
If the tasks were placed in a serial relationship with Task 1 first and the others in numerical order, on what
day would Task 3 be done?
a. day 18
b. day 3
c. day 10
d. day 9
Chapter 6: Resource Utilization
12. Resource leveling, or smoothing, is a method for
a. developing a schedule that attempts to minimize the fluctuations in requirements for resources.
b. making sure all the resources do the same amount of work.
c. making sure every task has the same number of resources.
d. extending the project to have the least number of resources used per day.
13. Resource leveling, or smoothing, levels the resources so that
a. equal number of resources is assigned to each task.
b. an equal number of tasks are completed each day by the resources on the project.
c. they are applied as uniformly as possible without extending the project schedule beyond the required
completion time.
d. the costs for the resources are even as possible across the project.
Chapter 6: Resource Utilization
14. The start of noncritical activities are delayed beyond their earliest start times (but not beyond their latest start times)
in order to
a. schedule with a technical constraint.
b. schedule with a resource constraint.
c. level the costs of the project.
d. maintain a uniform level of required resources.
15. Activities can be delayed only to the point where all their positive slack is used up, as any further delays would cause
the project to
a. increase costs of all the activities in the project.
b. extend beyond the project completion time.
c. be completed ahead of schedule.
d. increase its requirements for additional resources for all activities.
Chapter 6: Resource Utilization
16. assist with the complexity of generating a resource-leveled schedule and resource requirements graphs and
a. Project management information systems
b. Formulas and techniques
c. Trial and error techniques
d. Calendaring systems
Chapter 6: Resource Utilization
17. Given this project and the requirement that the number of resources working on a task cannot be less than the number
assigned to the task, answer the following question.
What is the least amount of time that the project can be completed and how many resources are required to
complete the work?
a. 16 days, 7 workers
b. 7 days, 5 workers
c. 5 days, 7 workers
d. 8 days, 3 workers
Chapter 6: Resource Utilization
18. Which of following would allow for level resources on the project?
Chapter 6: Resource Utilization
19. Resource-limited scheduling is a method for
a. developing a schedule that attempts to minimize the fluctuations in requirements for resources.
b. making sure all the resources do the same amount of work.
c. making sure every task has the same number of resources.
d. developing the shortest schedule when the number or amount of available resources is fixed and cannot be
20. When several activities need the same limited resource at the same time, the activities with
a. the least slack have first priority.
b. the longest duration have first priority.
c. the near term have first priority.
d. use the most resources have first priority.
Chapter 6: Resource Utilization
21. In resource-limited scheduling, the lower priority activities get delayed. How does the delaying of activities affect the
a. The delaying of activities increases the costs of the project.
b. The delaying of activities decreases the acceptance of the project deliverable.
c. The delaying of activities may delay the project.
d. The delaying of activities helps give others more time on their tasks because they won't affect the project
22. This example has level resources of three resources for eight days. If the project is limited to two resources, how
should the project be organized to meet the resource constraint and finish the project as early as possible? The tasks
with the least slack have the lower number.
a. Paths would be 1,2,3,5 and 1,2,4
b. Paths would be 1,2,3,4 and 1,2,5
c. Paths would be 1,2 and 3,4,5
d. Path would be 1,2,3,4,5

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