Chapter 4 In collectivist cultures, children learn

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1995
subject Authors Roberta M. Berns

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41. Which of the following is an example of neglect?
A child is not properly fed.
A child does not get adequate medical attention.
A child lacks supervision.
All of these are examples of neglect.
42. Psychological abuse includes
having unrealistic expectations.
belittling (speaking of as if small or unimportant).
all of these.
43. An example of a resilient factor as it applies to child maltreatment is
a child’s easy temperament.
improvement in a family’s financial status.
neither a child’s easy temperament nor improvement in a family’s financial status.
both a child’s easy temperament and improvement in a family’s financial status.
44. Compared to other children, children with disabilities are
at more risk of being abused.
at less risk for being abused.
equally likely to be abused.
never abused.
45. Researchers report that the abusive family
46. A society in which those ruled have power equal to those who rule is considered a(n) _________.
47. Emphasizing obedience, respect, neatness, and staying out of trouble is characteristic of parents from the ______
socioeconomic class.
48. The learned behavior, including the knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, laws, customs, and traditions, that is characteristic
of the social environment in which an individual grows up is called _________.
49. An example of a culture that prioritizes the parenting goal of developing capacities for economic self-maintenance is
the __________________ culture.
50. In collectivist cultures, children learn that individuals are treated differently according to rank and/or situation. This
practice is known as _________.
51. John Locke’s best known concept is that of the _________.
52. The researcher whose theory of personality emphasized unconscious forces in the mind is _________.
53. The theory that observed behavior, rather than what exists in the mind, provides the only valid data for psychology is
called _________.
54. The Freudian term for arrested development is _________.
55. Children who have low activity levels and are initially withdrawn but slowly adapt to new situations have a
temperament characterized as _________.
56. Children with _________ temperaments need consistent, patient, and objective parents who can handle their
57. Parents encourage ___________ to be more dependent, affectionate, and emotional than ____________.
58. Parents in the last stage of Galinsky’s model are in the stage termed _________.
59. Behavior that benefits other people, such as altruism, sharing, and cooperation, is called _________.
60. According to Maccoby and Martin (1983), parenting styles are usually classified by the dimensions of
acceptance/responsiveness and _________.
61. A style of insensitive, indifferent parenting with few demands or rules is _________.
62. In Baumrind’s study, children who showed little responsibility and scored in the middle range on social responsibility
had parents whose style was considered _________.
63. According to Baumrind, the parent who is characterized by the phrase “Do it because. . .” is considered the ______
type of parent.
64. Jasmine gets attention in socially acceptable ways, uses adults as resources, and gets along well with others. We
would call Jasmine a(n) __________ child.
65. Parenting practices that consider the child’s age capacity; maintain reasonable expectations; consider the child’s
strengths, limitations, and needs; utilize a range of acceptable disciplinary measures; provide care, nurturing, and support;
and model self-control are termed _________ .
66. When a child misbehaves and the parent leads the way by directing, demonstrating, or supervising the correct
response, that parent is using _________.
67. Actions toward a child that include things such as unkindness, harshness, rejection, neglect, deprivation, abuse, and/or
violence are termed _________.
68. Maltreatment involving deliberate harm to the child’s body is called _________ abuse.
69. The type of abuse that refers to sexual relations between closely related persons is called _________.
70. Many abusers have a history of being _________.
71. When a parent, instead of seeing him- or herself as the nurturer of the child, expects the child to meet the parent’s
needs for love, this is an example of _________.
Subjective Short Answer
72. Compare and contrast a collectivist/interdependent orientation with one that is competitive/independent. Focus your
answer on the ways in which collectivist and competitive perspectives impact the parenting role.
73. Imagine you are a life coach. You are working with a childless couple who are considering having a baby. Describe
the specific family characteristics linked to parenting outcomes as outlined in your text. Focus your discussion on
characteristics related to family size, configuration, life stage, marital quality, and coping ability.
74. Describe how parenting behavior is affected by parental occupation, and give examples.
75. Compare and contrast the different types of attachment according to Ainsworth et al. (1978).
76. Describe the differences among authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved parenting styles.
77. Using the following scenario, explain and describe each of Baumrind’s styles of parenting. How would a parent of
each style handle this situation?
A 10-year-old boy throws a ball in the house and breaks a lamp. He has been told before, and knows the rule, that there is
no throwing balls in the house.
78. Explain the concept of goodness-of-fit and how it relates to parenting behavior.
79. Summarize the research on the relationship between parenting style and child outcomes.
80. Describe the experience of disability as it relates to family dynamics. Include in your description the perspective of
parents, children, and siblings.
81. Imagine you work for the local historical society. Write an essay describing changes in parenting over historical time.
82. Compare and contrast parenting practices of parents from middle-class backgrounds and those of parents from lower
socioeconomic backgrounds.

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