Chapter 4 Cultural Values And Assumptions

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1760
subject Authors Cindy Corey, Gerald Corey, Marianne Schneider Corey, Patrick Callanan

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1. ____________ influences every facet of our existence, so it is essential that culturally responsive practice be
central in all that we do.
a. Oppression
b. Stereotypes
c. Racism
d. Culture
2. ___________ counseling can be operationally defined as the working alliance between counselor and client that
takes the personal dynamics of the counselor and client into consideration alongside the dynamics of the cultures of
both of these individuals.
a. Culturally encapsulated
b. Diversity-sensitive
c. Multicultural
d. Transcultural
3. The culturally encapsulated counselor is characterized by:
a. defining reality according to the client's reality.
b. showing sensitivity to cultural variations among individuals.
c. evaluating other viewpoints and making attempts to accommodate the behavior of others.
d. define reality according to a narrow set of cultural assumptions and fail to evaluate other viewpoints, making
little attempt to understand and accept the behavior of others.
4. A cross-cultural counselor who perceives reality exclusively through the filters of his or her own life experiences is
said to be culturally:
a. immersed.
b. ignorant.
c. encapsulated.
d. biased.
5. Statements such as "Minority groups need to take responsibility for their own predicament" and "In order to succeed,
people need to stop complaining and start working" do not take into account environmental factors. These are
examples of:
a. stereotypical beliefs.
b. guiding principles for action.
c. cultural tolerance.
d. challenging culture-bound values.
6. Frank is a Native American college student who is seeking information about his career choice from a male
counselor. The counselor notices that he uses very little eye contact and needs to recognize that Frank:
a. lacks trust about the information he is receiving.
b. is unlikely to follow through with his suggestions.
c. is likely to view direct eye contact as a lack of respect.
d. would be more likely to have direct eye contact if the counselor were a female.
7. Marie is working with a lesbian client who is in a dysfunctional relationship with another woman. She is seeking
counseling to sort out her options regarding leaving her emotionally abusive partner. Marie can assist her client by:
a. automatically attributing her client's problems to her sexual orientation.
b. attempting to change the sexual orientation of her client.
c. supporting her client's attempt to leave the abusive relationship, work on her abuse issues, and eventually enter
into a positive lesbian relationship.
d. encouraging her client to realize how difficult it is to live in a lesbian relationship.
8. It is the authors' position that counselors would NOT work well with diverse populations if they:
a. are open to being challenged and tested.
b. are flexible in applying theories to specific situations.
c. believe that they are free from any racist attitudes, beliefs, and or feelings.
d. are comfortable with differences that exist between themselves and their clients.
9. Denise is a Euro-American social worker who is a former welfare client. A divorcee and mother of four, she
succeeded in completing her degree and getting off the system in four years. She is now working in a welfare-to-
work program and sets similar goals for her multicultural clients. Denise's attitude and actions indicate that she:
a. believes in her client's ability to achieve and live up to her expectations.
b. is well intentioned and willing to challenge her clients.
c. can serve as a model of what her clients can accomplish with their lives--if she could do it, so can her clients.
d. is operating out of the majority value system and presuming that her clients have the same goals.
10. According to the authors, the first step in the process of acquiring multicultural counseling skills in a training program
should be that students:
a. become involved in a self-exploratory journey to help identify their cultural and ethnic blind spots.
b. start a social advocacy campaign and become politically involved on campus.
c. free themselves from all racist thoughts, actions and feelings.
d. have their value system conform to an "acceptable norm."
11. ___________ is a three-stage developmental sequence, from multicultural awareness to knowledge and
comprehension to skills and applications.
a. Culture-centered counseling
b. Oppressed counseling
c. Cultural immersion
d. Social justice work in counseling
12. Which one of the following reasons for the underutilization of mental health services by minority groups is NOT
a. Biased nature of the services
b. Child care issues
c. Transportation challenges
d. The medical model of clinical counseling is a good fit for this population and is not utilized enough.
13. Which of the following court cases involved an employee assistance program provider who refused to counsel
homosexual clients on the basis of religious beliefs and was eventually terminated by her employer?
a. Jablonski vs. United States
b. Jaffee vs. Redmond
c. Bruff vs. North Mississippi Health Services, Inc.
d. Tarasoff vs. Board of Regents of the University of California
14. Counselors practice unintentional racism when they:
a. show sensitivity to cultural variations among individuals.
b. challenge stereotypes associated with culturally diverse clients.
c. claim to be free of any traces of racism.
d. accept unreasoned assumptions about other cultures without proof and without regard to rationality.
15. ___________ includes factors such as culture, religion, race, ability, age, gender, sexual orientation, education, and
socioeconomic level.
a. Cultural empathy
b. Diversity
c. Stereotypes
d. Racism
16. People who say they are ___________ usually are trying to communicate that they do not discriminate and that
a. racist
b. microaggressive
c. color blind
d. culturally aware
17. ______________ moves beyond cultural awareness and focuses on active support and advocacy, including
promoting equality and justice for underserved and oppressed groups of people.
a. Social justice
b. Cultural pluralism
c. Color blindness
d. Cultural tunnel vision
18. The word ________, interpreted broadly, is associated with a racial or ethnic group as well as with gender, religion,
economic status, nationality, physical capacity or disability, and affectional or sexual orientation.
a. ethnicity
b. diversity
c. stereotype
d. culture
19. ___________ is a sense of identity that stems from common ancestry, history, nationality, religion, and race.
a. Ethnicity
b. Multiculturalism
c. Pluralism
d. Commonality
20. In multicultural counseling, one must balance the importance of ________________ in assessment, diagnosis, and
a. liberal and conservative views
b. western approaches and southern approaches
c. individualism versus collectivism
d. cultural encapsulation and assimilation
21. ___________ refers to individual differences on a number of variables that place clients at risk for discrimination
based on age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability,
language, or socioeconomic status.
a. Diversity
b. Multipluralism
c. Discriminatory variables
d. Oppression
22. ______________ refers to a practitioner's level of awareness, knowledge, and interpersonal skill needed to
function effectively in a pluralistic society and to intervene on behalf of clients from diverse backgrounds.
a. Cultural encapsulation
b. Multicultural skill-level
c. Cultural diversity competence
d. Interpersonal cognizance
23. _______________ is a perception of reality based on a very limited set of cultural experiences.
a. Cultural awareness
b. Ethnicity
c. Microaggressions
d. Cultural tunnel vision
24. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
a. It is important to understand that homosexuality and bisexuality are not indicative of mental illness.
b. To date, the APA has not developed a separate set of guidelines for psychotherapy with lesbian, gay, and
bisexual clients.
c. The ethics codes of the ACA, the APA, and the NASW clearly state that discrimination on the basis of
sexual orientation is unethical and unacceptable.
d. Therapists have an ethical obligation to confront their personal prejudices, myths, fears, and stereotypes
regarding sexual orientation.
25. In the __________'s code of ethics, cultural competence and recognition of social diversity are clearly linked to
ethical practice.
a. APA
b. Canadian Counseling Association
c. Code of Professional Ethics for Rehabilitation Counselors
26. Many ________________ have difficulty acknowledging race-related issues because they stir up guilt feelings
about their privileged status and threaten their self-image as moral, fair, and decent human beings.
a. White Americans
b. Mexican Americans
c. Asian Americans
d. African Americans
27. The _____________'s ethics code indicates that part of competence implies understanding diversity.
b. Canadian Counseling Association
c. APA
d. Code of Professional Ethics for Rehabilitation Counselors
28. People with chronic medical, physical, and mental disabilities represent:
a. the second largest minority and disadvantaged group in the United States.
b. the largest minority and disadvantaged group in the United States.
c. the smallest minority and disadvantaged group in the United States.
d. a diminishing minority and disadvantaged group in the United States.
29. Neithertheclients’andtherapists’____________,northeinteractionsbetweenthetwo,weresignificantly
a. ethnicity
b. multiculturalism
c. cultural empathy
d. unintentional racism
30. The concepts of unintentional racism and microaggressions are related and usually involve:
a. training in multicultural and social justice perspectives for both the therapist and client.
b. exploring in-depth the meaning behind the cultural differences.
c. flexibility and understanding on the therapist's part.
d. demeaning implications perpetrated against clients on the basis of their race, gender, sexual orientation, or
ability status.
31. The standards established by the _______________ require that programs provide curricular and experiential
offerings in multicultural and pluralistic trends, including characteristics within and among diverse groups nationally
and internationally.
a. American Psychological Association
b. National Association for Social Workers
c. Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP)
d. Canadian Counseling Association
32. Children with childhood disabilities such as autism and ADHD; children with the cumulative lifestyle factors that lead
to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancers; and people with chronic medical, physical, and mental disabilities are
part of the:
a. mental health workers community.
b. disability community.
c. gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community.
d. social justice community.
33. Cultural differences are:
a. objective, simple, and apathetic.
b. objective, complex, and dynamic.
c. subjective, simple, and apathetic.
d. subjective, complex, and dynamic.
34. Brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities (whether intentional or unintentional)
that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults toward people of other races is the
definition of:
a. racial microaggressions.
b. cultural diversity.
c. cultural pluralism.
d. social justice work.
35. A set of knowledge and skills that are essential to the culturally skilled practitioner are called:
a. coursework.
b. culturally appropriate strategies.
c. multicultural competencies.
d. multicultural relationship.

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