Chapter 4 Adolescents Who Live This type Environment Develop Poor

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 4139
subject Authors Brandon C. Welsh, Larry J. Siegel

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55. What theory promotes the thought that learning occurs within intimate personal groups?
56. What, according to Reckless, insulates a youth from criminogenic influences in the environment?
57. According to GST, child abuse and neglect, school failure, family and/or peer conflicts, racism, and discrimination are
experiences associated with what source of strain?
58. According to Cohen, what are the standards by which teachers evaluate students' behavior?
59. Who applied Durkheim's ideas to the onset of crime and delinquency in contemporary society?
60. What refers to the process by which an established culture teaches an individual its norms and values, thus enabling
the individual to become an accepted member of society?
61. Unlike others who are involved in similar criminal activities, gangs openly engage in the sale of drugs as well as other
types of criminal activities. What does this promote?
62. What do community-level institutions provide that has been ascertained as a key determinate of neighborhood
delinquency rates?
63. What are morally tinged influences that have become entrenched in the culture but are publicly condemned?
64. What is said to exert pressure toward delinquency by encouraging an anomic cultural environment, one in which
people are encouraged to adopt an “anything goes” mentality in the pursuit of personal goals?
65. According to Shaw and McKay, what does a healthy, organized community have the ability to do to achieve common
66. According to strain theory, how is the ability to achieve personal goals such as owning a nice home and car or wearing
stylish clothes stratified?
67. What psychological reaction occurs when a person does or says something that is the opposite of what he or she really
wants to or what is socially expected and appropriate.
68. Name the three independent yet overlapping theories that reside within the social structure perspective.
69. What, according to Hirschi, are youths who reject social relationships more likely to lack?
70. What does recent research indicate may have been ignored by neutralization theory?
71. Identify and define the critical social factors believed to cause or affect delinquent behaviors. Of these, which do you
find to be the most significant and the least significant? Provide a rationale for your view.
72. Identify and describe the three forms of collective efficacy; be sure to include examples for each. Which of the three
forms do you believe to be the most influential? Provide a rationale for your view.
73. Identify and describe the three variations of structural theory. Explain which of the three variations you believe best
explains the povertydelinquency relationship.
74. It is reported that because of differential opportunity, youth are likely to join one of three types of gangs. Identify and
describe the three types of gangs. Do you agree or disagree with the premise that differential opportunity causes youth to
join gangs? Explain your position.
75. Identify and describe Merton's five modes of social adaptation. Which mode is stated as being most closely associated
with delinquency? Do you agree or disagree with this association? What is the rationale for your view?
76. Identify and describe the four elements of socialization that have been linked to delinquency. If you were asked to
rank order the importance of the elements, how would this look? Provide a rationale for your view.
77. Who developed "code of the streets"? Describe the two cultural forces addressed in this theory. It is stated that living
in an impoverished, crime rich community places youth at risk for engaging in delinquent behavior; it is also stated that
the two orientations socially organize the community. Do you agree or disagree with these statements? Provide a
rationale for you view.
78. Describe neutralization theory and the techniques of neutralization patterns (i.e., who developed the theory, basic
premise of the theory, key terms associated with this theory). What is your view of this theory and the techniques
associated with it? Explain your position.
79. Discuss how control theories have influenced criminal justice and other public policies according to the text. Be sure
to include examples of programs developed as a result of control theory. Overall, how valuable do you believe these
influences are to youth and to society in general? Provide a rationale for your view.
80. Describe each of the four elements of Hirschi's social bond theory. What does Hirschi suggest about the
interrelationship of the social bond elements? Explain why you agree or disagree with the premise of this
interrelationship. Critique the theory, assessing its strengths and weaknesses.

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