Chapter 3 The Following Are Legitimate Reasons Use Force

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subject Authors Jacqueline Kanovitz

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Kanovitz: Manual site for Constitutional Law, 13th Edition
Chapter 03: Authority to Detain and Arrest; Use of Force
Multiple Choice
1. The Fourth Amendment protects against the following:
a. self-incrimination
b. unreasonable searches and seizures
c. warrants issued without probable cause
d. both b & c
2. The following is the minimum requirement for an investigatory stop:
a. reasonable suspicion
b. hunch
c. probable cause
d. habeas corpus
3. Terry v. Ohio gave police officers the power to:
a. chase suspects across state lines in fresh pursuit
b. follow suspects into their homes in hot pursuit
c. briefly detain individuals for questioning
d. all of the above
4. An officer must be able to do the following to satisfy the reasonable suspicion
a. point to the behavior of the detainee that is different from one might ordinarily
expect of an innocent person in the vicinity
b. explain why the detainee’s behavior suggests the possibility of criminal activity
c. both a & b
d. none of the above
5. Probable cause is required to:
a. make a Terry stop
b. obtain a search warrant
c. ask a suspect to take a Breathalyzer test
d. both a & b
6. Which of the following is not a typical requirement for an arrest warrant?
a. that it have the signature of the arresting officer
b. that it name or otherwise identify the person to be arrested
c. that it have the signature of the judge of the court who issued it
d. that it describe the offense charged in general enough terms sufficient to apprise the
arrested person of the nature of the charges
7. Which of the following is a not requirement for the proper execution of an arrest
a. party executing the warrant must be the specific officer or a member of the class of
officers to whom the warrant is directed
b. the officer must either serve the warrant or advise the arrestee that a warrant has
been issued
c. the arresting officer must read the arrestee his or her rights
d. the warrant must be executed within the territorial jurisdiction of the magistrate
who ordered it
8. Which of the following is an exception that excuses the need for a warrant or knocking
on the door to a residence?
a. exigent circumstances
b. hot pursuit
c. consent
d. all of the above
9. Fourth Amendment protection against warrantless arrests applies when an individual
a. inside his or her motel room
b. behind a closed front door
c. standing on his or her front porch
d. both a & b
10. The following are legitimate reasons to use force, except for:
a. to stop people from “mouthing off”
b. to overcome resistance
c. to protect others from physical harm
d. to prevent escape
11. Which of the following does not meet the Supreme Court’s standard of constitutional
reasonableness for the use of deadly force under Tennessee v. Garner:
a. preventing the escape of an individual suspected of any felony
b. the suspect threatens the officer with a weapon
c. the suspect has committed a crime involving the infliction or threatened infliction of
serious physical harm
d. the suspect has threatened another person with a weapon
12. The Fourth Amendment recognizes ____ classes of seizures.
a. two
b. three
c. four
d. five
13. The consensual aspects of an encounter vanish once a police officer’s conduct
conveys the message that the suspect is not free to terminate the encountered leave.
This police officer conduct is known as:
a. reasonable suspicion
b. show of legal authority
c. arrest
d. Terry stop
14. Which of the following terms is not mentioned in the text of the Fourth Amendment
a. seizure.
b. arrest.
c. warrant.
d. probable cause.
15. Reasonable suspicion is necessary to:
a. stop a motor vehicle at a fixed checkpoint.
b. ask for permission to look inside a woman’s handbag.
c. frisk a person for a weapon.
d. frisk a person for a weapon.
16. No level of suspicion is required to:
a. detain a person for less than 15 minutes.
b. knock on a person’s door and ask for permission to speak to them.
c. stop a motorist to check his/hr driver’s license.
d. do any of the above.
True/ False
17. Voluntary police/suspect encounters are regulated by the Fourth Amendment.
a. True
b. False
18. An investigatory detention is a limited seizure made for the purpose of investigating
the circumstances that aroused the officer’s suspicion.
a. True
b. False
19. Tips from concerned citizens who identify themselves and report on matters of which
they have personal knowledge do not need further corroboration before they can
provide reasonable suspicion.
a. True
b. False
20. Having a criminal record or being in the company of others who have criminal
records is insufficient standing alone to provide reasonable suspicion.
a. True
b. False
21. A warrant must always identify the person to be arrested by his or her full name.
a. True
b. False

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