Chapter 3 Answer Points References The Ethics Imposing Your

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1736
subject Authors Cindy Corey, Gerald Corey, Marianne Schneider Corey, Patrick Callanan

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1. With respect to values in the counseling process, the authors contend that:
a. it is important that counselors clarify their values and the ways in which they enter the therapeutic process.
b. counselors can avoid communicating values to their clients by not explicitly sharing them.
c. it is best to keep values hidden so they won't contaminate their client's choices.
d. their job is to help clients conform to socially acceptable standards.
2. Mary is seeking abortion counseling from a practitioner who has been actively involved in the pro-life movement.
The therapist has extreme discomfort with Mary's values and doesn't think he could maintain objectivity. It would be
best if he:
a. doesn't share his values with Mary and work within the value system of his client.
b. help Mary understand his values so she can make a different decision concerning her pregnancy.
c. not refer Mary, but work within the client's values rather than his own. If he cannot obtain objectivity, he will
need supervision to work through his issues. Referring Mary to another therapist for this reason could be
determined as abandonment.
d. set firm boundaries with Mary on what she can discuss in regards to her pregnancy.
3. A client-defined sense of spirituality:
a. is not very important in therapy.
b. can be a significant avenue for connecting with the client and can be an ally in the therapeutic change
c. can create difficulty in the client's therapeutic process.
d. is more important if the therapist shares a similar definition.
4. Which of the following statements on spirituality and religion is true today?
a. They are both ethically appropriate topics to discuss, can play a major part in the client's life, and can be a
significant source of strength.
b. The role of spirituality in counseling is not considered an appropriate topic for discussion.
c. Spiritual and religious matters are not therapeutically relevant.
d. The therapist does not need to be sincerely interested in the client's spiritual beliefs to utilize them in the
therapeutic process.
5. Ruth is counseling a woman who describes an extremely unhappy marriage. Ruth suggests she consider leaving her
husband; however, the client has a deep spiritual conviction that marriage is for life and is not willing to consider
divorce as an option. Ruth attempts to change her client's viewpoint. In this case, Ruth is:
a. teaching her client to look at the negative consequences of her decision.
b. exploring the client's spiritual reasons for staying in the marriage.
c. imposing her values on the client instead of exploring the client's reasons for staying in the marriage.
d. helping her client to explore healthy options.
6. Thomas has AIDS and has decided to end his life rather than continue suffering. The counselor he is working with
does not condone rational suicide. In this case, the counselor needs to:
a. work with Thomas rather than referring him, and seek supervision and education to assist the counselor to be
more capable of working with Thomas.
b. learnasmuchaspossibleaboutthecourseofThomas’sillness.
c. exploretheimpactofThomas’sreligiousbeliefsonmakinghisdecisiontoendhislife.
d. help Thomas seek medical treatment that will help him cope with his pain.
7. Referring a client for differing religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or cultural background is called:
a. an appropriate referral.
b. a value imposition.
c. a discriminatory referral.
d. a value conflict.
8. The Death with Dignity Act is a law in which state?
a. New York
b. Texas
c. Oregon
d. California
9. Researchhasprovidedevidencethattherapists’valuesinfluence:
a. every phase of psychotherapy.
b. every phase of psychotherapy except for termination.
c. only the initial phase of psychotherapy.
d. no phase of psychotherapy if it is conducted properly.
10. Which of the following statements is most accurate?
a. Spirituality and religion tend to fluctuate in importance to Americans.
b. Freud believed that religious faith was important in the lives of his patients, which stemmed from his own
strong religious beliefs.
c. Counselors must understand their own spiritual/religious beliefs (or lack thereof) if they hope to gain an in-
depth appreciation of the beliefs of their clients.
d. When clients are searching for meaning in life, it is appropriate for therapists to strongly suggest they seek
religion as an answer.
11. According to researchers, counselor's personal religious values:
a. do not affect the therapeutic relationship.
b. only affect the therapeutic relationship when discussing spiritual issues.
c. should be ignored at all times.
d. may affect their therapeutic work, directly or indirectly, with clients presenting with end-of-life issues.
12. The U.S. District Court, in Julea Ward vs. Eastern Michigan University, ruled that:
a. the university was justified in dismissing the student for violating provisions of the code of ethics that prohibit
discrimination based on race, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, disability,
marital status/partnership, language preference, or socioeconomic status.
b. the university was justified to enforce standards expected of students in a counseling program, even when a
student objects on religious grounds.
c. the university was not justified in dismissing the student for violating provisions of the code of ethics that
prohibit discrimination based on race, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity,
disability, marital status/partnership, language preference, or socioeconomic status.
d. the university was not justified to enforce standards expected of students in a counseling program, even when
a student objects on religious grounds.
13. Which of the following is NOT true about referrals?
a. Referrals have become common practice among mental health service providers at the expense of exploring
other possibilities.
b. The overuse of client referral among mental health providers often involves discriminatory practices that are
c. Referring clients has been discussed frequently in professional journals.
d. The psychological community needs to critically examine why mental health practitioners may refer clients
over value conflicts and why these practitioners assume that such practices are appropriate, reasonable, and
14. It is important for the counselor to refrain from self-disclosing:
a. never.
b. when the self-disclosure will make it more difficult to establish a trusting relationship.
c. when the self-disclosure may help the client therapeutically.
d. always.
15. In Jennifer Keeton vs. Augusta State University, the federal appeals court:
a. upheld the decision that the university was justified in dismissing Ward for violating provisions of the code of
ethics that prohibit discrimination based on race, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, gender, gender
identity, disability, marital status/partnership, language preference, or socioeconomic status.
b. upheld the right of the university to enforce standards expected of students in a counseling program, even
when a student objects on religious grounds.
c. upheld the decision that the university was not justified in dismissing Ward for violating provisions of the code
of ethics.
d. decided the university did not have the right to enforce standards expected of students in a counseling
program, even when a student objects on religious grounds.
16. The value system of the counselor:
a. may be better than the client's.
b. is important to follow in therapy.
c. can determine the direction of counseling if it is not monitored.
d. never creates stress or unethical situations in the therapeutic relationship.
17. Marty believes that premarital sex is morally wrong. He has an agenda to convince his single clients to avoid having
sexual intercourse before they are married. This is referred to as:
a. value imposition.
b. good sense.
c. value exploration.
d. duty to protect.
18. It is NOT ethical to refer clients:
a. when the client's issue is out of the counselor's scope of work.
b. when the client requests a referral.
c. when the client no longer advances in treatment over a long period of time.
d. based solely on a difference of values between the counselor and the client.
19. The authors of this text view referrals:
a. as the best option when they face a clash of values with their clients.
b. as a moral imperative.
c. as the last resort.
d. as a need for the therapeutic relationship.
20. _____________istheappropriateandethicalcourseofactiontotakewhenaclient’sneedsareoutsidethescope
of your competence.
a. Referral
b. Privileged communication
c. Consultation with an attorney
d. Termination of services
21. The ability for counselors to manage their personal values so they do not contaminate the counseling process is
referred to as:
a. value conflicts.
b. value exploration.
c. discrimination.
d. bracketing.
22. From a legal perspective, mental health professionals are expected to exercise "reasonable care" in working with
clients who are considering abortion. If they fail to do so, clients can take legal action against them for:
a. negligence.
b. breach of confidentiality.
c. being unreasonable.
d. insufficient knowledge.
23. Disagreeing with a client or not liking what a client is proposing can create a:
a. value imposition.
b. value exploration.
c. value conflict.
d. personal value.
24. Which of the following is ethical when referring a client?
a. When a client discloses he or she consents in recreational sex
b. When the client's values regarding same-gender sex differs from your own
c. When a client discloses he or she is engaging in Internet infidelity
d. When the therapist engages in supervision to diminish the effects of the value conflict, attempting to help the
client in every way, but the client requests a referral because of his or her value differences
25. In dealing with clients who hold different values, you are advised to:
a. work collaboratively to identify and clarify their value system and determine the degree to which they are
living in accordance with their core beliefs and values.
b. persuade them to adopt your values.
c. persuade them to adopt the values of the counseling profession, which are based on the Judeo-Christian
d. forget about your own values temporarily.
26. If a therapist is secure in his or her own values:
a. he or she should use them to steer the client toward any direction he or she wants to in therapy.
b. he or she will not be threatened by really listening to, and deeply understanding, people who think differently or
do not share the same world view.
c. a referral to another therapist may be necessary.
d. he or she will focus on his or her problem rather than the client's.
27. The reason why many counselor education programs encourage or require personal therapy for counselors in
training is to engage in:
a. value imposition.
b. personal values.
c. value exploration.
d. value conflicts.
28. Value discrimination could be defined as:
a. when a counselor is too eager to suggest a referral when the client shares differing values on race, religion,
national origin, age, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, disability, marital status/partnership, language
preference, or socioeconomic status.
b. considering a referral only when you clearly lack the necessary skills to deal with the issues presented by the
c. a counselor directly attempting to influence a client to adopt their values, attitudes, beliefs, and behavior.
d. the ability of counselors to manage their personal values so they do not contaminate the counseling process.
29. The "freedom of conscience" clause states:
a. the client has the freedom to decide where to go in therapy.
b. the therapist has the right to refer clients because of spiritual beliefs.
c. the client has the right to know what the therapist is thinking.
d. mental health professionals will not put their licensure status in jeopardy by denying services to clients on the
basis of sincerely held religious beliefs.
30. A spiritual assessment provides:
a. insight into how a client relates to spirituality and religion and how this may be affecting the client.
b. the therapist with the opportunity to educate the client on the best religion to follow.
c. an opportunity for the therapist to relax and not listen as intently to the client.
d. minimal information about the client.

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