Chapter 2 A person who repeatedly commits crime and whose

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subject Pages 9
subject Words 2623
subject Authors Larry J. Siegel

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1. The is responsible for compiling the large database of statistics known as the Uniform
Crime Report.
2. The eight crimes, because of their seriousness and frequency, that the FBI reports on in an annual report and
include crimes such as murder, rape, and robbery are referred to as
3. is referred to as the unlawful attack against another for the purpose of inflicting severe bodily injury
4. The Federal Bureau of Investigations is the best known and most widely cited source
of official criminal statistics.
5. The unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or theft is known as a .
6. Crimes are cleared in two ways: through arrest, charging, and being turned over to the court or through
7. Traditionally, about percent of all reported index crimes are cleared by arrest each year.
8. In regard to the Uniform Crime Reports, the three areas of concern for validity and reliability issues are law
enforcement, reporting practices, and
9. The requires local law enforcement to provide a brief account of
each arrest within 22 categories of crime patterns.
10. is referred to as the selection of a limited number of people from a larger group for
11. The Bureau of Justice Statistics sponsors one of the largest victim-related surveys, known as the
12. A is a survey in which data about all variables related to a given
population are collected in order to determine crime rates.
13. A type of survey in which criminals are surveyed to gain a true representation of criminal offending not captured
by official measures such as the UCR are called ,
14. Selecting subjects based on their ethnic or racial background is known as
15. A sample of subjects whose behavior is followed over a period of time is referred to as a .
16. Global calculations show that roughly 450,000 people are murdered each year, with over one-third of these
deaths occurring in .
17. Most reported crimes occur during the months of August and .
18. are those committed by indigent people as a result of legitimate opportunities for economic
19. Crimes that have no purpose except accomplishing the goal at hand, for instance shooting somebody, are called
20. refers to the fact that as individuals get older, they are less likely to criminally offend.
21. The fact that low rates of offending are noticeable with females because of the idea that the criminal justice
system treats them lightly is referred to as the .
22. A controversial law in the state of allows for law enforcement to stop or detain
individuals they believe are in violation of immigration laws.
23. A person who repeatedly commits crime and whose life is centered around criminal activity is referred to as a
24. The 1972 landmark research by Wolfgang, Figlio, and Selling was titled
25. The assumption that those who commit deviant acts at a young age are more likely to offend as adults is referred
to as .
26. The best known and most widely cited source of official criminal statistics is known as:
a. The Bell Curve b. National Crime Victimization Survey
c. Uniform Incident Reporting Systems d. Uniform Crime Report
27. Which of the following crimes has the highest clearance rate because of arrests?
a. robbery b. murder
c. motor vehicle theft d. rape
28. Part I crimes are also referred to as and include murder, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated
assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, arson, and .
a. indices, embezzlement b. indices, domestic violence
c. index crimes, larceny d. index crimes, embezzlement
29. A research approach that asks participants, often prisoners, to describe their recent and lifetime criminal activity
is termed:
a. field observation b. cross-sectional research
c. a self-report survey d. meta-analysis
30. The Richmond, Virginia Police Department used to identify and target locations associated with
increased random gunfire during the previous year’s New Year’s Eve holiday in order to deploy police
resources to those areas.
a. dumpster diving b. meta-analysis
c. data mining d. systematic review
31. Observing a group of people who share a like characteristic, especially over time, is termed:
b. cross-sectional research
c. meta-analysis d. cohort research
32. If criminologists want to see the direct effect of one factor on another, such as determining whether playing
violent video games will cause players to act aggressively, they conduct:
a. experimental research b. aggregate data research
c. cohort research d. survey research
33. Because cohort research is extremely difficult and time-consuming, another approach is to take an intact cohort
from the past and collect data from their educational, family, police, and hospital records. This research format is
known as a/an:
a. reverse cohort study. b. transplant study.
c. exposition cohort study. d. retrospective cohort study.
34. Which of the following best portrays the validity concern/s which impact data collection methods for the UCR?
a. reporting practices b. methodological problems
c. reporting practices and law
enforcement practices
d. reporting practices, methodological problems, and law
enforcement practices
35. Although differences between the UCR and the NCVS abound, the greatest distinction between the two is:
a. the ability of the NCVS to identify crimes committed
against those under the age of twelve.
b. the ability of the UCR to identify the
social dimension of fear.
c. the ability of the UCR to measure unreported crime. d. the ability of the NCVS to measure
unreported crime.
36. The combination of North and South American account for 31% of the world homicides ranking this area
a. first b. second
c. third d. tenth
37. According to statistics in the text, how many gang members are in the United States?
a. 100,000 b. 400,000
c. 650,000 d. 800,000
38. Most crimes occur in July and August with the exception of murder which occurs frequently in
a. December and January b. September and October
c. February and March d. May and June
39. About 2/3s of murders and 40% of robberies include firearms with the weapon of choice most often a:
a. uzi b. shotgun
c. handgun d. taser
40. When measured with UCR data, official statistics indicate that crime rates in inner cities and high poverty areas
are generally compared to wealthier, higher class neighborhoods.
a. higher b. lower
c. the same d. too difficult to measure
41. Because of the amount of disposable income at this time of the month, crime rates may be higher.
a. on the first day of the month b. on the fifteenth day of the month
c. at the end of the month d. Crime is consistent throughout the month
42. A crime, in general, is most likely to occur under which set of the following conditions?
a. on an August day with a temperature of 80
c. on an April day with a temperature of 78
b. on a July day with a temperature of 98 degrees
d. on a November day with a temperature of 67
43. The phrase the ecology of crime refers which of the following variables?
a. gender and age b. social class and economics
c. race and ethnicity d. season and climate
44. The hypothesis that teens and kids commit crime in groups more often than they act individually is known as the:
a. symmetry hypothesis b. group offending hypothesis
c. association hypothesis d. co-offending hypothesis
45. are associated with those living in poverty who engage in disproportionate amounts of rape
and assault as a means of expressing their rage, frustration, and anger against society.
a. Instrumental crimes b. Expressive crimes
c. Double marginality crimes d. Strict-liability crimes
46. Those unable to obtain desired goods and services through conventional means may consequently resort to theft
and other illegal activities. These activities are known as:
a. instrumental crimes. b. expressive crimes.
c. double marginality crimes. d. strict-liability crimes.
47. Elderly males (over the age of 65) are primarily arrested more often for , while elderly females are
arrested for .
a. murder, larceny b. alcohol-related crimes, larceny
c. larceny, forgery d. alcohol-related crimes, embezzlement
48. For every one murder perpetrated by a female, how many murders are perpetrated by males?
a. three b. seven
c. eleven d. fifteen
49. The masculine hypothesis, which stated that most female crime was committed by more masculine females who
possessed male traits, was developed by:
a. Keith Bell. b. Paul Klenowski.
c. Cesare Lombroso. d. Albert Cohen.
50. The belief that lower rates of criminal offending by females can be explained by their second-class standing in
society is called:
a. The Citadel hypothesis. b. Conservative feminist theory.
c. Marxist feminist theory. d. Liberal feminist theory.
51. According to the hypothesis, the criminality of females is masked because of the generally benevolent
and protective attitude toward women in our society.
a. masculinity b. chivalry
c. feminist d. magnanimity
52. According to recent UCR data, which of the following statements is most true?
a. Teen crime has risen sharply while adult crime
has dropped slowly.
c. Teen crime has risen at a rate of nearly four to
one as compared with adult crime.
b. Teen crime has dropped at a rate of over three to
one as compared with adult crime.
d. No clear difference is noticeable between teen
and adult crime rates.
53. The belief that as the percentage of minorities increases in a population, so does the added attention and stress
placed on this group by police presence, is known as .
a. Wendall Holmes theory b. racial threat hypothesis
c. double marginality hypothesis d. minority profiling hypothesis
54. Wolfgang and colleagues' research depicted that a small percentage of the population was responsible for a
large percentage of crime. These individuals are known as:
a. chronic offenders. b. criminal typology offenders.
c. the delinquent subculture. d. nonutilitarian offenders.

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