Chapter 13 The Identification Children With Physical Disabilities

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 3375
subject Authors James J Gallagher, Mary Ruth Coleman, Samuel Kirk

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1. The movement served as a model for the American disabilities rights movement.
2. The first major legislative act for individuals with physical disabilities was passed in
a. 1917.
b. 1954.
c. 1975.
d. 1990.
3. New have created advances in mobility, communication, and independent functioning for
individuals with physical disabilities.
a. laws
b. technologies
c. curricula
d. schedules
4. Why is it difficult to develop a succinct definition of multiple and severe disabilities?
a. Because of the varied and diverse combination of characteristics possessed by these children
b. Because of the difficulties of recognizing multiple disabilities
c. Because the medical profession has refused to recognize multiple disabilities
d. Because only individuals who have had the cause of their disabilities diagnosed can be included in the
5. The most common type of neural tube defect is
a. cerebral palsy.
b. muscular dystrophy.
c. spina bifida.
d. Duchenne's dystrophy.
6. When cerebral palsy affects just one side of the body, the paralysis is called
a. diplegia.
b. hemiplegia.
c. quadriplegia.
d. paraplegia.
7. An inherited, progressive disorder of the muscles that affect movement and function is called
a. cerebral palsy.
b. muscular dystrophy.
c. spina bifida.
d. TBI.
8. Muscle tone that is abnormally high and that increases during activity is characteristic of
a. extrapyramidal cerebral palsy.
b. choreoathetoid cerebral palsy.
c. spastic cerebral palsy.
d. mixed type cerebral palsy.
9. A blank expression, lack of awareness of surroundings, and an inability to be awakened are characteristic of
a. a myclonic seizure.
b. an absence seizure.
c. a tonic-clonic seizure.
d. a mixed seizure.
10. The most common condition involving impairments in vision and hearing that worsens over time is
a. Usher syndrome.
b. cerebral palsy.
c. Prader-Willi syndrome.
d. fetal alcohol syndrome.
11. A form of cerebral palsy that affect the abnormal voluntary movement involving balance
a. ataxic.
b. mixed.
c. dyskinetic.
d. myclonic.
12. Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease that affects a child's
a. breathing alone.
b. respiration and digestion.
c. intelligence and motor ability.
d. neurological development.
13. According to the Department of Education (2009), approximately what percentage of the students who receive
special education services in this country have been identified as having multiple disabilities?
a. 0.07 percent
b. 1.6 percent
c. 2.2 percent
d. 5 percent
14. Movements that are uncoordinated, uncontrolled, and jerky are characteristic of
a. extrapyramidal cerebral palsy.
b. ataxia cerebral palsy.
c. spastic cerebral palsy.
d. mixed type cerebral palsy.
15. Ken sustained an injury to his spinal cord that resulted in paralysis in both legs. Ken's condition is referred to as
a. diplegia.
b. hemiplegia.
c. paraplegia.
d. quadriplegia.
16. Discuss cerebral palsy, including the causes and the four different forms of the disorder and how this affects the
childs education.
17. _________________ refers to a disorder of movement and posture caused by damage to the motor control centers
of the brain.
conditions. is a promising but ethically complex treatment currently being researched for many genetic
19. Sickle cell anemia, asthma, attention deficit disorders, diabetes, and epilepsy are all conditions categorized as
____________________ by IDEA 2004.
20. Kelly has cystic fibrosis. Her disease is one that affects many organs in the body, especially the
a. lungs.
b. kidneys.
c. liver.
d. brain.
21. Cerebral palsey includes four major classifications: (a)
________________, and (d) _________________.
, (b) , (c)
22. Which of the following is true concerning epilepsy?
a. It is very difficult to diagnose.
b. Most people with epilepsy have below-normal intelligence.
c. Medication usually prevents adequate performance in school.
d. It can usually be controlled by medication.
the joints.
a. Spina bifida
begins before the age of 16 and causes swelling, stiffness, effusion, pain and tenderness in
b. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
c. Duchenne's
d. Cerebral palsy
24. Which of the following is NOT classified as a health impairment?
a. Asthma
b. Epilepsy
c. Diabetes
d. Cerebral palsy
25. are tests that are “standardized” on groups of children to allow us to compare an individual
child’s score with the typical score for other children in his or her age group.
26. The identification of children with physical disabilities and health impairments is primarily the responsibility of
a. educational diagnosticians.
b. parents.
c. physicians.
d. teachers.
27. An assessment procedure that can be effective in evaluating the progress of students with severe disabilities is
a. portfolio assessment.
b. norm-referenced assessment.
c. standardized achievement testing.
d. individual intelligence testing.
28. One of the major research findings about including persons with multiple and severe disabilities in general education
classrooms is that the participation increases their
a. self-management and time management skills.
b. cognitive and communication skills.
c. social and interpersonal skills.
d. recreational and leisure skills.
29. The goal of inclusion is simply to improve the student with disabilities' social competence.
a. True
b. False
30. An example of an RtI Tier III support for a student with physical disabilities is
a. general classroom instructional support.
b. occupational therapy sessions.
c. an in-class tutor for mathematics.
d. small group sessions focused on communication skills.
31. Teachers can facilitate the social and emotional adjustment of their students with physical disabilities by
a. increasing the understanding of the disability.
b. deemphasizing the quality of life.
c. providing work that is easy for them.
d. decreasing the feelings of self-control.
32. An expanded core curriculum for students with physical disabilities
a. includes functional and life skills.
b. can only be provided by a physical therapist.
c. can only be provided in a self-contained special education classroom.
d. can only be provided in RTI Tier I.
33. Elizabeth, a 15-year-old with severe disabilities, has learned to make a bed at school in the life-skills program. She is
unable to make her bed at home, however, most likely because
a. her bed at home is too dissimilar to the bed at school.
b. she cannot generalize the skill from one environment to another.
c. her bed at home is more difficult to make than the bed at school.
d. her teacher is not there to help her.
34. If a skill is to be functional, it should be
a. vocationally oriented.
b. academically oriented.
c. based on strategy use.
d. age appropriate.
35. Discuss some of the problems related to educational assessment with students with physical disabilities.
36. Age-appropriate skills are based on the child's
a. mental age.
b. developmental stage.
c. social and cognitive ability levels.
d. chronological age.
37. Skills that promote autonomous behavior, independence in making choices about leisure activities, and safety skills
are called
a. compensatory skills.
b. developmental skills.
c. self-determination skills.
d. preventive skills.
38. The main objective of the primary and secondary curricula for students with severe disabilities is
a. earning a high school diploma.
b. attending a vocational or technical school.
c. developing functional skills.
d. securing full-time employment.
39. Special learning aids are sometimes needed by students who are physically disabled. Which of the following
professionals is primarily responsible for determining the specific aids the child needs?
a. The occupational therapist
b. The regular classroom teacher
c. The special education teacher
d. The teacher aide
40. Adaptive positioning equipment is used to
a. help children perform functional skills.
b. promote good body alignment.
c. allow children with physical disabilities to participate in sports.
d. all of these.
41. Most students with physical disabilities are now being educated in
a. private schools.
b. public schools.
c. schools for cognitively impaired children.
d. schools for the physically disabled.
42. If you want to teach a skill to an individual with multiple disabilities, it is best to
a. use precision teaching.
b. teach the skill in the environment in which it will be used.
c. teach using direct instruction.
d. use applied behavioral analyses.
43. Which of the following is an example of a functional skill?
a. Folding clothes
b. Folding a sheet of paper
c. Sitting at a desk
d. Smiling at a friend
44. Two concepts that reflect the trend to have students with multiple disabilities to make decisions about their own lives
a. normalization and actual participation.
b. self determination and self advocacy.
c. role valorization and authentic participation.
d. self application and self promotion.
45. A Dynavox is an example of
a. a type of medication for seizure disorders.
b. an augmented and alternative communication device.
c. an adaptive positioning device.
d. an auditory integration systems.
46. Transition programs from school to adult life aim for lifestyles for people with multiple and severe disabilities that
a. develop their participation in the world of work.
b. prescribe their relationships with others.
c. avoid the need for extensive use of public transportation.
d. include complex tasks and supervising others.
47. A person who plans for and assists an individual with disabilities in the transition from high school to a community
setting is called a
a. rehabilitation counselor.
b. parent.
c. transition coordinator.
d. job coach.
48. Family members of children with severe disabilities can benefit from
a. counseling.
b. economic assistance.
c. qualified respite care for their child.
d. all of these.

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