Chapter 12 Communication State Standards United States Disc 12 Purpose

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subject Authors Amy Newman

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61. When answering a question during a group interview, focus on the person who asked the question.
a. True
b. False
62. Always prepare a list of ten questions to ask during an interview.
a. True
b. False
63. You may research salaries in your job field by using Internet sites such as
a. True
b. False
64. When evaluating your performance after a job interview, think of more effective responses to questions that you
answered unsatisfactorily.
a. True
b. False
65. Although Google prides itself on timely communication, it has reported employers taking up to four weeks to
contact candidates.
a. True
b. False
66. The purpose of writing a thank-you note after an interview is to sell yourself again.
a. True
b. False
67. You can send the interviewer a typed thank-you note or an email message, but not a handwritten letter.
a. True
b. False
68. You should use the direct organizational pattern when writing a thank-you note after a job interview.
a. True
b. False
69. After expressing appreciation for the interview, your thank-you letter should mention a specific incident that
occurred or a specific insight gained from the interview.
a. True
b. False
70. Close your post-interview thank-you note with a tactful request for a second interview.
a. True
b. False
71. One way to learn etiquette rules for a particular organization is through observation.
a. True
b. False
72. Each organization has its own rules about business etiquette.
a. True
b. False
73. If you are new to a job, you should introduce yourself to the people you work with.
a. True
b. False
74. Using a person's name in conversation immediately after being introduced helps fix the name in your memory.
a. True
b. False
75. As the host of a business meal in a restaurant, assume you will be in the preferred seat and will take the lead in
ordering the meal.
a. True
b. False
76. After you host a business meal, it is polite to send a follow-up note thanking your guest for attending.
a. True
b. False
77. It is appropriate to take leftovers home after a business meal. It shows that you are conscience about money.
a. True
b. False
78. Personal gifts such as jewelry or perfume are appropriate only for business clients, not for colleagues.
a. True
b. False
79. Out of courtesy, always request permission before entering someone's cubicle.
a. True
b. False
80. Yourrésuméshouldbedesignedto
a. show your creativity and problem-solving capabilities.
b. focus on your skills, references, and education.
c. help you network to identify open positions.
d. get you an interview.
81. Howlongdoemployersspendreviewingrésumés?
a. An hour.
b. 15 minutes.
c. 30 minutes.
d. 60 seconds.
82. Ifyourecentlygraduatedfromcollegeandareseekinganentrylevelposition,yourrésuméshould
a. be one page long unless your circumstances are unusual.
b. be at least two pages long to include your complete job history.
c. emphasize your personal history rather than your education.
d. make strengths out of any minor weaknesses.
83. Themostseriousmistakethatjobcandidatesmakewhenpreparingtheirrésumésis
a. missing grammatical errors.
b. missing typographical errors.
c. not describing their previous job functions.
d. including so much that the document is excessively long.
84. Whenpreparingarésumé,youshouldnot
a. use bulleted lists for items such as job responsibilities.
b. use three or four typefaces for variety.
c. use lots of white space for readability.
d. emphasize and subordinate points as needed.
85. Mostrecruiterspreferarésumétobe
a. one page.
b. two pages.
c. three pages.
d. four pages.
86. Youmayhighlightimportantcontentinyourrésumébyusing
a. red type.
b. double-spacing throughout.
c. font enhancements (bold or italics) and bullets.
d. a large font of 14 pt. or higher.
87. Résumésmustbeginwith
a. education.
b. work experience.
c. professional development.
d. contact information.
88. How far back should you list your work history?
a. five years
b. 12 years
c. ten years
d. 20 years
89. Functionalrésumésfocuson
a. skills and job functions.
b. your education.
c. your degree.
d. your awards.
90. If you stopped working for five years to care for a family member you should choose to do a
a. chronologicalrésumé.
b. functionalrésumé.
c. modifiedrésumé.
d. computerrésumé.
91. You may include in your work experience
a. organizations to which you belong.
b. internships and volunteer work.
c. high school club affiliations.
d. awards.
92. Theidentificationinformationonarésuméshouldincludeallofthefollowingexcept
a. your name as you normally sign it (with or without a middle name or initial).
b. a telephone number where you can be reached.
c. your college and home addresses if you will soon be moving.
d. your preferred personal title (Mr., Mrs., Ms.).
93. What would a recruiter be likely to think about the following job objective? "A challenging position that lets me
apply my education and experience and allows for increased responsibilities over time."
a. The objective is too vague to be useful.
b. The objective reveals a lot about the applicant.
c. The objective is specific and personalized.
d. The objective excludes the applicant from many positions.
94. Ifyouarearecentcollegegraduate,yourrésuméshould
a. include a lengthy list of your courses.
b. include keywords referring to your education.
c. include an objective referring to your education.
d. show your work experience before your education.
e. show your education before your work background.
95. Afteryourfreshmanyearincollege,theeducationsectionofyourrésuméshouldnotinclude
a. your high school information.
b. your major course of study.
c. the title of your degree.
d. your expected date of graduation.
96. Whichstatementregardingtheworkexperiencesectionofarésuméiscorrect?
a. The functional arrangement is most appropriate when you have a strong continuing work history.
b. The chronological arrangement organizes your experience by type of skills.
c. The functional arrangement is more appropriate when you are moving into an entirely different line of work.
d. The chronological arrangement lists work experience from your earliest jobs to your most recent.
97. Yourrésuméshouldreflectallofthefollowingexcept
a. strong communication skills.
b. your innovativeness.
c. a pattern of increasing work responsibility.
d. chronological keywords.
98. Whichwordorphrasewouldbemosteffectiveindescribingpreviousjobdutiesonarésumé?
a. attempted
b. made an effort
c. hoped
d. achieved
99. The work description "Supervised the successful installation of a new wireless networking system" is appropriate
a. subordinates a previous work achievement.
b. shows that the candidate is innovative and reliable.
c. is concrete and indicates a specific accomplishment.
d. uses action verbs that recruiters seek as keywords.
100. Identifythecorrectguidelineforcomposingthejobdescriptionsectionofarésumé.
a. Always write in complete sentences.
b. Choose general words.
c. Avoid quantifying accomplishments until you can explain them in the interview.
d. Start each job description with an action verb.
101. Ofthefollowingjobdescriptionsonarésumé,whichdoesnotbeginwithanactionverb?
a. Created customer databases with complex queries.
b. Maintained appointment calendars for seven executives.
c. Organized manuscript topics in a logical sequence.
d. Responsible for warehouse inventory.
102. Ifyouhavelittleornoworkexperience,yourrésuméshould
a. use the chronological organizational pattern, putting job history first.
b. show how skills you developed through volunteering or civic groups are transferable to the job.
c. omit any volunteer work because you were not paid for these activities.
d. subordinate statements of minor accomplishments that are directly related to the job.
103. Whichofthefollowingcharacteristicsorqualificationsshouldnotbelistedonarésumé?
a. religion
b. fluency in a second language
c. any special awards or recognition related to the job you want
d. involvement in extracurricular activities
104. Recruitersusuallyexpecttoseeallofthefollowingonarésuméexcept
a. your job objective.
b. any special skills or talents.
c. your personal references.
d. the names of previous employers.
105. Whatofthefollowingguidelinesaboutputtingreferencesonarésuméisaccurate?
a. You should include recommendation statements along with reference information.
b. You should include names and complete contact information for all your references.
c. You should include all character references when applying for jobs.
d. You should note "References available on request" so that you will know when your references will be
106. Whichofthefollowingisnotabenefitofelectronicrésumés?
a. The job seeker might be considered for jobs he or she didn't know about.
b. Alargenumberofemployerscanpotentiallyhaveaccesstotherésumé.
c. Employerscansearchthroughcomputerizedrésumédatabasesfasterthantheycanreadthroughprinted
d. Multiple keywords can be positioned in hypertext links to highlight work accomplishments.
107. Thepurposeofusingappropriatekeywordstodescribeyourcharacteristicsandcredentialsinanelectronicrésumé
is to
a. concisely and honestly describe your work history.
b. emphasize action verbs that show what you have accomplished.
c. haveyourrésuméchosenbyanautomatedrésumésystem.
d. make a consistent and professional impression.
108. Tomakeyourrésumécomputerfriendly,youshouldnot
a. use nouns that people in your industry recognize.
b. rely on action verbs to summarize your abilities.
c. choose a variety of words to describe your skills.
d. put keywords in proper context throughout.
109. Whichofthefollowingisavalidguidelineforformattinganelectronicrésumé?
a. Vary your typefaces to attract attention.
b. Use spaces instead of tabs to indent text.
c. Restrict the length to one page.
d. Use horizontal or vertical rules for graphic interest.
110. Whichislistedfirstonafunctionalrésumé?
a. Summary of Qualifications or Skills
b. Awards and Certifications
c. References
d. Organization Affiliations
111. Whichofthefollowingisnotasuggestionfordevelopingachronologicalrésumé?
a. Begin with your work experience.
b. Include a photograph of yourself.
c. Develop your job responsibilities.
d. Use plenty of white space and make section headings stand out.
112. When you write in response to an advertised job opening, you are sending a(n) ____ application letter.
a. solicited
b. blind
c. prospecting
d. unsolicited
113. When writing an effective cover letter you should
a. highlight how your background specifically matches the job qualifications.
b. tell the employer how much you expect to be paid.
c. ask the employer about how to earn vacation and sick time.
d. tell the employer your college GPA.
114. In the last paragraph of your cover letter, it is essential that you
a. give information about your college transcripts.
b. give your qualifications.
c. tell the potential employer that you will call them in seven-ten days.
d. ask for a personal interview.
115. When writing the body of your cover letter, you should
a. beconsistentandusethesamewordingusedinyourrésumé.
b. avoidrepeatingalloftheinformationonyourrésumé.
c. tell the potential employer your job experience for the past 20 years.
d. explain gaps in your employment.
116. A networking email
a. accompaniesyourrésuméwhenyouareapplyingforaspecificjob.
b. is an email sent to your interviewer that summarizes your job-related strengths.
demonstrates interest in a company when you do not know of a specific position.
c. demonstrates interest in a company when you do not know of a specific position.
d. is an email you send to your Facebook friends when you are looking for a job.
117. A cover letter is like what type of letter?
a. a request
b. a good-news letter
c. a collection letter
d. a sales letter
118. Your job-application letter should not
a. include specific evidence of your qualifications.
b. show confidence in yourself and your abilities.
c. mentiontheminorpointsofyourrésumé.
d. stress reader benefits.
119. Which of the following salutations should you use in a job-application letter when you cannot determine the name of
the person who will interview you?
a. Dear Sir
b. Dear Human Resources Manager
c. To Whom It May Concern
d. Madam or Sir
120. If you were writing an unsolicited application letter, which of the following would be the most effective strategy for
gaining the reader's attention?
a. Use direct organization, stating the position for which you are applying.
b. Use an indirect, conservative opening that demonstrates your creative abilities.
c. Open with a concise summary of your accomplishments and qualifications.
d. Use your opening to show that you know something about the company and how you might contribute to it.

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