Chapter 11 You Can Adapt Your Talk Based Nonverbal

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subject Pages 14
subject Words 3349
subject Authors Amy Newman

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61. When practicing the presentation use appropriate language, voice qualities, gestures, and good posture.
a. True
b. False
62. If your mind goes blank during a presentation, keep talking, even if you repeat some of the information from earlier
in your talk.
a. True
b. False
63. If you "talk with your hands" that is okay as long as it is presented as natural.
a. True
b. False
64. Memorizing the first few sentences of your presentation can boost your confidence when anxiety is highest.
a. True
b. False
65. Before a presentation, focus on the main points that you want to make rather than using mental imagery to visualize
yourself giving your speech.
a. True
b. False
66. It is a good idea to record your practice session.
a. True
b. False
67. Unless your presentation is complex or informal, save any question-and-answer period until the end.
a. True
b. False
68. Practice the introduction, summary of key points, and conclusion the most.
a. True
b. False
69. If you anticipate that the audience will have many questions about your presentation, you should allow extra time at
the end so you can provide complete answers.
a. True
b. False
70. You should repeat each question from the audience before you answer it, to ensure that your listeners hear both
question and answer.
a. True
b. False
71. If no one asks a question during the question-and-answer period, you might want to break the ice by discussing
questions that other audiences have posed.
a. True
b. False
72. Immediately after every presentation, evaluate your performance so you can pinpoint what worked and what didn't
a. True
b. False
73. When critiquing your performance, concentrate only on how well you delivered the material during the presentation,
not on pre-presentation activities.
a. True
b. False
74. To avoid anxiety, practice, develop a positive attitude, and concentrate on friendly faces.
a. True
b. False
75. Which statement about the degree of formality for a presentation is correct?
a. Presentations for small groups should be more formal than presentations for large audiences.
b. Your presentation should be less formal when you expect the audience to include individuals from other
c. When you anticipate repeating a presentation, you should make the presentation more formal.
d. Routine topics require a more formal presentation.
e. Complex topics or proposals concerning critical issues require a more formal presentation.
76. Which of the following is not a typical purpose of most business presentations?
a. explaining
b. motivating
c. reporting
d. persuading
e. enhancing
77. A publisher's presentation to a group of authors to describe how the publishing process works has the purpose of
a. reporting.
b. explaining.
c. persuading.
d. motivating.
e. enhancing.
78. A presentation in which sales representatives receive up-to-date information on new products has the purpose of
a. reporting.
b. explaining.
c. lecturing.
d. persuading.
e. motivating.
79. Knowing your purpose enables you to ____ after you deliver your presentation.
a. analyze your audience
b. understand your audience's motivations
c. evaluate the quality of data
d. review the quality of visual aids
e. assess your effectiveness
80. When you plan an oral presentation, you should do all of the following except
a. understand your audience's needs and knowledge.
b. define your purpose.
c. decide on the timing.
d. decide on the delivery method.
e. simulate the actual presentation conditions.
81. Identify a psychological need that you should analyze when learning about the audience for an oral presentation.
a. age
b. organizational status
c. attitudes
d. education
e. demographics
82. Presentations to small groups
a. require more of a "you" attitude than talks to larger groups.
b. increase the presenter's options for visual aids.
c. require very emphatic gestures to oversell the key ideas.
d. are delivered in a more formal tone than normal conversations.
e. require time to understand any heterogeneous listeners.
83. If you believe your listeners are likely to be hostile to you or your message, your presentation will have to
a. include few examples to avoid overwhelming the audience.
b. be more modest, downplaying your credentials.
c. use language that is familiar to the majority of the audience.
d. establish your credibility and possibly quote other experts.
e. use complex terminology to demonstrate your mastery of the material.
84. Why should you meet with some members of your audience as you do your planning before making a presentation?
a. to evaluate the quality of the data they have provided
b. to gather data supporting your main points
c. to control the space and time allotted to your talk
d. to oversell yourself and your idea
e. to understand and be able to address their specific concerns
85. You may be extremely effective if you memorize the ____ of your presentation.
a. first or last section
b. body
c. supporting details
d. key phrases
e. script
86. If you memorize your presentation for delivery, you may
a. include too many details in the body of the speech.
b. have greater flexibility than with other delivery methods.
c. have your eyes on your speech rather than on the audience.
d. sound mechanical and lack spontaneity.
e. read from your notes to prompt your memory.
87. Which of the following is not an advantage of delivering a presentation by speaking from notes?
a. You can compose the exact wording as you speak, so you sound more conversational.
b. Your notes ensure that you cover the main topics.
c. Referring to notes keeps you focused and organized.
d. You will be able to cover every detail of a complex, technical, or controversial topic.
e. You can adapt your talk based on nonverbal cues from the audience.
88. Which of the following is not a recommended guideline for preparing notes for a presentation?
a. Number the pages or index cards.
b. Use large letters on your note cards.
c. Type the notes in all capital letters for easy reading.
d. Write on only one side of the note card.
e. Consider including notes about emphasis and pauses.
89. When planning the opening of your presentation, your aim is to do all of the following except
a. capture audience interest.
b. build rapport with your listeners.
c. make a good first impression on the audience.
d. introduce the topic.
e. make excuses for your lack of time or preparation.
90. Which of the following is not an effective attention-getting opener for a business presentation?
a. quoting a well-known individual
b. building interest by not defining the scope of your remarks
c. presenting a hypothetical situation to stimulate thought
d. stating a startling fact or statistic
e. discussing a personal experience related to the topic
91. Which opening sentence weakens your credibility as a speaker?
a. Give us liberty, or give us death.
b. During the next hour, 30 people will die in car crashes.
c. How many people feel tied to their cell phones?
d. I wish I had had more time to prepare for this presentation.
e. Today, I'll cover three ways to get the most from your paycheck.
92. Which organizational plan would be most effective for the body of a presentation discussing various alternatives
based on certain conditions or standards?
a. criteria
b. order of importance
c. direct sequence
d. chronology
e. cause/effect/solution
93. A presentation that first mentions unsafe working conditions and how unsafe conditions contribute to high employee
turnover, followed by suggested remedies, follows the ____ organizational plan.
a. criteria
b. order of importance
c. direct sequence
d. chronological
e. cause/effect/solution
94. Which of the following is not credible evidence that you can use to support a point in your presentation?
a. specific examples
b. actual experiences
c. facts and statistics
d. emotional language
e. quotations from experts
95. When you know that a proposal you are presenting has several negative aspects, you
a. must address each point in great detail to avoid losing credibility.
b. should disregard or discredit the negative points as you build your case.
c. should mention important pros and cons and show that your proposal is still valid.
d. can effectively weaken the argument against any unsupportive evidence.
e. should wait to discuss these points if questions about them arise.
96. The ending of your presentation should
a. summarize the main points you made.
b. include a quotation from a famous person.
c. refer to the lack of time for more supporting evidence.
d. avoid conclusions and recommendations that could bias the audience.
e. fade out slowly to leave your audience on a high note.
97. Which of the following is not a correct guideline for using humor in presentations?
a. Avoid humor when covering very serious topics.
b. Offensive language and singling out one ethnic group are never appropriate.
c. "I heard a funny story the other day" is not an effective lead-in to humorous remarks.
d. Avoid directing humor at yourself, which hurts your credibility as a speaker.
e. Humor is most effective when it comes as a surprise to the audience.
98. The role of the team leader in a collaborative presentation is to
a. manage planning and handle delivery for coherence purposes.
b. have overall project responsibility and develop a cohesive strategy.
c. assign roles early in the process to avoid running out of time.
d. provide a presentation template for consistency in visual aids.
e. ensure that all group members participate equally in all aspects of the presentation.
99. Identify the correct statement about collaborative presentations.
a. The coordinator should ensure that all group members receive equal "podium time" during the presentation.
b. To avoid problems, each member should be involved with all aspects of the presentation.
c. As long as individual members practice their sections, a full rehearsal is not necessary.
d. The overall presentation should look as if it were prepared and delivered by one individual.
e. Provide definite breaks between speakers and between topics to allow the audience time for reflection.
100. All of the following will help achieve coherence in a team presentation except
a. using a presentation template so visual aids look consistent.
b. defining a technical term every time it is used, to avoid confusion.
c. deciding beforehand on the best tone, format, and organization.
d. deciding in advance how to refer to your visual aidsas charts, slides, or overheads, or with some other
e. planning how the team will handle questions from the audience.
101. One of the greatest challenges involved in rehearsing team presentations is
a. planning who will do the research and who will deliver each part of the talk.
b. how to prepare a presentation template to ensure consistency.
c. avoiding nonverbal signs that weaken the case.
d. assigning roles too early in the project.
e. coordinating introductions and transitions.
102. When rehearsing a team presentation, you should
a. aim your remarks at the highest-ranking person in the audience.
b. refrain from adding to another member's response unless you are mentioning an omission.
c. give feedback tactfully and accept it gracefully.
d. pay attention to your posture to convey confidence and credibility.
e. encourage spontaneity in introductions to build rapport.
103. One reason not to use visual aids in your presentation is that they
a. help the audience understand what you are saying.
b. help you persuade your audience.
c. bombard the senses.
d. make you look professional.
e. enhance audience interest.
104. The goal of using visual aids is to
a. immerse the audience in data.
b. duplicate illustrations and tables from reports and journals.
c. impress the audience with your technological skills.
d. express your ideas effectively.
e. provide a crutch to guide you through the presentation.
105. When preparing slides or transparencies, you should not
a. use about seven lines of text per visual.
b. show no more than 40 characters per line.
c. type the text in all capital letters.
d. use plenty of white space.
e. include no more than three columns of data.

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